Are you willing to host an illegal alien family to ease your state’s resources?

| January 14, 2024

Elon Musk commented on a story about a New York City school. They asked their students to do their studies remotely so that the city could temporarily house illegal aliens in the gym. Musk mentioned the limited number of establishments that could be used to house illegal aliens. What happens when they run out of space in these hotels, schools, or other locations that they have made available to illegal aliens? Musk referenced events such as Governor Healey asking her state’s residents to step up and offer rooms in their homes to help with the crisis.

From The New York Post:

“School is closed tomorrow because illegals will be sleeping in the school’s gym. This is disgraceful! NYC is prioritizing illegals over Americans,” wrote LibsofTikTok, which shared the footage.

The migrants were moved into the school around 5 p.m. on Tuesday as a storm precaution, with local officials concerned that torrential rains and powerful winds would collapse a massive migrant tent at Floyd Bennett Field.

Though the roughly 1,900 asylum seekers were reportedly cleared out of the school by 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday, the school remained remote on Wednesday at the principal’s request, City Hall said.

LibsofTikTok told Musk his bet that migrants will be housed in Americans’ homes is “already happening,” citing a Boston 25 News article from August headlined: “Governor Healey asks residents to house migrant families amid growing shelter crisis.”

Over the summer, Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey declared a state of emergency over an influx of migrants, urging the federal government and the state’s own residents to step up support for the crisis, which she claimed at the time caused a “severe lack of shelter availability.”

The New York Post has additional information here.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Eric (The former OC Tanker)

No. Next question.


I’ll take as many as you got. My address is:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Just ask for Joey


Absolutely, I’ve already put in a request for a housekeeper, cook and a gardener. If we’re going to do this oligarchy right, we need to have a reliable underclass to do our s*** jobs.


I didn’t stock up on Ukrainian Love Brides during the BOGO sale of early 2022, so I’m not touching this one


They are good for lovey dovey but not so much cleaning up and cooking. Borscht is shit and you can only eat Chicken Kyiv but so many times a week. But we have to repopulate after the wars. Everybody has to make sacrifices.


Will Gov Healey be hosting these illegals in the Gov Mansion and her personal home? No? ok then.


Biden and Obama have multiple homes, Bernie’s probably not using the lake house. Lead by example!

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto the Clintons and Bernie Sanders, fuckin’-A, ALL of the rich liberals!


If Maura and Lloyd got together on this we would have
an Ausin / Healey.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Rim Shot for Beans


Let’s not forget Hollywood. Those that say we should take them in should be leading by example.

A Proud Infidel®™

As well as the rich liberals in Malibu!


They can do their Rose imitation at Charley Sheens house. They have already proven they can walk long distances, so climbing up a balcony should be a piece of cake.

Hack Stone

The Democrats destroying our nation with self murder (suicidal) policies leave it to the taxpayers to pick up the tab. Are the citizens supposed to absorb the cost of hosting non-relatives who have not been verified to be free of disease or criminal background, or with the State and Federal Government setup up new offices with massive overhead and the ability to steer funds to their co-conspirators? Magic 8-Ball says all signs point to co-conspirators.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone is more than willing to step up and offer refuge to one of these destitute migrants. In fact, Hack Stone already has a French Maid costume for said housemate. Unfortunately, so far the only one it fits of the immigrants seeking shelter is Miguel, a 26 year old from El Salvador with a shaved head covered in tattoos.


Put a wig on the dome and you won’t even know the difference.


Until he is the dom when it is time for some BDSM.


Dudes are pink on the inside too


Guv Healy and Goldilocks have several things in common. Mainly, taking the assets of others. I don’t even like having to share oxygen with these ILLEGAL invaders. I’m with Br’er Bear on this.

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No. Let me rephrase that. No fuckin’way. Liberal states, welcome to the reality that border states have dealt with for decades. You wanted to be a sanctuary for illegal aliens, you get them. You’ll get no sympathy, no money, or a single fuck from me. You think your residents should house illegals? You first. We’re being invaded and you’re enabling it.



Hells to the NO! I’ve got three teenaged daughters, a plethora of firearms, and zero desire for unknown criminals to cohabitate with me. Now, were I not married; I might be receptive to an attractive 30-something South American lady keeping me warm at night, but I digress.

What can go wrong? I mean, I’m receptive to the concept that some–maybe even most–of the illegals are familial units that have bought into the concept of having a better life in the States. After all, our Admenstruation is bleeding out money and resources to welcome in our new neighbors. But… they are still here illegally, taxing our local and state governments (which generally don’t really mind, because we provide their funding), and taking what they have not earned. Is Guatemala that bad? I have no idea, but I did get one of my kids a Gudetama RC toy for Christmas, so I kind of know it’s not all laziness and depression down there (wait, what? oh, Gudetama is Japanese? oops.).

So, I “welcome” a family into my home. I go to work and does the teenaged son attack one of my daughters while the wife’s napping? Not a good idea, two are unnecessarily mean and the “sweet” one is a big fan of shooting and archery (just took her to 4-H yesterday, where she got some time in with her new Walther P22Q and one of the Club’s Ruger MK IIIs). Does the “dad” decide to scope out my collection and secure a “piece” or two to get a little extra cash? Is the “family” really a family or just a few kids being trafficked by a cartel couple? Further, by housing them, am I an accessory or accomplice to any crimes committed on my property?


Send recent photos then we can talk.


F* no.


Zuck and Oprah have a lot of spare room in their places in Hawaii. It’s a win-win for everybody.
Let’s let them enjoy that ‘spark of divinity’ that Pelosi was talking about.



A Proud Infidel®™

Mmmmyeah, oh fuck no. By the way didn’t hizzoner mayor Adams “welcome” some illegal aliens into the Mayor’s Mansion some time ago, just howda’-fuck did that work out, or was it just a photo op? How soon did Miguel or Jose carve their names into the woodwork or try to rip off what they could to hock at a Pawn Shop?


Sheriff Arpaio put his law-breaking “tenants”, American citizens, in tents. I see no reason we can’t put law-breaking illegals in tents.


Joe Arpaio. Best sheriff ever.



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

In tents. Wearing pink underoos. In North Dakota. In the winter.

I like how you think.

Prior Service

Show me where this is done anywhere else in the world. (And I’ll still say no, but also wonder who else would be this stupid…)


Who couldn’t use a Manuel labourer around the house!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Only if they’re properly toilet trained and can communicate in English.

Even then I would have to seriously think about it. OK, I’ve thought about it and the answer remains no.


And they have to promise not to impregnate the family dog


Be patient. Many of us may be involuntarily hosting illegal aliens in our homes. About ten to twelve million made it into the country illegally since December, 2020. They heard and followed Brandon when he told them to “surge” the border. From the visual evidence about 75% of them are military age males. Once even 25% of them organize into criminal gangs, we become their prey. Of course, many will be dead “hosts.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Awhile ago, I mentioned that since the democratic voters voted in open borders by voting for Herr biden then they should take in the border crossers or herr biden should make his peeps take them in.


I heard on a Dan bogino radio show Wednesday or Thursday, he had a sound clip of a Democrat openly saying the illegals are there to swell their voting base. I was so surprised I forgot who it was he said it was. He was saying if you listen or pay attention, they are telling you what they are going to do.

Forest Bondurant

IIRC, it was a sound byte of Adam Schiff, then Nancy Pelosi, then the guy who said Guam might tip over if too many people were on the island.


When we start unceremoniously dumping illegal aliens on the other side of a 40 ft deeply entrenched wall (with barbed wire on top) with Mexico, this will stop.


Or, start placing heads on pykes. Either way works for me.


Deportation via trebuchet..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

How about unceremoniously dumping illegal aliens over a 4 mile deep Marianas Trench. Whales gotta eat, too. Oh…I forgot, they’re vegans. Well, I’m sure there are enough scavengers down there that need to be fed.

Hack Stone

What America needs now more than ever is a blind air traffic controller.


Got a nephew (former squid) that does electronic maintenance as an FAA puke. Waiting on a reply back from him on this. Last time we spoke he made mention that the quality of the ATC Troops has been slipping.


Most football stadiums are not in use currently, so maybe you can put a few hundred thousand illegals there.


Stadiums, convention centers, state fairgrounds…all sorts of options.


State government office buildings. Seriously, could it possibly slow up the department of motor vehicles any more? Might even help with the attitude of the bureaucrats.


I’m picturing MS-13 shanking government bureaucrats …is it wrong that such an image brings a smile to my face?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



Any structure you don’t mind having damaged / contaminated beyond repair should work just fine..


Katrina refugees destroyed the Astrodome. It’s now a permanent biohazard.


Hell No, or the word of your choice to proceed NO.


Why is Mexico not being fined, punished, rebuked, enjoined, embargoed or whatever else our hideous elected government cooks up when they want to inflict themselves against whoever?

Surely, it has to be less costly to transport the indigent Obamigrants back to Mexico and let them find their own way home from there.

Damn Joe Biden to Hell.


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Somebody with a legal background correct me if I’m wrong, but if you invite someone to move in with you, not a relative, won’t you as the home owner have a hell of a time kicking them out? You did invite them in.

Hack Stone

That’s pretty much the premise of every Judge Judy episode.


Laws vary greatly from state to state obviously. In my state, if somebody lives somewhere for 10 days they’re considered a resident there and must be evicted. Eviction without a lease is a 30-day process. Most hotels in my state won’t let you stay for more than 10 days unless you sign an agreement saying that you’re not living there.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, you can “take them out” ok.
In the dark of night.
Out the back door.
In leftover pieces.
With a sign out front, “Sweeney Todd’s Meat Pies”


Open up a taco stand and sell them back to their compadres


Wasn’t it one reason for the Revolutionary War to not house foreign troops in private homes? I thought so. So when the Governor opens up her mansion or house to an illegal family and Biden does the same, then, maybe, I’ll still say, fuck off.


Well, it not like they are Hessians!
“Finding that your house will justly admit of receiving a Billet, you are therefore Directed To Provide Mr Cutler. Forrage Master to the Hessian Chassure Corps, with one good Room. The use of the Kitchen and place for his servant To sleep in.”


Third Amendment. It’s in there for a reason.


That doesn’t apply to foreign troops.


Me thinks?

Hack Stone

So, people just open their doors and allow strangers to move right in with no vetting of the homeowner or the immigrant(s). Hack Stone is more than confident that registered sex offenders will be more than happy to open their homes and their hearts.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

And their zippers…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That wasn’t Gooberment mandated.
And 20 years to life?
How about 20 seconds to life?


Shoulda posted this earlier. Take the time to read the whole thing. Another man that says we should…Prepare


I’ll just stick this right here…Prepare

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It don’t.
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Yeah, we replace the Great Racist Flags of our past, like the Confederate Battle Flag and such, with rainbow flags and those of foreign nations. My family first settled in Virginia in 1623. We served in various militias, very likely fought in our Revolution, and later very likely fought each other in our Civil War. One of the markers in the Confederate section of Arlington National Cemetery, soon to be bereft of its reconciliation monument, bears a name almost identical to my own.

We can welcome those who display the flags of Honduras, El Salvador, or even quasi-enemies like China and Palestine, but if I dare to display so much as the Bonnie Blue, I’m labeled a racist and worse. If I wave the latest in the LBGTQIA2++MAPDGAF lineup of flags, I’m pretty much Captain America ’24.

Prepare… Well, I’ve got a little homestead, some ammo, and decent neighbors. Even got a little target practice in yesterday when I got home.


Most folks would think you were flying a Somalia flag and support you.


Actually,,,, I have a ton of “honey-do” jobs and projects around here! I may need to think on this for a minute!

I just bought a small parcel of land down the road with an abandoned mobile home on it! I guess they could use it. Planning to burn it down anyway!



Yeah, we’ve got a little bayou-front property down the road with a shed on it. That can probably house a few dozen illegals, given what I’ve seen in the trailer park I grew up in…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Planning to burn it down anyway!”
Be sure to lock the doors first.




Cloward-Piven Strategy on steroids. Overwhelm & collapse the system. 45 has a hell of a job on his hands if he gets back in the WH. I don’t know if this can be repaired. We already have tens of millions illegally here as is. Don’t forget the Visa overstays. A backdoor way into sneaking in & staying.


Didn’t someone in Florida take in a migrant a year or two back who ended up murdering him?

Fucking ingrates. Send ‘em back. All of them.


Yup. Hack has a post above aboot it.


Yes, the “migrant” who was 24 claimed he was only 17. The victim let him move in, only to be stabbed to death by him several weeks later.


I’m so glad we don’t have the issues MA and NY have.

So that being said, I’ll politely decline being a “host.”