Personnel Shortage Halts Coast Guard

| January 12, 2024

Force Alignment Initiative?

Hampton Roads braces for effects of Coast Guard’s temporary deactivation of units amid staffing shortages


Coast Guard units will be temporarily deactivated in a consolidation this year as the service grapples with one of the largest workforce shortages in its history. What this means for Hampton Roads — home to the Coast Guard City of Portsmouth and a hub for the service’s Atlantic operations — is unknown, an official said.

“While there is new stress with change, the Coast Guard cannot maintain the same level of operations with a workforce shortfall of this magnitude,” said Lt. Luke Pinneo, public affairs officer for Portsmouth-based District 5. “We cannot do the same with less people.”

The deactivation is part of a servicewide “force alignment initiative” that will begin taking effect this summer. Across the Coast Guard, units with redundant capabilities nearby will be consolidated for the foreseeable future. Members assigned to the affected units will be “strategically relocated” in the coming months.

The Coast Guard has reported missing its recruiting targets for four consecutive years, and as of April, the service was understaffed by 10% — or roughly 5,000 members.

Virginia Pilot

The hollow force has arrived and Big DOD is in denial as to why. “Strategically located” doesn’t sound at all like “right sizing.”

Category: Biden, Big Pentagon, Coast Guard

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Slow Joe

This is bad. The Coast Guard is critical to our security.


Is all part of plan Comrade

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was thinking the same.
We can live with a minor reduction of the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force – less people to send & die overseas to fight in wars to which we have no “national interests” (looking at Ukraine, Afghan, among too many others).
Of all the Armed Forces, we REALLY need the Coasties to watch our borders.
Too bad they’re stuck in the water, and can’t/won’t be moved to the south border.
Imagine the Coasties & the Border Patrol joined together……but then they’ll all be corrupted by the Mordor-On-The-Potomac politics.


Totally self inflicted and the Coast Guard can’t even identify the problems.


Elections have consequences….
“Elect” an anti-American regime hell bent on destroying the nation and this is what you get. The plan is to destroy America as we know it and rebuild it in the image of Orwell’s 1984. To pull this country out of the nose dive to destruction, we need Trump in 2024, and maybe Vivek in 2028. DeSantis is my governor and he’s done a good job, but his run at the White House has kind of exposed him as kind of “swampy” and part of the Uniparty.


Since that stupid constitution is already suspended 100 miles in, now with the invasion and no coasties The They can justify moving that “your rights mean shit to us” line even further in!

See, lizard people are just Concerned For Your Safety™ and you dirty insurrectionists need to fall in line!
You wanna be ‘Joe Biggs’éd?

(That ACLU link is necessary to prove my point to the usual [il]liberal a-holes that haunt this joint)


The only places that is enforced is at sea and within 50 miles of the Southern Border, not that it makes it right.


DEI-mania is making folk not enlist and otherwise jacking stuff up in the UK, too:

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

Women are solution to recruiting crisis, making the services “reflect wider society,” says Defence Minister:

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

UK can’t deploy their carriers, etc. due to manning shortage:


Brits: DEI ideology fast becoming dangerous– what was their first clue?


Can we add a laugh button?




Hating whitey has consequences


Doesn’t make folk friendlier:
comment image


Puddle Pirate recruiting having the same illness that the other Services are having. A shortage of DEI Candidates. You know…Damn Excellent Individuals. Pity that the Alphabet Crowd hasn’t stepped up like we were told they would.


Where is BLM? They need to be all over that.

RGR 4-78

BLM does not deploy beyond the national grift.

Green Thumb

Welcome to the club, Coasties!


Hmm… Let’s see. Diversify the military at the expense of those who traditionally serve. Remove the motivation for those who traditionally serve (patriotism, family tradition, stability, education, and job skills) by catering to a small demographic of those who traditionally do not serve. Change retirement, boot out good Servicemembers who refused to get an experimental shot that was rejected by a certain presidential candidate and his VP before being wholly embraced by the new Administration a few months later. Promote those who need to be seen into positions they are unqualified for, while passing over those who are deserving.


Don’t forget discourage anyone who’s too dedicated and serious because that’s “racist” (too much “whiteness” and being “oppressive”) to be on time and have standards, and imply they’re “different” and need help for that matter.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

See above, but Brits finding out that standards and merit being “racist” gets unsafe and sucky: