Wednesday shorts

| January 3, 2024

Good news for Marine junior officers – the Corps has announced they will be doing away with one of everyone’s least favorite institutions, the promotion board, for aspiring O-3s. Although temporary for 2025-2026, this will most likely become permanent.

“The change to an AFQOL allows the Marine Corps to continue selecting fully qualified officers for the rank of captain while simultaneously increasing the number of possible selects and reducing the administrative and financial resources historically allocated for boards,” Capt. Sarah Eason, a spokesperson for Marine Corps Manpower and Reserve Affairs, told via email on Dec. 20.

Funds that the Marine Corps is hoping to save on include travel budgets for selection boards and time that is typically allotted for administrative processes. Eason emphasized that the change was not made in response to any increased or decreased changes in officer retention as the Marine Corps, as a whole, looks to retain more Marines.  Marine Times

And at Harvard, Claudine Gay (how appropriately named) has resigned as president, following the shortest term as president in Harvard history. Fear not, she (?) will remain on Harvard’s faculty, and will likely retain her salary.

Prior to being named president, Gay earned $879,079 as a Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean in 2021 and $824,068 in 2020, according to the Ivy League school’s newspaper, the Harvard Crimson.  Fox News

I am sure since her predecessor earned $1.3 million annually, she probably feels oppressed and racially or socially mistreated. Too, her predecessor didn’t step on his schwanz in front of Congress and plaigerize for decades, to the best of my knowledge.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Breaking News

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She opens the speech with “It is with a heavy heart” stolen from
LBJ’s not seeking re election speech which he stole from JFK.


Bah, its a phrase or idiom now.


She is still teaching Africa studies for SIX figures a year.

Old tanker

Do you think she has ever been to that continent much less spent enough time to have an inkling about the subject?


She’s soooo oppressed! Crap!, I say. Crap! Her melatonin is keeping her in busyness!


She didn’t steal anybody’s ideas <heavy sarcasm>…
She just copied them down word for word without any citations and presented as her own original works. That’s not stealing in the minds of The Left. When I was in college, that kind of bullshit would earn you a double-F for academic dishonesty.


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Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

Is it racist to call for the resignation of Harvard’s first black female President for plagiarism and and antisemitic comments?

It all depends upon the context.

BTW, Gay isn’t gay. She is married to one of the whitest men on the planet.


Is he Gay?


As Ice Cube said (no, she’s wrong):
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Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

It wouldn’t be hard to do.


If I wasn’t so white or male or conservative, I could be a Harvard President. I have two professional articles published and one professional paper (all of which are properly sited and attributed). She published…25 articles in her 26 year career (with at least 50 examples of plagiarism), no books or papers.

So we can identify as liberal (simply start tweeting about your new outlook)… identify as female (start wearing dresses and pantsuits (with no pockets)… can you also identify as a person of different skin pigment? Or did that get ruined by Senator Warren and Ms Dolezal?

RGR 4-78

pantsuits (with no pockets)”

How the @uck am I supposed to discreetly scratch my nuts if I have no pockets.

No presidential salary for me.


Be like that 400 pound physical ed. teacher who coaches from his sofa cause it’s too much trouble to go to the school!
Oh Lord, I wuz born too soon!


I don’t really think of it as plagiarism anymore I think of it as an echo chamber.


I called this, to a point, a couple months ago. The “plagiarism” was never a problem before but it gave Harvard a pretext to tell their pro-Israel donors, “See, we removed her from her office” while telling their lefty students, “We defend her remarks against Israel but we cannot tolerate plagiarism” 🙄

Just like that Ward Churchill clown a couple decades ago.

Prior Service

I believe the technical term for that is “scapegoat”…. Often confused with “sacrificial lamb.”

Prior Service

So the army reduces you to last rank at which you satisfactorily performed. What’s the Harvard equivalent to PFC?

RGR 4-78

Freshman lab assistant.

You are required to clean and feed the mice twice a day.


Try not to catch the hauntevirus.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

WTF, Nice to be a black privelaged female making $800,000+ a year while this TAH retired white guy made around 40K a year after taxes…..


But the —itch can’t buy no respect!

Skivvy Stacker

I always thought you made Captain when you saved enough box tops and sent them in to Kellogg’s in Battle Creek, Michigan where the good people at Post Toasties would send you your brand new, shiny set of “railroad tracks”.


What? No decoder ring first so as to be able to read secret messages? Even Ralphie had a decoder ring.


Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!


More ovaltine please!


Just think of all the $s saved that the USMC can now spend on expanding the DEI Programs.

$900K a year to push your agenda? Pretty good work…if you can get it.


No! That money had to be saved to be reallocated to Ukraine! The budget didn’t change, just the allocation of where it goes. All of the branches still get the same amounts, they just have to figure out how to spend it to keep moving forward, while also sending the $ to our politicians bank accounts, I mean”Ukraine”!


Exactly when did this website realize that the war in Afghanistan was unwinnable and unnecessary?


I may be wrong, but I feel like your question (comes across like an accusation) needs more context!

As far as I’m concerned, the war was winnable! However, we had politicians and politics in the way of allowing the Soldiers on the ground the freedom to win the war. YMMV! Whatever!


We should’ve arbitrarily split after wasting Osama bin Laden. Adios MFs!

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

Once we went from “crush them like bugs until they beg to surrender” to “nation building” we were basically fucked.

But that was political, not military.

When general officers and flag officers went along with that idiocy, we were again fucked.

“Mr President, where us ‘victory – the enemy surrenders’ in all that? ‘Nation Building’ is Peace Corps. -We- break them and take their surrender.”

“Sir if you insist, I must respectfully resign. You are committing us to defeat, because that is what you get without victory. Again.”

When we were crushing the bugs, we were winning.


Uh-oh, the Epstein files are coming out… some of the first (kinda suspected of Slick Willie):


Grossly overpaid for what they actually do at these schools (which is anything but work…)