Rudderless war policy

| October 21, 2009

Who is our commander-in-chief and where is he? Today, the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, told a gaggle of reporters that the president’s decision to beef up forces in Afghanistan can’t wait for their elections to get unscrewed. Of course, he’s right. There are Taliban and al Qaeda operatives in that country right now that need killing. Obama’s decision boils down to whether he wants to kill them now or wait until Spring and then kill them.

Why is he waiting?

“The UN, NATO, the US stand ready to assist the Afghans in conducting the second round,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters.

“Whether or not the president makes a decision before that I don’t think has been determined.

“I have continued to say a decision will be made in the coming weeks as the president goes through an examination of our policy,” he added.

There is absolutely no reason to delay deploying more troops to Afghanistan waiting on the Afghans to learn how to run elections. Those fighters in the mountains need killing no matter who is president of Afghanistan. The Pakistanis delayed killing them and now they’re locked in a battle for their lives. Delaying killing those folks only benefits them. Of course, it benefits Obama because he gets to hold on to his base supporters a little longer – but meanwhile US troops are dying in Afghanistan. That doesn’t seem to matter to the Obama Administration, though.

They get to lay some medals on some troops for their actions four decades ago and everyone thinks he supports the troops. But all the Obama Administration has become is a ceremonial unit – he gets Nobel prizes for doing nothing. Jon Soltz, Chris Lejeune and Dicksmith applaud him for sending more troops to Afghanistan, even though those troops were follow-on troops for the last surge there.

This is clearly Obama’s war now, and he’s clearly afraid to fight it. In the face of a newly-elected Democrat Congress which had been elected on their promise to de-fund his war, george Bush made the politically courageous decision to send more troops to iraq which broke the back of al Qaeda in Iraq – and it was mainly because the al Qaeda thought they had won in Iraq because of the election of Democrats. Bush made it more costly for terrorists to ply their trade.


Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Terror War

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I have stated, in the past, that now that Obama is the President, he won’t be able to vote “present” anymore. I stand corrected.

There are 2 key governor races here in the US, that’s the elections he stalling over. Playing politiks with the troops…..same shit, different day.

What I want to know is where all the “anti war” folks are. They say that Bush put our troops in harms way needlessly and many were killed because of his political moves. Well, they should be screaming from the hilltops over this, but nary a peep out of them. Oh, wait, Bush isn’t President, anymore, so it’s all good.


Allow me to post this before ASH-hole does:

“Bush was worster. He was the suck. At least Obama can speak good. And he’s pretty. Did I mention I was a vet? Well I am and that makes my opinion better than yours. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo.”


Another Claymore classic!!! Nanny-nanny-boo-boo. “Well, they should be screaming from the hilltops over this, but nary a peep out of them. Oh, wait, Bush isn’t President, anymore, so it’s all good”. Right on, OT.

dutch508 (as ASH)

When I was in Mosul fighting the big push of 2004, I didn’t have time to vote for either worthless runner- and I wouldn’t have either. I just wish I would ahve been able to vote of Obama, then, as he would have chnaged the course of history and gotten our boys out of Cambodia…I mean Iraq….er…Afghanistan…before Christmas…


[…] cabinet meetings have not made Obama’s staff and NSC advisers any more comfortable with Gen. Rudderless war policy – 10/21/2009 October 21st, 2009Who is our commander-in-chief and where is he? […]

Old Tanker

wait…wait, this is nothing more than a partisan attack because everything is going okay, er, just fine, and you’re just partisan hacks because you didn’t say anything nice about Obama, and almost ALL of John’s posts are attacks on Democrats because he doesn’t care about the troops……..(channeling ASH)