Obama Administration doesn’t like fact-checking

| October 19, 2009

According to the Fox News Channel, the White House is purposely avoiding the network’s Sunday news show because it’s “opinion journalism masquerading as news”. Not at all like the networks that get tingles in their collective leg when the President’s name is mentioned. Apparently, they don’t like to be fact-checked;

The White House stopped providing guests to ‘Fox News Sunday’ after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was “something I’ve never seen a Sunday show do.”

Maybe that’s why Fox has a growing audience these days – because the other news shows don’t bother to investigate beyond the talking points issued by the White House.

Can you imagine the furor if the Bush White House had treated the President’s critics this way? This is more of the tactics they’ve borrowed from Hugo Chavez – it’s certainly not American. If I worked at one of those other networks, I’d be questioning the ethics of my own employers at this point – but then, I don’t, and they won’t.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Bill R.

48% of us already knew the administration didn’t like fact checking. I’ve seen a couple of “facts” the administration has disputed Glen Beck about. He may have gotten a couple details wrong, but the basic info was sound. Heck in 50 years, I’ve never seen the media get everything correct in any story I knew about firsthand. But that’s different than outright lies.


You are only supposed to fact check SNL skits, not actual politicians. Jeesh Fox, get with the program.


Here’s a fact: Watching Anita Dunn give her “joke” address to a room full of Catholic highschool kids reminded me of Hannibal Lecter. I fully expected her to mention eating Britt Hume’s liver with fava beans and a nice chianti.


The Book Of Obama, Commandment One:

Thou shalt not question Teh Wun.


Watching Fox this morning, saw a piece on the dems meeting behind closed doors to figure out how to screw us with health care, shown against the back drop of the 0 telling his followers that he would “demand” that all bills be posted on the internet, to foster discussion, and that the people’s business, which apparently had been conducted behind closed doors prior to the 0’s arrival, should never be done behind closed doors, that “transparency” is necessary.
No wonder he won’t go on Fox.


President O’Dumbo has been called an empty suit. I think the American people (52%) elected a skin and now find it’s an empty skin. Maybe the white half of his skin has abandoned the liar.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Tim Russert must be spinning in his grave. You couldn’t go a show without:

“But in February you said this…”


Too Sgt Schultz?