Post for Deeds

| October 18, 2009

In a stunning move that breaks with all of the conventions, the Washington Post has chosen to endorse Creigh Deeds, the Democrat candidate for governor of Virginia in the November 3 election. Yeah, I know, I’m so surprised, I can hardly type. And why would the Bethesda/Chevy Chase white liberals decide to back Deeds – recalling the successful 1988 campaign of Michael Dukakis, the Post has decided that he’s politically courageous for suggesting he’ll raise taxes;

Mr. Deeds has run an enormous and possibly fatal political risk by saying bluntly that he would support legislation to raise new taxes dedicated to transportation. It is a risk that neither Mr. Kaine nor Mr. Warner felt they could take. But given that the state has raised no significant new cash for roads, rails and bridges in 23 years, Mr. Deeds’s position is nothing more than common sense. It is fantasy to think that the transportation funding problem, a generation in the making, will be addressed without a tax increase.

Yes, that strategy worked so well for the Dukakis campaign, how can the Democrats avoid making the same pronouncement. True to form, the Washington Post endorses higher taxes on Virginians from their Betheda, Maryland salons – on taxes, we can always count on liberals to take the intellectual shortcut.

The truth is that Virginians are already punished for owning automobiles with higher fees than almost any other state for the supposed purpose of maintaining roads. Every candidate for governor in the last twelve years has promised to cut the Virginia car tax with no success – so Deeds’ call for higher taxes says more about his ineptness than his fitness for the office.

But, then, no one really expected the Washington Post to endorse Republican candidate Robert McDonnell, did they? Partisan hacks that they are.

Category: Media

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NR Pax

Well, it’s not like Craig Deeds did something unforgivable like writing out a college thesis decades ago that has nothing to do with his suitability for office. And really; the Post guys had a rough time justifying their support for the man. So they call him courageous and hope that Virginians fall into line.


Pravda on the Potomac supporting a Democrat? Who knew?

B Woodman

And what would be the difference between Deeds and McDonnell, anyway? Aren’t Most Dems and Repubs just two slightly seperated branches of the same party nowadays?


This is almost as surprising as the Detroit Free Press endorsing Granholm twice.

ed asher

Exactly the reason I moved to West Virginai….away from the State of Montgomery and the ultra liberal WAshington Post!!!