Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| December 19, 2023

“Queers for Palestine” – What a misguided group of useful idiots

A real “Leopards at my face” moment for her

Up next is the game where you can turn on the Zyklon B

No room for whitey at IBM

Shhhh, go to sleep kids

No room for whitey in Boston either

She’s only sorry you found out she’s a racist

Oh, she’s pretty open with her racism

Men make the best women

Those poor, confused kids

Just leave us alone! Not like that, pay attention to us!

Thank God the adults are back in charge

This dude is so confused…

It’s science!

Never forget

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Somebody tell Wu that left/libtards hate Asians as “oppressors” who do too well also.


But all of that anti-Asian hate and the corresponding attacks were done by Black Conservative White supremacists.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

All those PoC at the Bawston party…..what a great ToO (Target of Opportunity), all in one place.


Ah, in Boston and eastern Virginia– liberal sh*tholes, no wonder.


This is why I drink.


I have several Black friends and associates. As far as I know, they all have the same view and opinion as I- women are women and men are men! They find this to nonsensical, just like most people do.


I don’t acknowledge trans people…
Like I don’t acknowledge the girl dressing like Morticia Addams to try and get my attention…
Like I don’t acknowledge the boy with the 8″ purple Mohawk trying to get my attention…
They are DESPERATE for you to react to them and when you don’t you ruin their day…
That makes my smile


I may not acknowledge them, but I may notice them. If the girl is worth a look I will indeed look, and the guy may cause me to let my gaze linger as I giggle at him (laughing out loud would be impolite).


I don’t acknowledge 99.8% of the people I encounter. Any people.




I’ll take “what transgender women wish you wouldn’t know they have” for $500, Alex.


Just ask ol’ Ace Ventura:

Forest Bondurant

One day, there will be a reckoning and these psychopathic liberals will answer to and be held accountable for their moronic stupidity and decisions.


Rainbow dude is right. You definitely need to learn about gender from somebody that doesn’t look like him.

My question for racist Wu is; Will you be attending the Whites only party and if you do doesn’t that make it not Whites only?

Queers for Palestine need to deploy immediately. Their interactions with Hamas will be a huge morale builder for everybody. I’m willing to put together a a fund me page to help make this happen. No matter what happens, there will be no downside.


Queers for Palestine need to deploy immediately.

Fuck tithing this year. Q4P needs transportation asap!


Hopefully, there will be video of the Q4P when they show up in Gaza. That would provide hours of entertainment.


“Here’s what I actually said.”
Randi Weingarten

Sorry, Randi. We now have something called “the internet” and “CSPAN”. We don’t have to rely on your possibly faulty memory anymore.


The lies are like sandcastles at high tide.


You drug my kid, heck my dog, and I canoe your forehead.

So… only white people know what homosexuals are?
If that’s your base case, having known a couple of my fellow “dark green” Soldiers’ perspectives on the gays…


I’m still sore from doing pushups after smacking SSG Braggs’ ass almost 2 decades ago, and frankly I wish he had kicked me in the face instead.

Maybe I shouldn’t have asked him to “back that thang up“…


Without any additional comment (because it ain’t needed):


👏👏👏👏👏 Bravo! I am so stealing this.


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Where do these people come from?