Tea Partiers endanger GOP?

| October 16, 2009

The Wall Street Journal runs a typically elitist article today entitled “Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback Strategy ” in which the party bosses complain that the members of the party think the party rank-and-file know more about the type of candidates we want than the establishment.

In upstate New York, Dede Scozzafava, 49 years old, is the choice of local party leaders to defend a Republican seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, an abortion-rights candidate who could appeal to independents. Doug Hoffman, 59, is a local accountant backed by tea-party activists who has jumped into the race declaring himself the real conservative.

Mr. Hoffman has siphoned so much support from Ms. Scozzafava that their Democratic rival has vaulted into the lead, according to a poll released Thursday. The election is Nov. 3.

Imagine that – the people don’t want to be told who their candidate will be in the next election.

The party’s strategy for attracting moderate voters risks alienating activists who are demanding ideological purity, who may then gravitate to other candidates or stay at home. It’s a classic dilemma faced by parties in the minority — tension between those who want a return to the party’s ideological roots and those who want candidates most likely to win in their districts.

The whole problem with Republicans is that they don’t understand that we can’t run candidates for whom we think Democrats will vote. Every time Republicans have run as conservatives, they’ve won. Every time they try to make Democrats happy, we lose.

To prove his point, Naftali Bendavid, the article’s author, uses Florida Senator Charlie Crist as an example. he’s facing a primary challenge from Marco Rubio, a grass roots candidate;

He has adopted policies such as an aggressive approach to global warming that appeal even to Democrats. Those very policies infuriated conservatives, as did Mr. Crist’s decision to campaign with President Barack Obama on behalf of the president’s $787 billion stimulus package.

“He was Judas to the Republican Party in the state of Florida and across the country,” says Robin Stublen, 53, of Punta Gorda, co-state coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, a loose national coalition. “He sold us out for 13 pieces of gold.”

A spokesman for Mr. Crist said the governor made sure stimulus dollars went to items important to Florida voters.

To me that proves that neither Crist nor Bendavid don’t understand the whole stimulus issue. We don’t want to be bought off – we want to be left alone. A freakin’ Republican campaigning for the stimulus, f’Pete’s sake.

Brian Walsh, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, a group that coordinates GOP Senate campaigns, says the party has chosen strong candidates. “It’s healthy to have debates about the future direction of the party,” says Mr. Walsh. But he adds, “We want to make sure we have candidates on the ballot in the best position to defeat the Democrat candidate.”

Enjoy the next few decades of being out of the majority, Brian.

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Exactly why I won’t ever do anything to aide the GOP in any way unless it is to help them do the right thing for veterans. They never got the message, refuse to listen to us, and assert that they alone know how to win. Well, screw them, I’m not supporting a one of them.

Since I am moving from one left-of-havana district (Alex VA) to another (Indy, IN) it won’t matter anyway, but no chance that any Republican in Indiana gets my vote any time soon. (Yes, you too Lugar, WAY too squishy.)

Larry Sheldon

Not so much a matter of “who we like”, or “who we want” as it is “who we will 24 miles (oe 24 feet) to vote for.

If we are going to have “No discernible position” candidates (AKA “middle of the road compromisers”) or other leftists, let them be Dems. I’m tired of this shit being blamed on us.


I didn’t leave the party. The party left me.

Frankly Opinionated

As a Tea Party Activist, a Conservative, and an open minded sort; I would hasten to say that Gov. Crist is one of the most likable guys I have ever sat down with. As a politician, he is wishy-washy, wanting to please everyone. With a little more knowledge, I think that I may even support Marco Rubio. By and large, nationally, I am only advocating for non-incumbant conservatives. When those of both parties see a house cleaning coming at them, maybe they will finally listen to the populace. Neither party has any incumbants worth a damn.
The joke going around about exchanging places with the whole 537 of ’em up there with as many prisoners in the Colorado Supermax, may be a good thing for America, nearly holds water.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


Jonn said: We don’t want to be bought off – we want to be left alone.

That single sentence identifies the growing divide simply and clearly. Well done.

A politician would’ve added a ‘but’, ‘except’, or any number of weasel words for wiggle room.

Candidly though, we might as well be tilting at windmills and chasing dragons.

Bill R.

A tea party representative got it right this afternoon on Cavuto. She said Dede Scozzafava wasn’t even a RINO, she was a Democrat Lite. The reason for all these tea parties was because we are sick of big government and everything they represent and will not back a candidate of either party that doesn’t realize it. Weren’t they listening this summer? We want America back to what it was meant to be and won’t tolerate our freedoms being taken away any more. Perhaps a third party is now the right way to go.

Amazing stuff here

Just wondering why SEVEN Senators hate our troops, why would they vote not to fund our military? Notice that six of the seven are Republican.

H.R. 3326 (Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010 ), A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, and for other purposes.

Barrasso (R-WY)
Coburn (R-OK)
DeMint (R-SC)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feingold (D-WI)
Graham (R-SC)
McCain (R-AZ)

Amazing stuff here

Jonn, bills sometimes are written and passed in the House and come to a vote in the Senate with the same title. It happens often. See the link above.

A Heros Friend

Amazing Stuff…The answer you seek is quite simple…now days,the ONLY differance between a rep. and a dem. is the fact that the dems. will at least kiss you before they screw you and maybe even give you a reach around, where as the reps. will just throw it to you dry! The end result is still going to be the same,we are ALL going to be screwed!!! It’s time to clean house in D.C.


Bill R. said: Weren’t they listening this summer?

Nah, sorry. As ugly as my response sounds it needs to be said. That Jonn needed to do a post like this answers your question.

Perhaps a third party is now the right way to go.

I’m not so sure. Term limits may well an easier path… and that ain’t saying much.

Invoking state sovereignty also has some merits worth considering.

Since I’m daydreaming I’ll even dig out my old plan to save the country.

Let’s have Congesscritters live in military style barracks, eat in military style mess halls, have military health care, military pay, and maybe live under something close akin to the UCMJ. You get the idea. I’m kinda tired of our ‘public servants’ having servants.

A Heros Friend

Viva la Ponsdorf
Ponsdorf for House,Senate,AND President…Your plan Rocks!!!


Amazing doesn’t even have a rudimentary grasp of what dictates votes, or how bills get loaded down. If he did, he might have looked to the Congressional Record to see why they voted against all the crap, with billions of the bill not going to anything related to the defense of our country (which I suspect he isn’t interested in anyway.) If I have learned anything in my 10 years as a federal lobbyist, it is that a yeah or nay vote on a bill in and of itself doesn’t mean shit until you look at what is in it.


Amazing, why not start by telling us how anyone could vote for these:



Yesterday was the 64th anniversary of the day when the French government executed by firing squad Pierre Laval the former Vichy Republican Premier. Just sayin’.

Just A Grunt

But he adds, “We want to make sure we have candidates on the ballot in the best position to defeat the Democrat candidate.”

And that is their problem. They have lost sight of what they are supposed to be about and what they are supposed to represent and instead it is just all about beating the Democrat. If you stick to conservative principles and remain steadfast you will win. The whole idea is to present a compare and contrast situation and let the voter decide, not some sort of gray scale test in which the hues are hard to discern.


Amazing “I was in Mosul” Stuff Here! You gonna miss voting this year because of the superbowl?

Bill R.

Ponsdorf: Yeah, I know they weren’t listening, especially with the MSM ignoring us. But the Repubs seem to think that means automatic gains for them when it was plainly documented that we are against anyone trying to take away our freedom and bankrupt the country. I am also aware that a third party would only screw the right. That’s how Clinton got elected the first time. But I am at a loss for what to do. Even invoking states’ rights is a losing game for most states that rely on the federal dollar for a good portion of their budget. I wish we could enact the rest of your agenda though.

Old Tanker

John and Amazing,

They voted against it because a bunch of bullshit hate crimes legislation got attached to it in an amendment. It was a win-win for democrats, they were going to get hate crimes legislation that has failed on it’s own time and again AND they knew some Republicans would vote against it for that reason so that they could slap the “no funding for the troops” label on them. This whole freaking amendment process needs to be over hauled.

Byron York has the details and explains much better than I could.

Amazing stuff here

regardless everyone, they either voted to fund the troops or they voted not to fund the troops. I think I can remember, not really sure though but wasn’t that the talking point for the last 8 years?

What changed? I know, the political party in charge did. Can we get some consistency?

Amazing stuff here

Hey Dutch, are you still attacking me for being Mosul and prefering to do my job rather than vote for two fools?

Larry Sheldon

Depends on what you mean by “GOP”.

If, by that, you mean the RINO branch of the Socialist^WDemocratic Party, then yea, we are a threat.

If that is not what you mean, then I will point out that we _ARE_ the GOP.

Amazing stuff here

Jonn, I’m not retarded. I read the entire bill. The difference between me and you is that I don’t give a shit if the Democrats attached money for crackwhores to the bill. I would never ever vote against our troops. Obviously if you were an elected official you’d be the 8th Senator on that list since you put politics (just like the Democrats did) before our troops. Nice Jonn.


ASH, are you really going to go there, yet again and blame Bush and the lack of funding for the troops? Yeah, yeah, You didn’t actually SAY the words…here’s a thought.

All the power sought by dems was to USE the troops that would be YOU, as political pawns…got that? No concern for the safety or the mission, just the power wielded by votes and how many anti folks they could sway…got that?

And please tell me, why oh why then is hate crime legislation in a defense spending bill? Prey tell, why is the defense budget being cut so that assholes like Ted “the Swimmer” can be memorialized while we are a Country at war? Why are those idiots running the asylum not concerned for the welfare of the troops and giving them every tool possible to win?

Jonn nails it. And you are being willingly obtuse, so that you can still lay blame.


My Open Letter to Newt Gingrich from yesterday:

My advice to the RNC and NRCC is to get the hell out of our battle or suffer the consequences.

And Jonn and DefendUSA have it right about the spending bills.

Following ASH’s logic the Dems could have passed Cap and Trade by just naming it the Support Our Troops bill…


And pass Health Care too, Dan. Just add it to a defense authorization bill and, presto, it’s passed. Maybe we can build the Obama Presidential Library and Politburo Museum as an attachment to a defense bill, too?
So, the Dems can attach something to a bill, like “Give China Perpetual Access to the US Treasury”, as long as it’s attached to a defense bill, it’s good to go, right ASH?

Amazing stuff here

I must be the only one here that truly supports our troops. Looks like the rest of you are in bed with the Democratic Party who played politics the last 8 years with our troops and now the Republicans are doing the same.

Nice guys! Keep it up, play politics while our fellow American heroes are fighting overseas. Like I said, I would vote for giving crackwhores abortions if it was attached to a bill that funded our troops. Remember, elections have consequences. Don’t blame the Democrats because the Republicans failed at governing when they were incharge. The Democrats are doing what they can get away with, remember when the Republicans attached the so-called “Death Tax” to a bill that was to increase minimum wage which forced the Democrats to vote against the bill? Then Republicans proclaimed that the Democrats were against minimum wage increases. Wow, both parties play politics and don’t give a shit about our citizens.


“Amazing stuff here Says:
October 16th, 2009 at 8:39 pm
Hey Dutch, are you still attacking me for being Mosul and prefering to do my job rather than vote for two fools?”

Nope. Attacking you because you lied and said you were too busy fighting the battle for Mosul (Nov 2004) and did not have the chance to vote.

Are you sure you are NOT John Kerry? (he was in Cambodia at Christmas time…)

Amazing stuff here

I never said that I fought in the big battle in Mosul dutch….As a matter of fact I left Iraq by November 2004. I said I was too busy to vote. If I wasn’t clear enough for you than that’s my mistake.

Dutch, why are you attacking another veteran, is that what you do? I’m not a Kerry supporter either. I’m on your side.

I also said I wasn’t a fan of either candidate in 2004, so it wasn’t important to me to find the our unit election people so I could fill out an absentee ballot. Sorry, but just like we have the right to vote, we also have the right NOT to vote. Of the 300 million Americans, we got to chose between a guy who sometimes showed up to serve and a guy who lied about his service. Not voting for either.

Dutch…give me your email address, I’ll send you ERB, and DD214, since you can’t take someone’s word.

Amazing stuff here

oh yeah Dutch, do you seriously believe that the only fighting that happened in Mosul was during Nov 2004…really?

Cause nobody said “big” battle did they? Your kind of making things up and if you have ever been to Iraq or even Mosul you would know that we kind of did our job everyday, we didn’t just sit around till Nov 2004.

Shoot, my ass isn’t even combat arms. I was out the gate everyday doing recovery missions. I know, make fun of that too. But I was so busy that I didn’t have time or even want to vote. But of course, since it wasn’t called the “big battle” of Mosul…it must not have happened, like there was no fighting until Nov 2004 in Mosul.

Amazing stuff here

Jonn, Do you mean this:

Amendment sought to prohibit funding for Body Armor Improved Ballistic Protection, Research and Development.

Guess who was the sponsor of that ammendment?…..Representative Jeff Flake (R)

Amazing stuff here

Try again Jonn!

Amazing stuff here

Jonn, that ammendment failed too. 111-233. Gee I wonder who those 111 members are?


Do you want me to go back and copy where I asked you point black about being to busy fighting in the battle to vote? You answered, “That’s what I said.”

When I pointe dout to you that the battle started up in November, and that I had submitted my absentee ballots a month or so before as to get there before the voting date of Nov., you suddenly went very quiet.

You said the reason you didn’t vote was you were too busy fighting the battle, ASH. Your words, which I asked again for clarification, which you provided. Once you got caught, you’ve been backpeddling since.

Now you are pulling out the ‘Don’t attack me I am a veteran.” card.


Being to Iraq doesn’t make anyone special. Surviving a war doesn’t make anyone special. How you act, during both, does.

There was no reason you had to make up shit to seem like your job was anything more that what it was. BUT- like most leftist POS, you’ve chosen to enhance your experiences in order to justify your political position.

THAT is why I am calling you out.



[…] stupid power grabs by the left, as the Tories are in the UK.  We see this divide playing out in the GOP’s aggressive support of Dede Scozzafava in New York and Charlie Crist in Florida, both are big government supporters, both are squishes that were chosen over conservatives Hoffman […]

Amazing stuff here

Again, how many times do I have to say I’m not a leftist. Can you get that through your head.

You stated “big battle”. I was never in the “big battle” in Mosul since we were already convoying back to Kuwait by then.

I stated that I was in “a” battle in Mosul. You make it sound like Mosul was a party or something, like the only battle in Mosul was during Nov 2004….uhhh wrong DUMBASS!!

Why do you label people as being leftist and a righty, or a conservative or a liberal, or a dem or a rep. I’m freakin neither, all are ridiculous labels that our government wants you to do. I’ve voted for Dems, Reps, Cons, libs, Independents, and even greens…I don’t give a shit about party affiliation.

You want me to vote even when I don’t care for either candidate? Seriously, wow!

Like I said, give me your email address and I’ll send you my ERB and DD214 for verification if you like. Why haven’t you since you keep questions my time in Mosul?


You may not be a leftist, I personally don’t give a rat’s ass. Supporting the troops should not be a partisan thing,but any bill that lays claim for defense should not have a “rider’ in it for anything else. Is that simple enough for you, “dumb ass?”
I care that they slash and burn to fuck the troops over…the R/D doesn’t matter. But leave all the bullshit earmarks out.

Side note: if you pull the attack a vet shit, you kinda lose a little a little something, so just don’t do it. We get it, but say something stupid and prepare for a beatdown.


[…] Tea Partiers endanger GOP? – This Ain’t Hell […]


ASH, Now you were in a convoy headed back to Kuwait in NOV 2004? See, that makes much more sense than you claiming to be too busy fighting a battle to vote. Lets look at a timeline for Mosul, circa 2004: In the midst of the initial disorder in Mosul, Kurdish political parties and their militias moved to establish a presence in the city and former regime elements began to organize themselves into an insurgency. Beginning in 2003, the presence of the 101st Airborne Division under then Major General Petraeus restored order to Mosul and helped restore balance among the city’s diverse groups. During 2004, after the 101st was replaced by a smaller force, ethnic tensions grew and a balance emerged whereby insurgents and Arab nationalists controlled the west side of Mosul and Kurdish political parties and militias controlled the east side. January 2004: Task Force Olympia, a headquarters element of about 100 soldiers from Fort Lewis led by Brig. Gen. Carter Ham, and the Stryker brigade go to Mosul and take over operations across northern Iraq. • Feb. 22, 2004: An insurgent throws a grenade at Ham’s convoy in Mosul, but no one is seriously hurt in the attack. • March 2004: After five months of training, the 81st Brigade goes first to Kuwait, then into Iraq. Much of the brigade rolls north in April, just as cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s militia launches a major uprising across southern Iraq. • April 2004: To counter the uprising that threatens major supply routes, Stryker units are sent south from Mosul to run convoy security and to fight Shia militia from Baghdad to Najaf. • Aug. 4, 2004: Insurgents attack Stryker troops and Iraqi police across Mosul; soldier-blogger Colby Buzzell’s “Men In Black” account of the fighting gets wide readership on the Internet, and is later published in his book, “My War: Killing Time in Iraq.” • Sept. 3, 2004: A military panel sentences Washington Guardsmen Ryan Anderson to life in prison for attempting to pass secrets to al Qaida as his fellow 81st Brigade soldiers prepared to fight in Iraq. • Sept.… Read more »

Amazing stuff here

wow…looks like someone knows how to copy and paste from wikipedia.


Hey Dutch,
I guess that’s typical of people, er, especially left-minded thinkers, who don’t have facts to offer. They attack the messenger and run. Wiki isn’t my favorite source, but someone who’s been there done that can at least dispute it, no?

Amazing stuff here

hey defend,

what do I need to dispute, his wiki timeline? I was there, well up until the end of October. What facts do I need to offer? Please tell me.

I love this line that you use “Wiki isn’t my favorite source”….do you really use it as a source? Seriously?


No, that was tongue in cheek on Wiki…guess I forgot the smiley thing…I never, ever use wiki, Salon,TNR, NYT,IPCC, SPLC etc…

Dusty Foster

I read your comments.

You said you want:
a non-encumbant conservative candidate
someone who will help us get America back
a politician who will listen to you and act accordingly
a person who doesn’t waiver

To that I add:
a non-lawyer
a person who has proven he understands sound financial principals by being financially successful in the real world
someone who respects the Constitution and is not ashamed to admit it
someone who is as tired as I am of the government’s intrusion into our personal lives…

Well, I found someone who meets my criteria and is running against US Senator Michael Bennet (who is selling us up the river).

I contacted this person, Cleve Tidwell, and told him I wanted to meet him.

I invited him to my county (Fremont County, Colorado) and he came, spending 3 days talking to groups of my friends and neighbors about these things and listening to us tell him how we want our country restored to sanity.

Cleve is the most consistently conservative candidate for US Senate I have met. If you can find better, I’d sure like to know who he or she is. But I don’t think you’ll find anyone who has proven himself to be more conservative.

Check him out for yourself at:


Thanks for listening,
-Dusty Foster