AP swipes at McCain as “conservative”
While the New York Times has failed to land a blow on John McCain, and while the two Democrat candidates for president swing wildly at each other, the Associated Press has decided to chip away at McCain surging popularity by declaring that he’s more conservative than we might think. They drag out stunning revelations that *gasp* he’s against abortion, that he thinks *gasp* states should make their own decisions about gay marriage. He also *gasp* voted against the ban of semi-automatic weapons. He also has voted to *gasp* support the President in the war against terror.
Here’s a note to the Associated Press; those are minimum requirements for being in the Republican party. If Republicans had voted for someone without those four prerequisites, they’d have voted for a Democrat. AP concludes that;
His conservatism could be a problem for McCain — particularly if this November’s contest is as close as recent presidential elections, which were decided by independent-minded voters in the center of the political spectrum.
In other words, we’re all pretty stupid because we didn’t know McCain was conservative until AP just told us this morning.
Well, thank goodness someone has finally pointed his Conservatism out, (though I confess to some reservations). Still, in regard to the last *gasp* about Senator Mc Cain supporting the War on Terror, a Position which I whole heartedly support, I would point out to the Liberal Sheep who oppose that position, Sharia Law takes the following stance on “Sheep”:
* Why? To whom? For adherents of the Muhammedan faith sheep rooting is not only acceptable, but there are ‘how to’ instructions:
From Khomeini’s book, “Tahrirolvasyleh”
A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.”
In an attempt to properly vet this Pearl, (so to speak), I found the following:
Ayatollah Khomeini
Quotes above are from Khomeini’s book, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4, Darol Elm, Gom,
Iran, 1990, Source: Homa
Question: I have found some quotes on the internet from the book Tahrirolvasyleh, written by Ayatollah Khomeini. I have heard that this are lies, but I dont know sure.
Do somebody really knows this quotes are real?
Reply: There is no volume 4 for such a book. Does that answer your question?
Asad Ali.
What lesson do I take from that? Buy your meat locally, Sheep, just in case. Go John.
I usually don’t trust AP and in this case I still don’t; I see no reason to think of McCain as conservative.
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