Possible terror attack at Niagara Falls

| November 22, 2023

Another thing Biden’s brought back, terrorist bombings on US soil! Word on the street is that a vehicle explosion on the Rainbow Bridge at the US-Canada border crossing in Niagara Falls is a failed terror attack. Details are sparse at the moment, but at least two are reported dead and a single US Border Patrol agent was injured in the blast (or responding to it).

New York Post has the breaking news.

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Kinda looked like Tesla that launched itself and the battery went poof.


It’s scary as hell seeing a runaway vehicle. A few months back I was driving along when a car came careening out of a business in front of me, narrowly missing oncoming traffic. A few seconds later and I’d have been sideswiped. The car was accelerating and the driver was obviously all over the place, until about a half-mile when there was a major intersection. Cars were stopped, the runaway car sideswiped a couple of cars then plowed into one at the light. I pulled into a business, casually threw both my .38 in my pocket to backup the .357 on the belt (initially, I thought it was road rage or a robbery attempt). Others were attending to the runaway car’s driver, so a few others and I tried to extricate the young woman from the vehicle that had been struck, with my dumb ass tearing my hands all to hell trying to pull out the windshield, since all the doors were jammed.

When I went to check on the “at fault” driver, just as First Responders were getting to the scene, I saw she was an elderly lady, in shock at how her car just started accelerating and how she couldn’t stop it. All the electronic stuff is nice and all, but sometimes mechanical linkage and old fashioned transmissions and parking/emergency brakes show their advantages.


One of the first things I learned about cars, when learning to drive, was “if it runs away, turn it off”. Also sideswipe rail, wall, parked cars to induce drag if the brakes failed.

Oddly enough, I had a weird malfunction of a prior car, where I got the accelerator stuck with an el-cheapo floor mat sliding forward. Turned key to off and it slowed -way- down. Then took out of gear then pull over. No real drama.

Thanks, mom.

For the Niagra incident, I hadn’t thought of a panicked idiot flooring accelerator instead of brake.

Last edited 9 months ago by 11B-Mailclerk

Hm. A panicked amateur -smuggler-, with a load of low-tax liquor?



Mostly Xanax pills/bars from Canada currently, guns and booze flow north.


I heard they had a trunk full of Menthol cigarettes… that is why the whole thing exploded and nothing was left! Thanks Joe Biden for saving all of us from the scourge. 😉

USMC Steve

The old bat probably had a brain fart.


I saw where Angry Cops, a YouTuber, NYARNG Drill Sergeant, and Buffalo, NY cop, is livestreaming about this. I don’t have time to watch his 3+ hours (so far), but I’m curious as to what exactly happened and how the narrative will be spun. There may be a pre-Christmas food stimulus and another Trump indictment to take the headlines if it was a terror attack. Maybe Hamas did it and troops will be celebrating Thanksgiving in Gaza.


It will probably be 2 white guys with a manifesto.

Or 2 middle eastern guys, but the Fire was so intense, they will be reported as (formerly) white.


The article was updated at 5:38 p.m. ET as of this post. Terrorist activity was ruled out. Investigators suspect that the car was heading from New York to Ontario. The FBI is helping with the investigation. 


Good. The last thing we need are Radical Canucks attacking our northern border. Nor do we need to become known as the lead exporter of terrorists to our northern neighbors.


I’ve heard both but we have enough experience to know to wait for later and considered determination.

Looking at the video where the explosion happens just off R screen, I’ve not seen that in a ‘normal’ car crash. That type of fireball is not something I expect outside Hollyweird.


“we have enough experience to know to wait for later and considered determination”



The car went “flying” before it exploded, video was released showing the vehicle going above the ground, which would explain the movement of the flames from the explosion.

The FBI is also investigating. They found what was initially thought was a result of an explosive, but ruled it out. They’re still looking for evidence of an explosion, or if something else caused the passengers to do that.



That last video definitely suggests it wasn’t terrorists. Thanks for posting it.

Hanlon’s Razor strikes again.


Hanlon’s Razor?


Hanlon’s Razor:

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”


As I watched it, my sick humor brain added Bo and Luke shouting “Yahooooo”.


With “Dixie” playing in the background?


Bo (John Schneider) lives right down the road from me. 📺 He had a rough time when his wife passed earlier this year.

Edit: have yet to meet him, going off of news reports and his YouTube uploads.

Last edited 9 months ago by fm2176

Wasn’t the last stop reported to be a 7-11?

Filled the tank? 16-20 gallons of gasoline makes quite a fireball if suddenly spread and then lit.

I was thinking it looked “Hollywood” pyro. Like they put extra gasoline in it, propane, and a blackpowder initiator.

Every car fire I have personally observed was a slow, almost boring brew up, and when it reached and breached the fuel tank it just got somewhat undramaticly more fierce. Not at all a sudden “foomph”.

Now, when a -tire- cooks off, -that- produces a dramatic bang. Quite a loud one. And there are at least four or five available.


It would definitely be counterintuitive for a terrorist to be attacking Canada from NY (or maybe just balancing out after the Lackawanna Six?).

However, I don’t trust anything Hochul says at first blush.

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t trust anything she says, PERIOD, she’s part of the DNC establishment and that’s how she got where she is.


A buddy who works in the Federal Building in Buffalo told me of a bomb threat reported at the bridge shortly after the explosion.

Could be incompetent terrorists.

More likely, opportunistic idiots.


Second-worst case: Competent terrorists with a bigger picture in mind.

Oct. 7 demonstrates the dangers of underestimating them.

Worst case: Another political distraction to keep the voters scared.


Random stupid happens.


Can you imagine working 911 then? Every ding-a-ling calling, all at vast once, to report a crash, bomb, meteor, photon torpedo strike, my weed is dope, …..


“Stupid” is a much higher probability than ” deliberate evil”.

But at extreme levels, they can be hard to distinguish.

Also “crazy/evil”.


Driving while idiot? We should be so lucky.


Could be… maybe…
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Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

(Shreiking hysterically) REMAIN CALM!!!! ALL IS WELL!!!


Hopefully the local FBI offices have been keeping an extra close eye on those extremist Mormon and Amish communities.

Ya know. Just in case.

A Proud Infidel®™

They’ll look hard at the Amish Anarchists as usual while coming up with a spin to blame it all on Trump and MAGA Republicans.


Everyone focuses on the Amish. This is how those crafty Mennonites fly below the radar.


Brigham Young was unavailable for comment.

My opinion? And so it begins…Prepare


I seem to recall NY state has several Indian reservations. Feathers, not dots.

Mormon, Amish and Indians, oh my.


They are too busy following the people who flew to DC on J6 and didn’t go to the Capitol. You never know when those tocking bomb might go off.


“Ve haff vays… to make you tick…”


A Proud Infidel®™

One thing is for sure and it’s that the current administration, its herders and handlers ARE NOT going to pass up on an opportunity to stir up panic to call for more control over people.




It wasn’t a Tesla or an EV.

It very likely wasn’t being driven by a computer.

The Gov says it wasn’t terrorism but who knows?


Terrorists would’ve wanted a higher body count. There are bigger, easier targets for a VBIED. Plus, real terrorists take credit for their actions, otherwise there’s no point.


“Another thing Biden’s brought back, terrorist bombings on US soil!”

Can you at least try to pretend you are capable of rational thought?


Here’s a rational thought = this one may not have been a terrorist activity, but by this time next year, when we have an estimated 8M illegals that have crossed our border during this administration, most of them military aged males, it’s only going to be time before a big one does happen. In a BIG way!

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s my thought that the current corrupt-to-the-core administration WANTS another attack on US Soil because they have wet dreams about the control they can gain over people’s lives from it. Remember that the TSA was supposed to have been temporary? Ditto with the Income Tax and Social Security.


Absolutely! Look at what they grabbed ahold of during the COVID BS! That was the worst for us citizens and for them thinking that they have more power than they actually do.

I’m afraid of what it’s going to take to fix it!


Cars aren’t meant to go airborne and will sometimes burst into flames upon landing. Too early to say it was an act of terror; with so many examples of crazy and mind-boggling antics in moving vehicles on Youtube (ever see videos of cars going airborne at toll plazas?) I’d say this was exactly that and probably (hopefully) nothing more.

A Proud Infidel®™

Seen some videos of cars going airborne at traffic circles too, like they were wannabe Mach 5’s or Dukes of Hazzard!


https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kiss-fan-not-terrorist-crashes-005248401.html. Says it was a guy and his wife- the car was their Bentley.


They went gently into the night in their Bentley without a fight.


600 HP V8 = Duke BOYS!


“Someday the mountain might get ’em, but the law never will.”


Exactly my thought when I saw that car launching. “Them damn Duke boys!”


Bentleys are da bomb.


Went out with a bang, at least.


Want to bet she was being his “little helper in car” until he couldn’t take it any longer!😂😂

A Proud Infidel®™

The Driver’s last words were likely “Backseat drive THIS!”



Hack Stone

Hack Stone had hotel reservations up in Frantic City a few weeks back in order to catch a Frank Stallone concert. (Hack Stone is not joking). Hack intended to get Frank to sign his Terror In Beverly Hills poster. Alas, for some unknown reason, the gig was cancelled. Hack Stone was so upset that he planned on crashing his vehicle into the Hard Rock Casino Hotel at a high rate of speed, but unfortunately the 1989’s vintage Jaguar he was driving couldn’t make it past 32 MPH without shaking and leaving vehicle parts in the road.

Hack Stone

To help his family cope with the loss, Gene Simmons will offer them a 15% discount on his and her KISS Coffins.


Old tanker

I saw the video from a couple of sources. I also saw the video from someone in the nearby building.

It didn’t look like an explosion to me. The car was estimated to be going over 100 MPH, itself a strange situation given the proximity to the border facilities. That is plenty of kinetic energy to dismantle the car and spread the contents of the gas tank all over the place. I also noticed that the location of the fireball was under some kind of structure and that did not seem to suffer any kind of “blast damage” which for me rules out explosives.

I wonder what happened but am not thinking it’s terrorists unless they are the worst bomb makers / deployers in the world.


A couple in their fifties driving a Bentley Continental GT that cost over $200k new is not a likely suicide bomber scenario. A more likely one is the driver had a stroke or cardiac event. Or, there was some malfunction that caused the car to accelerate to 100 mph. Moreover, I fail to see a border crossing kiosk as a credible terrorist target.


So who had “Kamikaze KISS Fans” and “Firefly Bently” on their 2023 Bizzarro Bingo Cards?