Midweek Open Thread

| November 22, 2023

Ready for tomorrow? In case you’re traveling today, have a safe trip. Folks may already have their Christmas decorations up, but we still have Thanksgiving coming up. The above image shows a town decorated with Thanksgiving lights and decorations. Enjoy Humpday!

Category: Open thread

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Cong of the Rats to ya.
But no scepter or crown today.
Bragging rights only.
See ya on Friday.

Last edited 9 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A Congolese Rat to the Keeper Of The Book on his Firstness. Was thinking there would be a HOT for tomorrow, but had not thought too much of an Historical MOT. Distracted myself by laffing over the whale of a landing by the P-8. Did my traveling (riding only had a driver) on Monday, but the feasting has already started with a big pot of Chicken n Dumplin’s and a skillet of Real Southern (sans sugar) Cornbread. The Cornbread Dressing is being prepared as we speak. The stuffing is what is going to happen to muh belly.


Cong Rats @ Claw.
God’s blessings on y’all.


Taking Friday at home and working otherwise…

Make sure we don’t run out of grave. I have 8 jars of assorted flavors just in case.


“run out of grave”?

What kind of family relationships do you have, Chip?


GRAVY!!! Gotdamn it…..it’s not put the 8 flavors of lotion on the skin or it gets the hose….LMFAO~



Dennis - not chevy

Maybe relatives like Walt Kelly’s Sarcophagus MacAbre (the buzzard and mortician) who said that someone who had turned in one’s grave meant the person wasn’t ready yet and had turned in one’s grave?


I miss Pogo.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thursday it’s two Hungry Man Frozen Turkey dinners for myself and Sis. Happy Turkey day to you all, and I’m talking Turkey about Turkey day.


Don’t forget the Wild Turkey 101 while you and sis
gobble down that dinner.

Dennis - not chevy

What I like to do is get sliced turkey from a good deli, microwave mashed potatoes, microwave stuffing, a jar of gravy, store bought muffins, etc. All of the traditional food (though not as good I’ll admit) in about ten minutes cooking and two minutes of dish washing.

When it’s just the two of us, what’s the point of getting up at dark o’clock and spending the whole day cooking?


Cracker barrel has a good heat and serve Thanksgiving dinner you can pre-order. It’s just 6 of us, and no zero dark thirty time to start it.


In keeping with the meal discussions, I’m smoking my Thanksgiving turkey for the first time this year. Tony Chacere’s Creole Butter injectable marinade, with a nice crust of Tony’s creole seasoning. For some reason, I haven’t found the praline honey marinade for the ham, so I’ll come up with something. Just grabbed two bags of pellets for my smoker, some Sister Schuberts yeast rolls, and a couple of pies. Broccoli casserole, deviled eggs, and a few other things will be served.

Before I left VA, I hosted a larger gathering of 20+, even in 2020 when there were restrictions. I went through the motions, providing gloves, masks, and plenty of hand sanitizer, but that year I had two pots and fried eight turkeys (the guests were asked to bring their own thawed bird so they could have a while fried turkey to take home).

In 2014, I had my kids in my little Hinesville trailer that never had the gas turned on. I cooked everything between gas and charcoal grills, as well as my Big Easy oil-less fryer. Cornbread, green bean casserole, ham, and so on.

Last edited 9 months ago by Fm2176

The Gun Bunny treated Sister, Daughter, and the 2 Grands to the noon day feast at Fred’s Market (Riverview location). He hurt himself. What did he have, you ask? Heh heh…some of all of it! Peruse the attached linky soes y’all can get pea green with envy. Imma gonna take a nap.



Favorite Son-in-Law is doing his annual chef’s treatment of the turkey (it has to be tasted to be believed!) plus his whirled-famous gumbo.
The entire GB Clan will be at Airborne Son’s bunker for more goodies than you can shake a stick at. The biggest blessings will be the kinfolk there, of course.
I may gripe and grumble some (understatement) but God has blessed us richly, therefore Thanksgiving will be truly that, giving thanks unto the Lord for His manifold grace to us.

Hack Stone

Can’t wait for the Commander in Chef to issue a rambling statement on this. Good thing that he is safely tucked away in Martha’s Vineyard.



Happy birthday!


For the benefit of those who aren’t gun-nuts, that is an Armalite AR-10 in 7.62 mm Nato caliber. A rifle the U.S. Military never purchased.


Eugene Stoner was a hell of a weapons engineer, even if the AR-15/M-16 is the major system he’s remembered for. The AR-10, AR-18, AR-5, AR-7, and SR-25 are just a few of the other weapons he designed and helped develop. I have a Henry US Survival (AR-7) and a Ruger AR-556 MPR (AR-15), having previously owned a Bushmaster AR-15 and handling thousands of M16A2, M16A4, M4, and M4A1, as well as the XM177E2 we had in A/1-3 and other Stoner designed weapons.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) is rocking his Native American persona this weekend while stealing from American Taxpayers with his highly questionable and potentially felonious Native America, Navy SEAL and LEO claims.

Phildo sucks ass.


Green Thumb,
The Three Stooges found him.


I think I just caught a poseur on GETTR.
At first, I thought I was just tripping, but I checked with DA PAM 670-1 1July2015 for the correct placement of skills badges and such. It’s still the left breast for jump wings and CIB, right?

I do a drive by here, now and then, just to see who’s still kickin’.
Here’s the link:

What do you think?


Not to mention he spells “U.S. ARMY” kinda like “YMRA .S .U”



The balls on this fuckin’ Guy!


Sh*t got reversed on TikTok somehow… don’t think it’s intentional but happens all the time.


Correct. The jump wings and CIB always go above the “US Army” on fatigues.


Yeah, I thought about that, too.
The problem is that anatomically speaking, they are on HIS right chest, and not on his left chest.
Even with the image reversal that happens in optics, it’s still not on his left chest. I git the US ARMY backwards. That’s part of optics.
BUT, it should still be on his left chest.
Anyway, just my thoughts.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Like we said, the image has been reversed. That is why his name tag and the US Army read backwards. Just take the video and hold it up to the mirror, look at the reflection, and all will be right in your world. The badges and the US Army will be on his left chest and the name tag on the right.

P.S.: When were you in the “nickel o’ nasty?” I was with A/2/509 from Jan 1969-Jun 1970.


I started in A/1/509th, posted in Mainz, Germany, in either late December ’72, or early January ’73. Around May ’73, 2nd and 3rd batt were taken off jump status and 1/509 went to Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy around July ’73, where it became the 509th Airborne Battalion Combat Team. Transferred to Bravo and ETS’d in ’75.

I hear it’s the 2/173rd these days.

I’m gonna try that mirror thing.

Last edited 9 months ago by OldSoldier54

Just found this on YouTube.

ninja brought this guy to light, right here at VG,
and others ran him down in Tennessee.



Sounds like he really has “bad memories”,
but they are really of what he was really doing 55 years ago.

Ugh. YouTube “shorts”.
This link should expand here.

Last edited 9 months ago by MarineDad61

He is a fraud, just like everyone who claims to be a Vietnam POW and is not on those lists of persons who escaped or were returned. The DOD lists even include people who were captured as civilians. Every US person who was held by the VC or the NVA and returned is on those lists, period. Even traitor Robert Garwood is on the list.


That is also part of the irrefutable truth that CSM Cayton was never a POW.