Covid Troops to Sue for Billions

| November 21, 2023

Former Aviation Survival Technician Second Class Zach Loesch

Coast Guard rescue swimmer Zach Loesch received a personal call from President Biden for his heroism saving Florida residents trapped by rising floodwaters during Hurricane Ian. At the time he expected to be discharged for violating the Biden Administration’s mandate that all DOD personnel be vaccinated for COVID-19. His application for religious exemption had already been denied. He is far from alone.

Former Troops Punished over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Sue for Billions in Lost Wages


Former troops are suing the U.S. government for lost pay and benefits due to the Biden administration’s military vaccine mandate, one of the lawyers who successfully brought down the Anthrax vaccine told Breitbart News.

Attorney Dale Saran, a retired Marine, and fellow attorneys Andy Meyer and Brandon Johnson are representing the former troops in three separate lawsuits they plan to turn into a class action lawsuit on behalf of all service members who were either kicked out or illegally ordered to stop drilling, resulting in loss of pay.
While more than 8,000 active-duty troops were kicked out, tens of thousands of reservists were told not to drill anymore or were moved to inactive status, he said.

“They were basically [without] the benefit of any due process. No boards were held. They didn’t hold any administrative separation boards; they didn’t hold any hearings. They didn’t do any federal recognition boards; none of the administrative or judicial procedures were used. They just flat-out did it. And then…they got the Coast Guard to follow along, and they got a bunch of Coasties too,” Saran said.


A class-action lawsuit was a forgone conclusion, and Attorney Saran knows the soft spots. This is going to be closely watched, so stay tuned.

Category: Big Pentagon, COVID-19 vaccine, Disposable Warriors, Reality Check

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Why not go for the money? You have a bunch of Service Members who enlisted or commissioned with what they thought were clear expectations. I serve, risk my life for current and future conflicts, and follow lawful orders. The Covid vaccine was a different beast. One Commander-in-Chief (Trump) is ensuring that it’s expedited, while his opponents are berating him and the vaccine, stating that they’ll never take it. Cue the next CinC (Biden, the key opponent), suddenly taking credit for it and then mandating it for the entire military. Unproven, ineffective (as we’ve found out), and supposedly the cause of some severe medical/health issues for many who’ve taken it. Troops refuse to get the jab, they get booted, then there’s a 180-degree reversal on the policy.

Lives were affected. Veterans now have general discharges that might affect job prospects. Other veterans were counting on a career, needing that .mil pay to support their families, or simply had goals they wanted to achieve while serving. Instead, Biden and his lackey Austin decided to kick them to the curb.

I still scratch my head as to why recruiting and retention are so bad, though. It must be Trump’s fault.

Forest Bondurant

Hopefully they win their case. Appears to be some legal precedent in their favor:

Lloyd Austin should be named as a defendant in another class-action lawsuit, which should be brought on my DoD civilians who were forced to take the jab as a condition of their employment, or face punitive consequences (regardless that the mandate was lifted.)


GG civilian here, had to take it to keep my job.

USMC Steve

I hope and trust that this might be a return to punishing stupidity instead of encouraging it. Of course, that will be very, very unpopular amongst the socialist democrats.


My cynicism kicking in:

The troops who suffered won’t get squat.
The people who caused it won’t pay squat.
The lawyers get rich, and tell everyone how they won one for Justice.



Spot on Graybeard nailed it! And once again the taxpayers are getting screwed! Your corner is gonna get crowded.


he U.S. Army sent a letter to former service members dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, informing them they can request corrections of their discharge records, as the military branch reportedly struggles with recruitment three years after the onset of the pandemic. 

Army sends letter to troops dismissed for refusing COVID vaccine amid military’s recruitment woes (

Anna Puma

“Tommy this
Tommy that
Tommy says pay up!”


Yeah, saw that. Should up-channel this to his congress critter.