“Gangsta” Rap is a government conspiracy

| April 12, 2008


I like Alicia Keys. ALOT. She’s a beautiful and talented woman. I have a bunch of her music on my Zune because I admire her as a pianist, a songstress and a songwriter. But she’s becoming just a little too weird (Fox News link);

The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter tells Blender magazine: “‘Gangsta rap’ was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. ‘Gangsta rap’ didn’t exist.”

Keys, 27, said she’s read several Black Panther autobiographies and wears a gold AK-47 pendant around her neck “to symbolize strength, power and killing ’em dead,” according to an interview in the magazine’s May issue, on newsstands Tuesday.

Another of her theories: The bicoastal feud between slain rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled “by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing.”


Ms. Keys’ theory does, however, finally explain this;

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“Gangsta” Rap is just another Karl Rove plot.

Category: Society

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The bi coastal feud was a government plot?
Earth to Ms. Keyes! Paging Ms. Keyes!
Maybe, and I don’t know a lot about it, but perhaps, the feud was, oh, I don’t know, maybe about dominance in the market, and a little turf skirmish thrown in.
But I’m probably just a, you know, average white guy, so I wouldn’t understand.

Jungle mom

I don’t think anything can explain that video.