Boomer’s Sunday

| October 29, 2023

No memes were harmed in the production of this post.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude

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Alternative fireball version:

“… now dunk the turkey in the fryer….”


It is coming up on that season.


SPOILER – Today’s Wordle…. PHONY

Wordle PHONY 2023 10 29.jpg

Can we elect the memes to run this country?


Or the meme makers.

Laughing Wolf

great job as always. thanks for starting my sunday with a laugh.

Slow Joe

Excellent memes. The cat memes were hilarious. But I think the best was the HamAss guy chopping off the head of the rainbow activist.
Queers for Palestine must be the most stupid sign I have ever seen. Do they know what happens to the alphabet people in that part of the world?


Probably not.
comment image


Gaza city Lego set…👍🏻👍🏻


As good as:
comment image

AT1 ret

That was the winner this round.


He/Him, nuts. She/her, nutless.

Woke, Jeremy's HeHim nuts, SheHer nutless.jpg
Skivvy Stacker

And now you all know the secret of Minnesota winter driving.


What’s an “innocent Palestinian”? An oxymoron?


So many good ones today. Thanks for the smiles.




Daym skippy, Reb.

By the prickliest of my thumbs, something fucky this way done come’n


All good, except of course to back to having all misattributed quotes. If anyone is going to fake Touqueville they should at least make it sound 19th Centuryish instead of 1950ish.


I’ll only read the attributed quotes, but only before 2100, lights out ya know.

Toqueville said quite a lot that is relevant today
– about the tyranny of the majority
– what Republican Institutions would have to fail to bring despotism to America (which have all failed)
– the consolidation of the Federal Capitol into a super city with the capability to issue edicts (EOs) around the whole country all at once (which has happened)
– the rise of despots during forever wars
– the rise of a ruling elite class of aristocracy leading to tyranny
– Standing Armies
– Heavy Taxes
– Belief in God by those in power

Here is a good quote:

“It may be apprehended that men, perpetually thwarted in their designs by the mutability of the legislation, will learn to look upon republican institutions as an inconvenient form of society; the evil resulting from the instability of the secondary enactments might then raise a doubt as to the nature of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, and indirectly bring about a revolution”

You can clearly tell the writing style is in no way even close. Unlike today, things were always read in context.

Here is another good one:

“It cannot be repeated too often that nothing is more fertile in prodigies than the art of being free; but there is nothing more arduous than the apprenticeship of liberty. Such is not the case with despotic institutions: despotism often promises to make amends for a thousand previous ills; it supports the right, it protects the oppressed, and it maintains public order. The nation is lulled by the temporary prosperity which accrues to it, until it is roused to a sense of its own misery. Liberty, on the contrary, is generally established in the midst of agitation, it is perfected by civil discord, and its benefits cannot be appreciated until it is already old.”

Imagine a low information voter reading that? They won’t get it.


I give them all a big Thumbs Up

pookysgirl, WC wife

Here in Iowa, we had no fall and there will be snow on the ground for Halloween (not unheard of, but still rare). Road construction projects were frantically being wrapped up as of last week, but I’m sure some didn’t make it in time.

So yeah, that Level 2 driving meme is accurate this year.