Stupid people of the week

| October 28, 2023

ASP arrest 19-year-old for impersonating police

Arkansas State Police arrested a Springdale 19-year-old over the weekend after allegedly impersonating police.

Colin Scott Crittenden was arrested on Oct. 22 for first-degree criminal impersonation.

According to an affidavit, an ASP trooper was dispatched after reports that a black Chrysler 300 using red and blue lights attempted to pull vehicles over.

The trooper ran the subject’s license plate and discovered that Crittenden was the person driving.

Police responded to Crittenden’s place of work, Barriolas Pizzeria in Rogers. The affidavit said that when police spoke with Crittenden, he asked “Is it about the light?”

The affidavit says that police interviewed Crittenden and he stated, “Yea, I know I can’t have them on the highway because it’s a felony or whatever.”

Crittenden stated that he noticed a guy recording him at one point and he pulled over, afraid that he was being recorded because of car issues.

“I know I was in the wrong and I know it’s something that can get me in big trouble,” Colin told police. “I was on the highway in the middle of the day; I didn’t mean to.”

The person who recorded Crittenden’s vehicle was later interviewed by police. He said that while traveling northbound on I-49, he noticed emergency red and blue lights in his rearview mirror.

The witness told police that he then changed lanes and realized that the car was not official law enforcement.

Crittenden has a hearing on Nov. 27 in Washington County.

Source; KNWA

Dublin woman sacked by tech firm over anti-Israel social media posts ‘stands by’ her comments

A woman who was fired after describing Israel as a terrorist state has said she stands over her statements.
Courtney Carey, from Clondalkin, said she lost her job with immediate effect at tech firm Wix, which has offices in Dublin, due to alleged gross misconduct.

Chief operations officer and president of, Nir Zohar, posted on LinkedIn earlier this week that the company decided to part ways with an employee after being bombarded with messages.

He said the messages were sent by Israeli employees, friends and colleagues from all over the world who sent screenshots of one of its employees stating that Israel is a terrorist state.

Wix is a popular platform used to create websites.

It comes as Tánaiste Micheál Martin on Tuesday described reports of Ms Carey’s termination as “unacceptable” saying employees “should be allowed their individual viewpoints”, while the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said she should seek legal advice.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, Ms Carey said: “My only statement is that I stand by my statements, those of which were anti-war and anti-terrorism.”

She referred to her LinkedIn post on the “dire situation in Gaza right now”.

“I would rather use this voice to amplify innocent people living in oppressive apartheid regime,” she said.

Ms Carey said the reason for her termination was because of comments made by her online.

“Basically the sentiment was that the social media posts that I made were offensive to the Israeli colleagues,” Ms Carey said.

Since posting the comments online, Ms Carey said she has been sent abusive messages, which has impacted her mental health.

“The absolute onslaught of abuse and death threats and rape threats that I’ve received from it has been absolutely unbelievable,” she said.

Ms Carey said she was considering bringing her termination case to the Workplace Relations Commission.

Earlier, she reposted a post by former Web Summit CEO Paddy Cosgrave.

Mr Cosgrave resigned from his role following a backlash over his public statements on the conflict.

In his LinkedIn post, Wix president Nir Zohar said team members in Israel have been through so much since the horrible October 7 Hamas attack.

He said in the midst of this, for all the Israelis to be called terrorists by someone they perceive as a teammate and a colleague is unfathomable, unexplainable and unacceptable.

“The employee posted something inflammatory of a similar kind last week,” he said.

He said she was asked by her manager to be sensitive to her peers after being told how much pain this is causing her foreign colleagues, and removed that post.

He said a few days later, a post was made that “essentially points a blaming finger at the victims of horrific terrorism”.

“Wix is a global company, it is an open and a liberal company,” he said.

“We would never try to limit anyone’s political views, we do however also hold a strong set of internal values about our team spirit, partnership and friendship.

“These accusations in such troubling times not only harm our Israeli team’s spirit, they also threaten the great connection between our Dublin offices with our 500 team members and their Israeli colleagues. We therefore decided to part ways with this employee.”

Speaking in the Dáil on Tuesday, the Taoiseach said he would advise Ms Carey to seek legal advice if her dismissal was over her political views.

Solidarity TD Mick Barry had raised her dismissal.

Mr Barry said: “She commented online about what she described correctly as the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza. She was fired from her job for doing so. I am calling on the Irish Congress of Trade Unions to speak out on this case.

“It could have a chilling effect on thousands of workers in this country who wish to speak out against a brutal war. It also creates a terrible precedent whereby workers can be fired for expressing a political point of view.”

People Before Profit TD Richard Boyd Barrett told the Dail that the case was “particularly disturbing”.

He said: “They sacked her because she had put posts online that according to her are quite mild posts, where she essentially laid the responsibility for the current violence in Gaza on the shoulders of the Israeli government for its apartheid policies, its occupation and its siege of Gaza.”

In response, Mr Varadkar said he did not know the details or facts of the case and therefore could not pass judgment.

However, he added: “Under Irish employment law, it is not okay to dismiss somebody because of their political views.

“I believe that to be wrong and would encourage the woman concerned to seek advice, whether from the WRC, a trade union or a solicitor, because it may well constitute wrongful dismissal and there are remedies that would then apply.

“Of course, all the facts would need to be known before we know what the outcome will be.”

Tánaiste Micheál Martin described reports of Ms Carey’s termination today as “unacceptable”.

He said: “I think employees generally should be allowed their individual viewpoints.

“We live in a democracy here, we tolerate debate, we’ve freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, and people have different opinions on these issues.

“People are entitled to have perspectives once they don’t advocate violence in the pursuit of those objectives.”

He said he was not familiar with the particular case, but added: “We uphold the rights of people to freedom of expression.”

Owen Reidy, general secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, tweeted on Wednesday that “this is completely wrong and unacceptable in Ireland today”.

“Workers must be allowed free speech,” he said.

“This worker may have a serious case for unfair dismissal and if a union member should get advice.”

Barry Crushell, employment law solicitor, said workers should think about how their boss might react before sharing social media posts online.

Speaking generally, he said an employee may have a solid unfair dismissal case if fired on the spot but some bosses may be more willing to risk legal repercussions than reputational damage.

Source; Irish Independent

Off-duty pilot charged with 83 counts of attempted murder for allegedly trying to shut off engines on Alaska Airlines flight

An off-duty pilot is charged with 83 counts of attempted murder after he allegedly tried to shut off the engines by pulling the fire extinguisher handles on an Alaska Airlines flight, according to officials.

The plane was scheduled to fly from Everett, Washington, to San Francisco before it diverted late Sunday to Portland after a “credible security threat related to an authorized occupant in the flight deck jump seat,” the airline confirmed to ABC News.

The suspect allegedly tried to pull the fire extinguisher handles on the engines, preliminary information obtained by investigators indicated, according to a federal official briefed on the probe. The suspect was overwhelmed by flight crew and subdued and then handcuffed to a seat, the federal official told ABC News.

The suspect, Joseph David Emerson, was taken into custody, the Port of Portland confirmed. Emerson is charged with 83 counts of attempted murder, according to the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office. He is also facing 83 counts of reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor, and one felony count of endangering an aircraft.

The suspect was en route to San Francisco, where he was scheduled to be on a flight crew of a 737, the official said.

Alaska Airlines said the off-duty pilot was sitting in the flight deck jump seat — which is in the cockpit — and “unsuccessfully attempted to disrupt the operation of the engines.”

He was heard in the moments prior saying something similar to, “I’m not right,” a federal official told ABC News.

The captain and first officer “quickly responded,” Alaska said, adding engine power was not lost and the crew secured the aircraft without incident.

There were 80 passengers and four crew members on the flight, according to Alaska.

Passenger Aubrey Gavello told ABC News, “We didn’t know anything was happening until the flight attendant got on the loudspeaker and made an announcement that there was an emergency situation and the plane needed to land immediately. … About 15 minutes later, she got back on and said that there was a medical emergency.”

Passenger Alex Wood said the pilot announced that “there was a disturbance in the cockpit.”

Gavello said she heard a flight attendant tell the suspect, “We’re going to be fine, it’s OK, we’ll get you off the plane.”

“So I really thought it was a serious medical emergency,” she said.

Wood added, “It was very professional, handled very calmly, and we didn’t really know what was going on until we landed.”

Once the plane landed, Wood said police went to the back of the plane and escorted a handcuffed man off the plane. He noted that the suspect “was wearing a lanyard, a sweater. Looked like an airline employee.”

Gavello said, “After we did land and the gentleman was escorted off, the flight attendant got back on the speaker and said, plain and simple, ‘He had a mental breakdown. We needed to get him off the plane immediately.'”

The Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement to carriers that the incident is “not connected in any way shape or form to current world events.”

The event is being investigated by law enforcement, the airline said. The FBI confirmed it is looking into the incident and “can assure the traveling public there is no continuing threat related to this incident.”

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg said in a statement, “I am grateful for the professional flight crew and air traffic controllers who stepped up to guide this plane safely to Portland. FAA supports law enforcement in their response and will be focused on any safety considerations for the future that emerge from investigations.”

The pilots union Air Line Pilots Association, International in a statement praised the pilots and crew who safely landed the plane and said it’s fully cooperating with authorities.

The union added, “The airline pilot profession in North America is one of the most highly vetted and scrutinized careers, and for good reason. For decades, the United States has pioneered a proactive approach to improving aviation safety and maintaining a healthy work environment for pilots. In addition, U.S. pilots are continuously evaluated throughout their careers through training, medical exams, crew resource management, and programs such as the Line Operations Safety Audit, as well as by the airline and during random flight checks by the Federal Aviation Administration.”

Source; ABC News

Correspondent for ‘The Daily Show’ Likens His Job to ‘Being a Marine’

If one were to compile a list of people who are genuine heroes, there would be a lot of U.S. Marines on that list. And there probably wouldn’t be many (as in, zero) Daily Show correspondents.

That isn’t stopping Roy Wood Jr. from comparing his job as a Daily Show correspondent to being a U.S. Marine.

Roy Wood, Jr. once worked as a radio journalist. Now, he twists the news to fit a progressive agenda.

Wood, 44, has served as a “Daily Show” correspondent for eight years, a far-Left platform made famous by Jon Stewart. Wood recently announced he’s leaving “The Daily Show” to pursue other projects, in part because Comedy Central wouldn’t commit to him becoming the program’s new host.

Wood seems at peace with the decision, in part because late-night TV as we know it may not be around much longer.

Late-night TV as we know it probably won’t be around much longer precisely because of biased lefties like Roy Wood Jr., and that’s for sure and for certain.

Here’s the money quote:

Wood still has warm feelings for late-night’s hard-left racket, adding the satirical heavy lifting is significant. In fact, he compared being a late-night contributor on “The Daily Show” to serving one’s country in the Variety piece.

“No one wants to be the show that has to talk about the tough times,” Wood says, “Everybody wants to be the show that counterprograms tough times.” At “Daily, he adds, “we are more like the Marines. We are running in head first into some of this s***.”

“…[M]ore like the Marines,” he says. Mr. Wood’s entire knowledge of the Marine Corps evidently comes from watching Gomer Pyle, USMC reruns, because he sure doesn’t seem to have much grasp on what Marines actually do, if he thinks his life as a progressive news spokesdroid in any way compares. But even though I was Army myself, I could list some examples for him.

I could tell him about Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone, who was the only Marine in WW2 to be awarded both the Medal of Honor (Guadalcanal) and the Navy Cross (posthumously, Iwo Jima). He volunteered, after his War Bond tour, to not only train new Marines but to lead them into battle once again, falling on Iwo Jima while leading from the front.

I could tell him about Sergeant Major Daniel Daly, one of the two Marines to be awarded not one but two Medals of Honor, and who is best remembered for the WW1 battle of Belleau Wood, when he famously shouted at his men, “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?”

I could tell him about Lieutenant General Lewis “Chesty” Puller, one of the Corps’ greatest heroes, who led Marines in the Pacific throughout WW2 and again in Korea; his famous quote from the Chosin Reservoir battle was reportedly, “We’ve been looking for the enemy for some time now. We finally found him. We are surrounded. That simplifies things.”

I could tell him about my uncle Carl, who was a gyrene PFC when he took a Japanese bayonet through the shoulder on Iwo Jima in 1945, only a few miles from where Gunnery Sergeant Basilone fell.

And I could tell him that he isn’t fit to scrape dog excrement off of any of those Marines’ field boots.

This is why Americans are losing faith in the media. Biased, even bigoted reporting and just plain blindness like this are why, yes, late-night television as we know it may well be going the way of the dodo. It’s been a long time since Johnny Carson held the #1 chair on late-night TV, handling every guest with grace, humor, and charm, no matter who they were.

Source; Red State

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Police, Stupid Criminals

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As it turned out, it was a really bad day for the Alaskan airline pilot to try shrooms for the first time. Not that anybody was shocked by that.

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Oregon and their push for legalization of all drugs is looking fairly stupid these days.


This is why I’m against legalization. What you drop today may not take effect until you least expect it.


Mushroom trip lengths are pretty predictable and don’t feature the sketched out next day ‘ hangover ‘ like chemical psychedelics.
But in any case, save them for a long weekend or holiday if your job has safety requirements.


“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit dropping ‘shrooms!” – Loyd Bridges (probably)

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Colin Scott Crittenden needs to get down to All-Points Logistics and get some retraining from Phil Monkress (and others) on how to impersonate a police officer.


“It’s a felony or whatever”; I believe is in the APL corporate mission statement.

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And security background check policy.

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Roy Wood Jr. is a fucking clown.


“And I could tell him he isn’t fit to scrape dog excrement off of any of those Marines’ field boots.”

That’s because he is the dog excrement.


The Wix story will probably end poorly for them. Irish labor laws are extremely onerous (for the employer) and just laying someone off requires tons of paperwork and months – or even years – of severance pay. And for those unfamiliar – ” the Taoiseach” (say Tee-shock) is the Prime Minister of the country and the Tanaiste is the deputy PM.


“…I didn’t mean to.” DaHell?!!? Fitting irony of this dumbass would be pulling over some armed, wanted, genuine bad guy, that didn’t know dumbass was a fake cop, and got his dumb ass wasted.

I may not agree with what a dumbass says, or like the fact that you are a dumbass, but I will defend your right to say dumbass sh^t…and to be stupid.

Home boi pile it wants to die while flying? Give him a HANO. The flying part may not kill him but that sudden landing will.

“…leaving “The Daily Show” to pursue other projects,…” I hear that the Marines are looking for a few good men. Let’s see how the comparison to being a REAL MARINE and an imaginary Marine works out.


Wood wouldn’t have been fit to tongue polish the red VD heads on a WW2 troop transport.


The left/libtard do-it-yourself “woke” Oppressed Group Creator– amaze your friends, seize the moral high ground for demanding Free Sh*t or acting like an *sshole, or just annoy all those “normies” who ain’t you:
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Speaking of stupid people, Mike Pence calls it quits.


Good, nobody wanted him anyway.


Race Bannon would’ve been better anyway.
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So apparently the Black Hebrew Israelites were fighting against some pro-Pali protesters in Chicago today. I love it when 2 groups of motherfuckers I don’t like start fighting with each other.