Kennedy amendment protecting Veteran second amendment rights passes Senate
Senator John Kennedy, R-LA, introduced an amendment that aims to protect the second amendment rights of Veterans if the Department of Veterans Affairs manages their finances. Currently, if a Veteran asks for help with managing their finances in a conservatorship, the Department of Veterans Affairs reports that veteran’s name to the FBI.
From Fox News:
The Senate passed an amendment introduced by Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., that protects veterans’ Second Amendment rights if the Department of Veterans Affairs steps in to manage their financial benefits.
The Senate voted 53 to 45 Wednesday in approval of the amendment.
“Veterans who sacrificed to defend our Constitution shouldn’t see their own rights rest on the judgment of unelected bureaucrats–but right now, they do,” Kennedy told Fox News Digital on Wednesday.
“My amendment would prevent government workers from unduly stripping veterans of their right to bear arms. Every veteran who bravely serves our country has earned VA benefits, and it’s wrong for the government to punish veterans who get a helping hand to manage those resources.”
Under current law, the Department of Veterans Affairs reports a veteran’s name to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System when they seek help managing their finances in a conservatorship.
“If a veteran who defended this country has to go to the VA and ask for help managing his or her financial affairs, the VA automatically reports that veteran to the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System . . . and that veteran loses his firearm,” Kennedy said on the floor of the Senate Wednesday. “Automatically. No due process.”
Fox News has additional information here.
Category: Second Amendment, Veterans Issues, Veterans' Affairs Department
I’m perplexed why ANY veteran would inform the VA he/she was struggling to manage their finances.
Heaven knows I wouldn’t want the VA to manage any of my affairs because they can’t even manage their own.
America…this is nationalized healthcare.
“if a Veteran asks for help with managing their finances in a conservatorship, the Department of Veterans Affairs reports that veteran’s name to the FBI.”
According to a woman on D’Souza’s “Police State”, those names are also put on a list of potential domestic terrorists that goes to the TSA.
I need to watch Police State.
Dinesh D’Souza should get an Oscar for all the work he has done.
As has been said…

Many people struggle with financial management, but vets (especially from the enlisted ranks) are a unique class. While some fall into substance abuse and other issues, I’m sure that many simply fail to plan accordingly, have a “devil may care” attitude until it’s almost too late, or are simply broadsided by life.
For however many years, we serve our country with the possibility of walking out the door one day and not walking back in. Younger SMs tend to buy nice cars, spend a lot of money on booze and women, and generally just live paycheck to paycheck. Depending, this might go on for the bulk of the SM’s career. Before you know it, you’re a retiring SNCO or CPO without tangible assets who’s about to see your pay cut by 2/3rds or more (counting BAH/BAS). Alternatively, you’re a junior enlisted SM who took the barracks life for granted while yearning for that greener grass on the outside. That ETS date looks nice until you’re making a fraction of your military pay. I won’t even bring up fractured marriages resulting in child support and/or alimony.
Those dependent on VA disability compensation are especially vulnerable. They sacrificed their youth and their health for our country and are put on a fixed income for the duration of their lives. To have an organization they depend on for their healthcare, income, and other benefits offer a service, then use that service to effectively deny their gun rights, is beyond reprehensible.
Just get on with it and flag every veteran with two or more tours.
You think they don’t already? You can bet they’re in some database within the deep state
I doubt that “the list” is limited to combat veterans.
VA asks whether you or any member of your household has guns and where they’re secured for some reason.
Veterans Affairs Sucks (with a capitol S) Our son, a retired AF MSgt was killed in a car crash in 2021. We were not aware of VA burial allowances and transportation allowance until recently. There is a two year submission limit and we submitted five days late explaining circumstances. Surprise, surprise, VA declined our claim for burial benefits and also a plot and internment allowance. We did not claim the later because internment was in the Arkansas Veteran’s Cemetery. Shows how much attention they paid to the claim particularly since the VA already paid the cemetery the plot and internment allowance. We will appeal but not with much hope. Did I mention the VA SUCKS.
My heart goes out to you.
I cannot even imagine how much pain you must have gone through.
Why stop with veterans? Why not apply the same law across the board, revoke the 2nd amendment rights of anyone who requires help in managing their finances? That’s only fair, right? I say fuck off.
Will that include all of those on “the dole”. Or will “the dole” go on the list after they are no longer useful?
I’m surprised Kennedy was able to get this past Chucky Schemer.
He saw the proposal was by Senator Kennedy and was temporarily confused.
“…anti-gun bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., have gotten away with stripping the rights…” One word in that paragraph says it all. “bureaucrats” and not just the anti-gun. The Deep State Sewer is not just the career politicians, it is more so the career entrenched, unelected trough slurpers that actually make the policies that are foisted upon all of the Citizens. Every aspect of our lives is controlled by a nameless, faceless, “bureaucrat” that graduated from the School of Good Idea Fairies. The questions are not just coming from VA medical centers, it’s asked of me everytime I go see my civilian health care providers, and has been for awhile. Hell most of the questions they do ask have very little to do with my actual “health”. When questioning them about all of the questions the standard answer is “we’re required to ask these questions by (a) the insurance company or (b) the government.” Phuque ’em.
Pro tip to all of the bureaucrats out there. If someone wants to commit mayhem or harm themselves, using a firearm is not the only way to do it.
Because it’s generally so EASY to figure out those benefits, and how to navigate the VA system, that a child should be able to do it. If a Veteran asks for help he’s obviously not in his right mind and needs to have his firearms taken away…and while we’re at it, we should monitor his phone calls, his snail mail, his online activity, and his stool samples.