Democrats screw working people — again

| January 19, 2007

Democrats passed legislation yesterday aimed at recovering about $10b in royalties from “Big Oil”. Who do Democrats think they’ll be getting that money from, anyway? Do they honestly think that the energy companies will just dig down deep and fork over the money from their own pockets? Hell, no.

They’ll just raise prices on the consumer end of the chain. I’m not saying that’s wrong (I’d do the same thing in their position), but I do blame the Democrats for being disingenuous about the whole thing.

That’s a $10 billion dollar hit on the entire economy and an unneccessary one at that. Did the government pay $10 billion to oil companies when they were operating on razor-thin profit margins in the late 90s? Is that $10 billion going back to the consumers who kept paying for $3.80 gasoline and kept the economy going through the last few years of the increasing fuel prices? That would almost make sense wouldn’t it?

But, nope, that money is going into Washington political maneuvering. Democrats love to take money from rich people – rich, faceless corporations are even more fun to stick up apparently. I’m sure the Democrats are celebrating their thievery as some sort of Robin Hood exercise, but we’re all going to end up paying for it – it’s a tax hike on working Americans disguised as “social justice”.

Category: Politics

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