Wednesday Weirdness

| October 25, 2023

Okay, I am going to pause ranting for a day or two. If anyone was offended… talk to Ed about reducing my pay.

Just a few vignettes for the day: First up, I am pretty sure Sheila Jackson-Lee is a familiar figure to most of us. Lately she has decided to run for Mayor of Houston. Why, I am uncertain – it’s not like a springboard to wealth, power, or higher office. But she does have two assets: listen to how articulate a sitting US Congresscritter can be:

“When I called Jerome, he only sits up there like a fat [expletive], just talking about what the [expletive] he doesn’t know,” she said. “Both of y’all are [expletive]-ups…This is the worst [expletive] that I could’ve ever had put together. Two [expletive] big [expletive] children. [expletive] idiots. Serve no [expletive] purpose. Fox News

Can’t find any evidence she was ever military – with a mouth like that I wondered. Oh, and the second? She has been endorsed by none other than Hillary Clinton. It is true – hateful geriatric hags of a feather DO hang together.


Li-Cycle Holdings announced a pause in construction on its lithium-ion battery recycling plant construction and the stock promptly tanked 46%. They were to get a $375,000,000 loan from the current administration for this. Can you say “Solyndra”? I knew that you could. Bloomberg


Those picky California Fish and Wildlife people: FLW just had to tell their employees not to use the electric charging station at their offices: they are for FLW electric vehicles. Nor can they run chargers from office outlets. Sacramento Bee I foresee a wave of entitled employee resignations, probably all starting with “It’s just so unfair!”.


And on the subject of wildlife – a golf course in Arizona is fighting an ongoing war with javelina. While the  little pigs will tear up the course in a heartbeat (and you too, if you get close and they decide to do something about it) they are also protected in Arizona, so the course’s   options are limited.

Earlier this month, Casey attempted to ward off the javelinas by covering a section of the course in super-spicy, 1-million-Scoville chili oil, according to a post she wrote on X. Insider 

That’s Em Casey, assistant course superintendent. Now, in Texas, they could get volunteers to try to take care of it. Arizona? Note that word “protected.” I’m of two minds – golf course placement in javelina habitat may not have been wise, but when you see what a bunch of pigs do to what was once nicely cultivated, you understand why ARs are popular pig guns. No score, although I am a bit in awe of the little porker’s esophagi. A million?


To anyone who has bitched about loud rap or techno from passing cars, you are not alone. Porirua, New Zealand has a problem with “siren battles” in which drivers fit their cars with outsized amps and speakers and compete to see who can blast their music the loudest. Sounds pretty standard, no? Except they do it all night. Apparently the police receive complaints (over 40 so far) but are unable to do much. Now for the good part: The artist they are blaring at high volume? Celine Dion.

Her songs are also said to be a good choice for a siren battle as they are clear, and have high treble without much bass.  Evening Standard

How the heck can a country which produces hakas and the All-Blacks rock out at ear-shattering volume to… Celine Dion?

Guess we know now why the government took their guns away… me, I’d be very tempted to put a few rounds through someone’s speakers at 2AM. And not be too picky about knowing where in the car they had put the speakers, too.


Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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USMC Steve

Just a slick hood rat and black racist that managed to sell enough snake oil to get her constituents to keep voting for her. She fits right in with the hate group known as the socialist democrat party.


Pay? You obviously missed that chapter in the TAH Employee Handbook.


“hateful geriatric hags of a feather DO hang together.”
One can always hope.

Did those FLW employees get a gasoline allowance from their employer? No. So don’t expect free electricity for your Tesla.

“golf course placement in javelina habitat may not have been wise.”
It’s Arizona. It’s all javelina habitat. They’re not endangered, the fuckers breed like rabbits.


Miz Shelia jus’ beez trying to keep up the reputation of Texas.

Did anybody ever get busted for the Solyndra fiasco? I think the main corrupt grifter of all that was able to do the Buy Large Mansions thing.

FLW folks no longer getting a charge out of their work? Maybe they need to learn how to code. Worked out good for coal miners and pipe fitters, didn’t it?

Make golf courses rifle ranges and artillery impact zones again! Ready made spicy sausage. Biscuits and gravy upon request.

Celine Dion? To quote THE Greatest Rock and Roll Band EVAH…”Who are you…Who Who…Who Who…


There was just something creepy about her and her husbands relationship. She was a preteen when they met. He was a singer/manager or something, he was a grown ass man 26 years her senior. Married her when she was 20.


Open the pod bay doors, Hal…

comment image


What’s that strange noise?


Grab hold to, pull up on that black and yeller handle, and hang on.


I got a similar creepy vibe from one of our BDE PMO NCOs. He was an E-7 31E (Corrections) who took leave to go marry his girlfriend, who is about 12 years younger than him. I did some research, and she was in high school while he recruited in her hometown (having no previous ties to the area). She enlisted shortly after the wedding, and I recall him being proud of himself when he called her Drill Sergeant about something or another, and upon finding out the DS was a SSG, tried pulling rank…over the phone…from Fort Stewart to Fort Jackson. Hopefully that DS reminded him of the difference between rank and authority. Me? I’d have pissed him off so bad he’d have called my CSM. Before he could, though, I’d inform my 1SG and then CSM about the call and the overreach by some Trainee’s husband who thought his rank carried weight in my company. I always respected rank, but that Campaign Hat knows no authority outside of those directly over you. Married to a MSG? Cool story, tell him to f*** off and find me after graduation.

I found the guy on the Book of Faces a few weeks ago and it seems they’re still married, so there’s that, but it’s weird thinking about how and why they’d get married a couple of years after he left, when she had just turned 18, and he recruited in her high school. Hmmm…. 🤔🤨😞

Last edited 11 months ago by fm2176
Green Thumb


I like Casey. Thinking outside the box and getting it done (attempting to, anyway)!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Javelina are not the same as escaped wild feral hogs/pigs in Texas.
That said, they can be just as dangerous (no shit, Sherlock)
While running company (11th Sig Bde Thunderbirds) PT on Ft Huachuca out on one of the range roads, we’ve been known to scare up a herd or two of those critters, have them run right along side of us.
Fun times!

Last edited 11 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Wasn’t a good BDE Run if you didn’t scare up some javalina or coatimundis. Huachuca is still ass-deep in little piggies. You oughta see how the trainees react when our local mama bobcat decides to stroll by.


Saw troops of the ‘coon-like critters in the canal zone on a UNITAS. Operation Just Because was still fresh and the locals were grumpy over having their government overthrown, so we stayed close to Rodman.

Our Ordie saw the AFRTS commercial, “Don’t Feed the Coatimundis!” and instantly named them “Cooter Munchers.”

The name stuck.




I assume you are referring to the psycho shooter in Maine. I love how the media keeps calling him a marksmanship trainer and a skilled woodland survival expert, when he is a POL specialist in a reserve support battalion.