Killing babies and castrating children are cornerstones of national defense

| October 24, 2023

Apparently, this woman believes that banning abortion is racist, classist, and sexist. (AP/Alex Brandon)

Banning abortion is deleterious to national defense. So say a veteran who is now a Democrat congressman and some other idiot veteran.

Here’s some of their Army Times oped;

Let’s talk about how these restrictive laws threaten our national security.

When people decide to serve, they take the same oath we took — the same oath millions of others have taken over our nation’s history. You raise your right hand, go to boot camp, get trained on your job, and go where the nation needs you. You don’t have a choice about where you go to serve — that’s part of the deal.

More than 230,000 women and 14,000 LGBTQ+ people serve in our armed forces today, meaning thousands of active duty service members stationed in states with restrictive laws are feeling the brunt of extreme politicians’ efforts to limit their freedoms. The last thing we want to see is accomplished service members separating from service early after being assigned to a duty station where they and their dependents cannot access the healthcare they need.

In the aftermath of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, then-Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Gil Cisneros testified to Congress that, “some servicemembers may choose to leave the military altogether because they may be stationed in states with restrictive reproductive health laws.”

Retention isn’t the only place our armed forces will suffer because of these extreme laws restricting service members’ freedoms — recruitment will suffer too. Roughly three-quarters of young people believe abortion should be legal. How can we expect recruitment numbers to increase if prospective service members fear being stationed in an area where they’ll be treated like second-class citizens?

Personnel is the most important aspect of readiness. As recruitment and retention continue to fall, so does the military’s ability to meet the force requirements necessary to respond to any threat. Service members should be able to focus solely on their mission, not be forced to worry about whether they or their loved ones at home can access the health care they need.

Naturally, they also take the time to say that the civilian control of the US military is also dangerous to national security.

Now, Sen. Tommy Tuberville has responded by blocking DoD nominations for his own political gain. Not to mention, a small faction in the House of Representatives pushed through a defense authorization bill that would reverse the policy, putting military pay raises on the line and using our service members as pawns to advance their own agenda.

So let’s be clear, Sen. Tuberville is actively holding our military hostage and undermining service members who have sacrificed their lives to protect him and his constituents.

He must stand down.

Using military servicemembers for political gain is perfectly fine for the first 11 paragraphs of their op-ed. But when Coach Tuberville does it, because the DoD is violating federal law by paying (albeit indirectly) for abortions, it’s a national emergency!

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Well, the first 2 words are killing the narrative.
Over 50 years of political divide over defining abortion. And life.

I saw it over 40 years ago.
A college auditorium holding a special event called
“Symposium for Responsible Parenting”.
It wasn’t.
Instead, anyone attending quickly saw big screen photos
of abortion soup, knives, forceps, and more,
and 2 stage speakers (1 male, 1 female, both unattractive)
trying to lead a crowd chant of “murder baby kill, murder baby kill”.
Most left minutes after walking in.
Tricked and fooled by anti-abortion activists into showing up for this intentionally misidentified “symposium” under false pretense.

I’ve been pro-choice ever since.

After all, why does any abortion 2000 miles away affect my state, or my local or state election candidates slate?

That is, unless locals pull out their religion card.
And we now see world news in the Middle East,
and others with other religion(s) now pulling out their religion cards.

So, freedom of religion, but only for only YOUR religion?
Go ask Tomi Lahren, if you like watching her on Fox.
A few years ago, she announced her pro-choice stance on her own personal social media, and also spoke about this on The View, and was promptly dumped from The Blaze by Glenn Beck.

Both political parties are foolish for taking hard stands on this topic,
and allowing the topic of abortion to be(come) a primary diversion
to almost any (other) political argument, and any new political candidate.

We ALL should have the right to feel as we wish on this topic.
And not get misled, goaded, hassled, or fired because of our personal opinion(s) on abortion…. or life.

Tomi Lahren Glenn Beck Blaze.jpg
Last edited 10 months ago by MarineDad61

People want to claim abortion is a constitutional right, yet nobody seems able to bring up or point out the amendment, or sub section to any amendment, that shows that right.

People complain that the Supreme Court banned abortions. No, they said it was the STATES job to determine if abortion should remain legal, and let the states decide.

Roe v Wade was passed in 73ish(?), and Congress has had about 50 yrs to get an amendment written and passed stating such. I believe it’s called the 3rd rail of politics, and nobody wants to touch it. They are willing however, to poke the hornets nest and then stand back and watch the show.


Agreed. And now the shows vary widely, by state.


Illinois has a mobile lab, read medical rv, that travels along states that border Illinois to provide services to residents of said neighboring states who can’t get procedure performed in their home state.

Taxpayer Funded Abortions Step right up, We will have you home in time for jeopardy.

Forest Bondurant

You ought to read Justice Alito’s opinion in “Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The version I read is 213 pages, and makes a lot of sense.


May take a few days to do so, a few pages here, a couple there. You get the idea.

By the time I get it read, this thread will be more than a few days old. But I will look.


Only what left/libtards like is a “Constutional right” for them: abortion, yes; guns, no.


Were your little feelings hurt by some kooks?

Cause if that’s how you make life/death decisions…

“I’ve been pro-choice ever since.”


Since you resort to “little feelings” as a failed insult attempt…

Let me know when aborted fetuses full of alcohol, meth, and heroin
in Miami, Houston, and Los Angeles
somehow have an effect on your life, and your feelings.

Some people have plenty of reasons to be anti-abortion.
Some people have plenty of reasons to want and have the freedom of choice.


Those humans have the same right to life, liberty, and property as you do.

If they don’t, why do you?


I’m all for freedom of choice. I’m against banning abortion, I’m in favor of reasonable time limits on obtaining one. I’m also very much against aborting a baby because it’s “inconvenient”, it shouldn’t be used as a form of birth control. I’m against the military paying for elective abortion, providing it, allowing medical leave for it, or paying TDY money to obtain it. Tuberville is doing the right thing, the Dems could still move the promotion process along, but that would remove their ability to bitch about it. I’m 100% in favor of humans taking responsibility for their sexual actions. Male, female, or whatever variations we have this week. An innocent child shouldn’t have to pay for your actions.


Perhaps in addition to all the DEI training there should be some training in what causes pregnancy & how to prevent it. And, in addition to having tampon dispensers in the men’s rooms, they could put condom dispensers in the lady’s rooms.


Well, you did make it sound like you formed your “pro-choice” opinion because of your outrage/resentment at being “Tricked and fooled by anti-abortion activists into showing up for this intentionally misidentified “symposium” under false pretense”, not as a moral or intellectual decision.


You got dropped. Take the “L”.


No human is ever the property of anyone else, even when tiny and/or helpless. One cannot simply kill them.


I sometimes wonder about the “life choice” babies”, if any of them would have grown up and discovered a better treatment or outright cure for cancer, autism, alzheimers, diabetes or any other medical malady.


Or, the next Marx or Mao.

If I thought I was a diety, I would have gone to 1SG school.



The Left has been known to false flag their opponents, to sow discord and hate.


“The last thing we want to see is accomplished service members separating from service early after being assigned to a duty station where they and their dependents cannot access the healthcare they need.”

“Accomplished service members” should put service above all else. I suspect that most of us here are men and have children of our own. We made a choice, as did the mothers of our children, to go through the arduous process of conceiving, experiencing childbirth, and raising our kids for 18+ years. Too many parents nowadays end up raising their grandchildren as well. My wife and I planned zero of our five children (three of whom were born while I served), and definitely didn’t plan to be currently taking care of a 4-year-old. We didn’t use any “healthcare [we] need”, though, because we didn’t truly need it. We accepted responsibility for our actions. I’m all for granting access to medical care including abortions for those who have medical issues or are victims of SA. If CPT Whippet with excellent OERs and multiple medals gets knocked up by Joe, why should the Army pay or otherwise go out of their way to accommodate the accomplished officer. Let her pay out of pocket and use her own leave if she wants to continue her career unburdened. I knew such an officer who was kind of a “First” and who I felt would have gone on to see Stars. USMA grad, 82nd Combat Vet, and a prominent position in the DC area as a CPT, but she liked Joe, got a little preggo sauce in her life, and then the pics spread around…Won’t go into further detail, but the newly minted 1LT waiting on discharge kept the kid (I think), and regardless the Army paid nothing.


AMEN to this “Let her pay out of pocket and use her own leave if she wants to continue her career unburdened..”


If there is a financial burden incurred by the member, there are organizations like Navy Mutual Aid or the other services’ analogues which can provide no interest loans or outright grants.

Forest Bondurant

But if those organizations you describe are funded by the taxpayer in any way, the answer is NO.


So, if said accomplished service members have an abortion, does that cancel maternity leave?


If access to abortion is the primary objective of “accomplished service members” I suspect the service is better off without them.


That’s my sentiment exactly. The old, “if the Army wanted you to have a family, they’d have issued you one” mentality has thankfully gone away, but now it’s almost like they’re trying to pitch “if you want to be a Party Girl on weekends and get knocked up, don’t worry, we got your six with a free trip and abortion”.

I think that many of us have an ideal when we think “accomplished service member”. We picture the square-jawed Ranger, maybe the efficient and professional HR person in S1, or perhaps even the hard-nosed DFAC NCOIC.

The “accomplished service member” in today’s military though, is (and I’m going to sound incredibly misogynistic here) the Infantry 2LT who happened to become the first female Platoon Leader in the battalion but has a thing for her “Platoon Daddy”, the overweight but diverse S1 PFC who’s highly decorated with two ARCOMs and four AAMs because her first-line supervisor is “looking out for her” in more ways than one, and the 92G (Cook) SSG who spends every Friday night at the club and wakes up in a different bed every Saturday morning.

For obvious reasons, females tend to feel more passionate about the abortion issue than men. It’s not a contraceptive technique, though, despite many choosing to view it as one. As a husband and father, if one of my daughters needed to abort a child for their own health, I’d support it. Just as the wife and I “owned” our “mistakes” 👶, though, I feel like my own daughters should if they fail to take necessary precautions.

Military service implies that one knows about responsibility and accountability. Service members shouldn’t expect the military to pay for an “inconvenience” that may hinder or end a career.


These murderers of innocent babies are just trying to save us from future looters. After all…Dead Babies can’t take things off a shelf (ht2 Alice Cooper). Margaret Sanger…grins.

You want to murder your baby? OK, that’s between you, the baby daddy, and whatever Deity you believe (or not believe) in. Just don’t make me have to pay for it. Termination of a child because of rape, incest, health issues of the Mother or child, I can see that. That would fall under the term of “Health Care”. Termination (murder) for convenience sake? Nope, you knew what could happen when you had “unprotected” sex. That’s the only way one can become pregnant.

Can a female be a good soldier (service member) and a good Mother? Yeah, they (some) probably can. Personally I think the Mother should consider what it means to be either or both. You’re taking a job that you should know would mean being sent to places that you can’t take your child and you may see periods of separation that the child won’t understand. It is the personal responsibility of BOTH parties to consider ALL of the ramifications of what can happen when they decide to “get frisky”.

Green Thumb

Not all Veterans are good people.

Have been saying that for years.


Disassembly of a baby in utero is not, never has been, never will be, “healthcare”.


A couple of thoughts:
1. I served in some truly terrible places and never thought of separating myself from the service because of a bad duty station. I just waited for the next one that would be better.
2. I don’t think recruitment is down due to abortion laws. I think it may be down because A. Fewer people want to serve and be placed in Harm’s way under an administration that will leave them hanging in some shit hole so that they can capitalize their bank accounts through the military industrial complex. B. The ones that would join for college money may be thinking “what’s the point if the government is going to pay off my stupid, I mean student loans”
I Don’t think that local laws and the chance of being stationed there are stopping anyone from enlisting, and if it does, they weren’t really interested in serving anyway.


I forgot to add:
I do not believe that Tuberville is doing what he’s doing for personal gain. I don’t see what there is for him to gain with this. I’d say that he is one of the few “North of Richmond” that has personal convictions and follows through with supporting them.
I’d like to see a definition of how abortion =healthcare!?!?


We need a couple hundred more Tuberville type people.




Turtle touching cotton.


Enlistment is down, because we forgot that the objective of a proper military is Victory.

We have abandoned Victory as a concept, let alone a goal.

Back to basics. F with us, get defeated in detail. We are done when enough enemy convincingly beg for the opportunity to surrender.