American arms and ammunition for Israel, US commando mission not ruled out

| October 11, 2023

As of the linked article, 11 Americans have been confirmed dead as a result of the Hammas attacks in Israel. Officials are also entertaining the possibility that American citizens are among those who are being held hostage. Unlike past terrorist attacks in Israel, the current Hamas attacks bring an ISIS level of terrorism with it. One of the ideas being floated is to send US Special Forces, as well as an FBI rescue team, to Israel to assist with hostage rescue of American hostages.

From the Washington Examiner:

Any rescue effort would require exquisite intelligence about the location and conditions under which the more than 150 civilian and military hostages are being held, along with close coordination with Israeli forces who may be launching rescue missions of their own. “There are continual conversations across the U.S. government with all of our Israeli counterparts about the situation of hostages that Hamas is holding in Gaza,” a senior defense official told reporters in an afternoon conference call.

“We have hostage rescue teams in our special forces. They need to be shipped immediately, to get on those C-17s and C-5s, and fly to Israel to prepare to rescue these American citizens,” former national security adviser Robert O’Brien said on Fox. “We ought to have the FBI hostage rescue team also deployed to Israel.”

“We don’t even know if, or how many, are being held hostage. But how we would go about doing that? Obviously, we wouldn’t detail too much publicly,” Kirby said on CNN. “I would tell you, broadly speaking, that we will do what we need to do to protect our national security interests there in the region.”

Israel asked for more arms and ammunition; the U.S. already acted on sending them. The official that the Washington Examiner referenced said that the U.S. has the capability to support both Israel and Ukraine while also maintaining global U.S. military readiness.

We are working as fast as possible to provide critically needed munitions of various types and other equipment. We’re also contacting U.S. industry to gain expedited shipment of pending Israeli orders for military equipment that otherwise may have been considered routine for movement,” the senior defense official said in yesterday’s briefing. “We’re also working across the DOD enterprise, including with U.S. Central Command, to assess what munitions and other equipment are in U.S. inventory that can be made quickly available for Israel.”

“There’s already a new tranche of material going to Israel,” Kirby said on MSNBC. “It’s definitely on the way. And it does include interceptor missiles, some artillery ammunition, and other types of munitions that we know will be important for the Israeli Defense Forces.”

The Washington Examiner has additional information at this link.

Category: Big Pentagon, Israel, Terror War

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Green Thumb

We are going to get spread to thin.


Does it matter? We’re (Patriotic American Citizens) already getting dissolved by the flood of illegals and decimated by rampant crime and an ineffective (by design) “justice” system.


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USMC Steve

Not in free America. The blue states are absorbing most of that and appear to be good with it.


Sucks for those of us who aren’t blue living in those blue states.


Buy ammo, gold and canned food.


Send lawers, guns, and money.


Man, I miss Warren Zevon…

Here he is covering Steve Winwood:


I’d never heard that! Excellent!


Booze and cigarettes are good have, too.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

And remember to put the date on the cans. Sis goes nuts during the Florida Hurricane season, so she put a load of canned food in a plastic box with a tight lid so I don’t know how many years went by when she decided to check out the canned good and a number of the cans leaked big time and stunk up the place. Had to shit can the load and that was that. I used to buy a case or two of MRE’s during each season and eat the stuff up after the season a little at a time but stopped after realizing the amount of sodium and cholestiral in the product. I think one can now buy lower sodium meals. Too bad they got rid of the C-Rats franks and beans and everyone’s favorite ham and lima beans called know whats Left out the F word to be nice.


True that, am rotating my canned goods (throwing stuff out is a pain– eat sooner, better than toss later).


Im waiting for China to make their move against Taiwan. Its the perfect time.


Not popularly unexpected:


Just send Chuck alone, the both of those two would be overkill.




This is a job for Steve McGarrett and Joe White. Unfortunately, Frank Bama is no longer available to fly them in. His daughter, Lucia might be available.




I’m in favor of sending the entire FBI to the Gaza Strip and or the West Bank. They could do a mean Power Point presentation explaining why the Hamas attack wasn’t terrorism or politically motivated. Just some young hooligans blowing off steam from being unrighteous oppressed.

Green Thumb

And provide some gender workplace sensitivity training.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND they’ll also explain how this is all the fault of Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.


It’s what Israel and the US have coming because of white supremacy. /s


Not sure we want to get too deep in this. Supplying Iron Dome interceptor munitions and providing intel is one thing, sending Delta or SEALS into Gaza is another. I really don’t think we want to take a bite if that shit sandwich.


Oh, come on


You tube said no,, you can’t view

Green Thumb

The enemy sees our weakness. They have been collectively watching this clown show in Washington.

Wonder who moves next?


Just sayin’.
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RGR 4-78

In this day and age, Mickey would NEVER flip off one of the ChiComs butt buddies, that would cause Disney executives to have a communal stroke.


‘Fraid so:
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Meanwhile, Turkish education official talks sh*t to Netanyahu after he shares video of retaliatory airstrikes,:


The Turks are muslims, and as such, NOT our friends

Green Thumb

But secular.

They have there own share on internal issues…..


Erdogan is an Islamist and after that coup attempt a few years back, he purged their military of any threats to his power. Fuck the Turks.


They were secular. Erdogan is a very radical Muslim that uses the civility of being in Europe and a NATO member as camouflage. He hasn’t hidden his true desire to resurrect the Ottoman Empire. He has delusions of grandeur and shouldn’t be trusted.


An Empire based on putting your feet up?

-Jerry Seinfeld


“But secular.”

Not anymore. That has been changing for a couple of decades now.


Leave the FBI at home. They’re useless cowards who are only good at hassling parents and shooting dogs. Fuck them AND the CIA.


SHHH… don’t say the quiet part aloud. Their analysis is first rate. They could get this whole mess cleaned up in a couple of days. Send them. Send them all. Send them TDY and put them up at the Jacir Palace Hotel.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I thought that the weaponized FBI is the new Schutzstaffel
under orders from the new 4th Reich to go after political opponents that disagree with their agenda and raid their homes with the Govt CNN camera crews getting the shots in.

USMC Steve

Gestapo, not SS. The SS at least went out and engaged the enemy in combat. Not so for the FBI.


That’s what I am saying. Here is their chance to not just be ministers of truth, fact checkers and adhere to the one true party but to close with and destroy the enemy of liberalism on the ground.


Send the FBI’s vaunted HRT as well.


I hear they’re good at shooting women and dogs.. At least Horiuchi was …


FJB is comparing the death of Israeli citizens to the death of his son beau.

Is there no level of stupidity this guy won’t stoop to? Beau must have been the patron Saint of the family. It’s no wonder hunter is as screwed up as he is if that’s true.

As far as us sending commandos into Israel, will they be allowed to get things done or will their hands be tied.


Did he REALLY bring up Beau or are you just yanking our chains?😂


He did during his address to the US Fire Administrators summit yesterday, which was likely why he was late for his speech on Israel.


Man, I was hoping that Odie was joking. Apparently, he’s not.


“Not Again: Biden Compares Losing His Son to Israelis Who Had Family Slaughtered by Terrorists”


Well, at least he didn’t mention Beau by name and reiterate the ridiculous claim Beau died in Iraq.


4 November 2020…5 years after Beau died…

“As the polls neared closing in many states, Biden made another one of his infamous gaffes confusing his granddaughter Finnegan with his late son Beau Biden.”

“This is my son, Beau Biden who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware,” he said, placing his arm around her shoulder.”

“He then continued to make a mistake when realising his error he instead called Finnegan by her sister Natalie’s name.”


That fucking guy…


Ooops. different speech.


Not by name, he just did the “I feel your pain” routine; he has suffered loss, and although his loss is not the same, he understands……


My point still stands. Especially considering how he slandered that truck driver that was involved in the accident that killed his first wife. Oh why, oh why didn’t Joe go run errands that day?


The only thing we should send to Israel is more bulldozers. Line them up track to track and start moving. I figure there’s no need to push to the sea. A two mile DMZ should be adequate.


More Engineer support….
*Adds to list*


If we send our Troops the ROE must be
“Kill them all, let God sort ’em out.”

Kill them like the rabid dogs they are. Including the bitches that raise their kids to hate like this.
Air drop our feral hogs to clean up the aftermath.

Let the Jews deal with any rebuilding, get our folks out of there.


Well, since hamas has already shown us their version of ROE, we should respect the hosts version and respond in kind. I mean, what kind of guests would we be if we didn’t abide by set precedence.


Far be it from me to show disrespect to a host!


It’s only fair to play by their rules. Might not exactly be sporting, kinda like hunting over bait.

USMC Steve

A lot of people don’t know or don’t understand that the fake palestinians and their Hamas government almost all subscribe to the annihilation of Israel and every jew on the planet as their raison d’etre. It is ingrained in their nasty asses. And if asked they will willingly say so. They are the ones that need to cease to exist.


Hell, the other Arabs can’t stand them. Ask a Jordanian or an Egyptian what they think of “Palestinians.”


Why are we allowing any flag besides an American flag to be displayed in our capital building?


Because diversity makes us stronger…

I don’t really need the /sarc tag, do I???


Sarc tag not needed.


One good thing about it, is that it allows us to see who these people really are.


And yet sadly, the people are still too stupid or apathetic to get rid of them. We can see what they are, but nothing happens to them, and they continue to destroy America..




They have been showing us who they really are for decades now. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

Eric (The former OC Tanker)

“Make the rubble bounce” then bulldoze the crap into the Med.

Just say’n


Man, there sure is a lot of need for Engineers!🤣


Not so much EOD, though; UXO prevents reinfestation.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

And this is the same Spec Ops that Teh Gooberment want to cut by 10%?

Why, yes, it is!

That aged really well. Lasted nearly 4 days. Some kind of record in the FJB administration.


What’s that annoying noise?
Oh, that.


Track 001, Salvo, Engage!




Yesterday we hear that “they” are looking to cut back on SPECOPS by 10%.

The military industrial complex is real and the peace loving democrats are getting rich off of all of these wars


“Iraq, Jordan, Egypt Condemn Israel For Attacking Gaza As Holy Land Fends Off Strikes From Syria, Lebanon”



In other news, people with functioning brains don’t give a rats ass what the rest of the goat raping world thinks…

Only “progressives” that have been “educated” to extreme levels of ignorance actually care what these assholes think..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Educated beyond their intelligence”


BLM is standing with Hamas.
Today three light-skinned Useful Idiots® were standing on the courthouse square holding up BLM signs.

I wanted to go ask them who was paying them to be traitors, but I decided to go buy another gun instead.


Use the 87,000 armed IRS agents.


Let’s see how badly they want to earn their money.


Now THAT’S what I call a win-win.


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Is there anything left in the depots to send? Did Zman pitch a hissy or a conniption fit yet? Or both? Been seeing more than usual the amount of C17s flying out of Robins the last day or so. Hmmm Wonder if SecTrans has come off of maternity leave long enough to give warning orders to the American Civilian Air Carriers that their wide bodies are going to be pressed into service as troop carriers? Might as well give away our ammo and commit our troops to other places. We damn sure aren’t using them in their primary mission which is to defend us.



20/20 is now on, and one of the lead in photos showing the navy sailing to what I assume is for Israel’s defense flying what looked like a Ukraine flag on an aircraft carrier.

I didn’t know Ukraine had air craft carriers let alone can afford to send troops to aide Israel.

On another note, Russia/Ukraine War has so far gotten nowhere near the coverage Israel is. Does that make Russia/Ukraine war a farce?

Just observations from my house.


Only winners in all of this Odie, IMHO, is the MIC. We’ve seen more coverage of the ME in the last few days than we’ve seen in nearly 2 years out of the ‘Kraine. Again, it’s (neither place) not our monkeys, not our circus, but for some reason we (our/the grubermint) think that we (the taxpayers) have to pay the admission price AND The Ring Master. Looking at a multitude of news feeds, blogs, opinions ect, seeing a lot of questions being asked on the pysops of all this and the articles go “poof”.

thebesig has posted links, in the past, showing massive destruction of both RF and UK combat losses, men and material. It’s known that 8+million ‘Kranians have beat feet, many of them military aged men. Questions are being raised as to who the vaunted Mossad/IDF was caught flatfooted, looking the other way when Ham-Ass came swooping in. We really don’t know what to believe anymore other than the we are the carbon that the Global “Elites” want to reduce. Is it all a false flag? Hmmm

I’m more concerned about the millions of military aged young men that have invaded us thru the border over the last 2 years. 1.5 million of which came from countries known to be terrorist hot spots. These are CBP #s. If only 10% are sho ’nuff bad guys, well, do the math. And these phuquers are scattered all over the country. We are all well aware of what “a few good men” can do on a soft target.

The destruction of America is well under way, make no doubt about it.



Concern grows with supplying munitions to both Ukraine and Israel now that we’re out of Schlitz should more sh*t in the world happen:


When you’re out of Schlitz, you’re out of beer.

By the way, I’ve heard stories that this is Maury Povich in this classic commercial:


22 Americans are now confirmed dead.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” – B. Hussein 0bama


Though you can bet which side that sissy-boy is supporting..


If Obama is pulling the strings, wouldn’t that be Obama fucking things up?


Yup. Obama’s right hand is up Joe’s ass all the way to the shoulder, making his mouth move. Got the idea from Jeff Dunham and Walter.

USMC Steve

So apparently the government can act quickly on occasion.


Really? We’re as bad as the fucking Russians. Actually, we’re worse…at least someone over there made a buck or two off of the lack of oversight. Looking at you Viktor Bout…

And, just to remind me, we let the “Merchant of Death” out of prison in exchange for who?