Air Force lowers standards, still misses recruiting goal

| October 4, 2023

The Air Force, like all the branches in Biden’s DoD, can’t meet recruiting goals. So, standards must be lowered. The AF instituted a program this year to allow recruits to re-test if they piss hot for marijuana during the enlistment physical. They want a few good men who can’t stay clean for 30 days apparently. Expecting only 50 such people, they got three times that many. has the story;

The Air Force anticipated only 50 cases annually when it announced a new pilot program last year that would allow some applicants who drug-tested positive for THC, the active compound in marijuana, a chance to retest and possibly enlist.

But the Air Force Recruiting Service told on Tuesday that, within the first year of the program, the service encountered triple that number — granting 165 waivers after candidates retested and were shown to be free of THC.

That news comes as the Air Force attempts to remove barriers to service after missing its active-duty enlisted recruiting goals for the past fiscal year, which ended Sunday, by roughly 11%. It’s the first time since 1999 the service hadn’t reached its projected numbers.

Gen. Christopher Amrhein, the Air Force Recruiting Service commander, said during a media roundtable at the Air and Space Force Association’s conference at National Harbor, Maryland, last month that the recruiting situation could have been a lot worse if it wasn’t for the policy changes, such as the THC waiver, they had put in place prior to the end of the fiscal year.

“Let’s make no mistake, drug usage has absolutely no place in our Air and Space Forces,” Amrhein told reporters. “But allowing a second test in the recruiting process is the right thing to do. For FY23, this policy change allowed us to bring in approximately 165 additional high-quality airmen.”

There you go. It’s the “right thing to do.”

Category: Air Force

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I’d be interested to see how many of the 165 make it to 4 years without getting popped (unless that standard is changed as well), and then revisit what the right thing to do is.


we had a guy pop hot here…I am personally working make sure he’s kicked TF out


Chance for Hunter to redeem himself– judge said he had to get a job, ya know.


I’m sure stranger shit has happened!!


He’s got the scarf for it.
comment image


“The Elephant In The Room…


“Nancy Pelosi Evicted From Her Private Office In The Capitol By Interim House Speaker”


Pardon my ignorance, but exactly why was she still entitled to that office since her crown was revoked? Seems like this should’ve been the first order of business when McCarthy took over.



We were wondering the exact SAME thing…🤔

Now the big question is: Who will be the next House Speaker?

So far, it looks as if Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise may be candidates.

This is gonna get interesting….

USMC Steve

Except McCarthy was a screaming twatwaffle.




He’s a twatwaffle whether he was screaming, talking, awake, asleep or just breathing in general.

His tiger mouth promises over rode his paper ass.

It brings a smile to my face to see Nancy and Kevin both get their comeuppance.


They’re both from Commiefornia, which says all that needs to be said about them.
Hey, Kevin, you went out of your way to help the dems out with the CR, how’d that work out for ya?


True, but Newsom in all his wisdom picked a replacement for Feinstein from Maryland to represent the voters of California.

Why is this not bigger news than Nancy getting kicked out of her special hiding place office.

Green Thumb

Gotta pay the rent when the rent is due, motherfucker!


Yep, Yep, Yep…😉😎


But what if the rent is too damn high?

Forest Bondurant

No shit there were 3x as many.

The following states / territories have legalized recreational use of marijuana: Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Michigan, Vermont, Guam, Washington, DC, Illinois, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, New Mexico, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Missouri, Delaware and Minnesota.

More waivers!


Its hard-to-find clean pissing CDL drivers, people making choices/


Those are easy to find. You can pick up a flask of clean urine at any gas station that sells marijuana pipes. It’s the “observed” part of the test with the military that makes it hard.

Green Thumb


Dennis - not chevy

What was the old story? The guy got the letter telling him to report for his induction physical. He didn’t want to go so he mixed urine from several sources to substitute for his pee in the bottle, he figured that would score him a 4F. After the physical and all of the tests were done, the doctor sat him down to hear the good and bad news. The doctor said, “Young man your dog has worms, the hooker has the clap, your girl friend is pregnant, and you’re in the Army.”


And yet my employer can’t figure out why they can’t find qualified candidates but hey, I’ll be clean and sober–but it’s gonna cost ya.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Mmmmyeah, lower the standards, what could go wrong? Maybe we could end up with a Military like what we had during the Jimmeh Kahtuh years?

Green Thumb

At least All-Points Logistics will make quota.


“[D]rug usage has absolutely no place in our…Space Forces”

Oh I beg to differ, Herr General.

“Open the pod bay doors, HAL”
“Dave? Dave? Like, Dave’s not here, man”

How else are you going to design the warp drive and understand the Klingon mind?



One of my favorite movies ever. I had the soundtrack in 1981. On cassette. I stayed up until 3 am when I found out the movie was being shown on HBO to make sure I recorded it.


Plus, the South Park take on it:

Green Thumb



Joe Biden has made history again by creating the smallest army since 1940. Not satisfied with that, they have come up with a plan to make it even smaller.

My favorite part of the plan is to have recruiting report directly to Wormmouth instead of TRADOC. She will completely own the mission at that point.


It ain’t the sales force that’s the problem, it’s the product. Good times or bad, the military has a limited customer base.


Me, personally I’m in favor of replacing all the personnel with fanatically loyal robot slaves. We then put it all under the control of a huge computer system. We will call it Skyrim.


The democrats may have already done that in congress.


Get Ready!

Not Sarc…😆😉😉

“No, Oct. 4 National Emergency Alert Test Won’t Turn You Into A Zombie. Here Are The Facts.”

“The Federal Emergency Management System has scheduled an Oct. 4 test of its emergency warning systems, and some social media users are broadcasting baseless warnings about it.”

“Some claims have said the test will “continue for a couple of hours,” but that isn’t accurate.”

“Wireless service providers will transmit the test via a code sent to cellphones during a 30-minute window of time, but users will receive the text message alert only once.”

“The text message on cell phones will read, “This is a test of the national Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

“The text will be accompanied by a unique tone and vibration, which has been a topic of misinformation. Some claims assert the tones and vibrations “can affect things in your body, that’s what people are fearing.” But that’s inaccurate.”

“If you’re on a phone call during the alert, your call won’t be interrupted.”

“Some social media users have claimed that the alert can be avoided by turning off certain notifications on a cell phone. That’s not true. If it works the way it is intended, the only way to avoid receiving the alert is to turn off your phone. A FEMA spokesperson said in the Oct. 3 news conference that phones in airplane mode also will not receive the text message.”

“Some social media users are telling people to turn off their phones at the time of the test, warning of things such as a massive electromagnetic power surge that could be dangerous to physical or mental health. Others compared it with the plot of the Stephen King book, “The Cell,” in which a cellphone signal turned millions of people into mindless, violent zombies. We also debunked a claim warning that the signals will activate COVID-19 vaccine ingredients in people’s bodies.”


Well fuck. I was really hoping for a zombie apocalypse. We’re sitting in the shop, tinfoil hats properly grounded, waiting for our phones to ring. I’m so disappointed.


Just happened here.
1 cellphone black window pop up, with a repeating tone.
Click “Ok”, and it all goes away.


Just got the alert, I am a zombie now.

My wife isn’t… yet.


“My wife isn’t… yet.”


That’s a line from the song SFC just posted! 🤣

Wow…Capital Records…The Kingsman Trio…Know them both…am showing our age…😉😎


Kingsman? Kingston Trio, perhaps?


Yep, you are right, timactual..

Kingston Trio!




Happens To The Best Of Us!!

RGR 4-78

Pictures? That would be one funny picture.


And now, for your listening pleasure, a musical interlude. Please enjoy!


Gee Whiz…don’t know about the rest of you, but it went off about a minute or two EARLY on my phone…and one or two minutes LATE on our TV!

Even Fox News reporters said it was EARLY!

Gotta love the system!

Waiting for both Pelosi and Ole Biden Boy to turn into Zombies…Oh, wait…*sigh*…Too Late! 😆

RGR 4-78

Never happened on my tv, I was tuned into the stingray Bluegrass channel, maybe bluegrass music will prevent the zombie apocalypse.

I just noticed one difference as I go to post this, no emoji select. Odd.


It’s a conspiracy, I tell you.

A durn conspiracy!



What’s the state farm commercial tag line…?
She sounds hideous…
Well, she’s a zombie.


I have had erectile dysfunction, baldness and sudden weight gain since the alert. Where do I file my claim with the government?



USMC Steve

They have to be getting close to rock bottom by now, don’t they?


Shocking, recruiting is down! Only going to get worse from here.


“high quality”…yea maybe high quality dope they smoking

Prior Service

Fact: all but one of the people I’ve administered drug-related UCMJ to claimed it was their first time using.
Opinion: they were all lying, except the one with sufficient balls to tell the truth.
Fact: the vast majority of these 165 waivers will come up hot again. Whether they will be caught while hot is a different matter, but make no mistake, your USAF waiver-wingman is using.


How many of them make it to MOT?

AT1 ret

drugs, gender confusion, felonies..DOD has a waver.
Score a 10 and can barely spell your name on the ASVAB Navy is good, have mild ADHD- GET OUT OF OUR OFFICE!

Lack of giving a shit every Navy recruiter has shown my son and they wonder why they can’t get people.


So what happens when they fail a drug test once they’re through tech school and at their first base? Will they get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th chance?


Pretty soon the only standard we will have is…you gotta be breathing.

No one is coming to save us. It will be up to the individual and his/her chosen Compatriots to defend their loved ones, possessions, and themselves.



A fellow Vet at work recently applied for a job at a state university. He was confident about taking the drug screening and feeling confident because it had been a couple of months since he last smoked. I guess he’s one of those who lit up a joint as soon as the DD-214 was signed, he was off-post, and the boots came off for the last time. Nothing wrong with it, but I’ve never even tried the stuff and don’t get the appeal. Especially if you’re planning to apply for a job where it will disqualify you.

I’m a drinker. Sure, I pulled a few of the classic “show up to PT reeking of whiskey and sweat it all out on the morning run” days, but during deployments, training events, and of course duty hours I stayed sober and 100% mission-ready. Well, we did have a two-drink limit during lunch policy in TOG (probably not official, but our CO and 1SG reminded us constantly), and there may have allegedly been the occasional GOV at the drive-thru daiquiri shop during my recruiting days, but I digress.

At the federal level, and for enlistment and continued service in the Armed Forces, marijuana is illegal. How many of those 165 “high quality airmen” will think it’s no big deal to light up when they’re on a pass or leave, pop hot on a piss test, and fast-track their way down the rank structure and/or back to civilian life?

The fact that the Air Force, of all branches, missed its recruiting goal is telling of how far downhill our military is going. The Marines attract a different demographic than the other branches, and being much smaller are usually able to make mission. The Air Force also attracts a different demographic and having a more laid-back atmosphere coupled with a lot of technical jobs, usually has less of an issue than the Army or Navy.


Air Force

We’re High


Space Force

Hold my bong….


New official song for AF

Purple Haze


“For FY23, this policy change allowed us to bring in approximately 165 additional high-quality airmen.”

There. Fixed it for them.


This generation wants to go flying without leaving the couch.


Anyone hear from Commie on this one?