US Gov finding new ways to f-ck veterans

| August 29, 2023

Something I’ve been following in civil aviation news circles is that the FAA and VA have gotten together. As with the Wonder Twins, when they combine their powers they become unstoppable. At least if you’re a veteran receiving VA compensation.

AVWeb has the latest update;

The FAA says it’s revoked the pilot certificates of 60 pilots as part of a project by the Department of Veterans Affairs to cross-reference its list of those receiving benefits with the medical records of active pilots. According to a Washington Post report, there are a total of 4,800 pilots, including 600 ATPs [airline transport pilots], who were under review because they are also VA beneficiaries. FAA spokesman Matthew Lehner told the Post about half the files have been completed and the 60 revocations were for pilots who “posed a clear danger to aviation safety.”

Lehner said most of those under review have nothing to worry about. “The FAA used a risk-based approach to identify veterans whose medical conditions posed the greatest risk to safety and instructed them to cease flying while the agency reviews their cases,” Lehner said in a statement to the Post. “The vast majority of these pilots may continue to operate safely while we complete the reconciliation process.” Some have been told to fix the paperwork submitted with their medicals while others have to get fresh medicals.

For its part the VA is trying to weed out fraudulent claims while also protecting public safety. “Given the serious safety issues involved with flying commercial airplanes, and to promote the proper use of significant taxpayer dollars, we have been proactively reviewing certain VA disability benefits paid to commercial pilots based on conditions that may be disqualifying if true,” Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General Michael Missal said in a statement. “We will continue to work with VA and other stakeholders to ensure the integrity of the benefits and services reserved for our nation’s veterans.”

The argument here is that those receiving VA compensation (and thus, as we all know, have definitively proven their disabilities through rigorous vetting by the VA….) should have their civilian FAA airman’s medical fitness called into question. If there’s a discrepancy in what you’ve reported to the two arms of Big Brother, well….that’s a paddlin’.

On the one hand, if someone is getting 100% disability for conditions that would preclude the safe handling of aircraft, I don’t really want them to be flying. On the other hand, neither the FAA or the VA (especially the latter) are known for their bureaucratic excellence. It certainly seems like the FAA is specifically targeting veterans based on their receiving benefits that they earned. It makes one think twice before filing for those benefits, doesn’t it?

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence, Veterans in the news, Veterans' Affairs Department

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

The va, When I retired in 2007 from Brink’s , I was on Cobra and tried to get the va’s service and I was told that I wasn’t eligible unless I served in Viet-Nam. Turns out that in 2003, then pres bush slowed down the funding to the va. Obama restored the funding but I am happy with my private healthcare from United HC. I was told that I could make co-payments on visits to the va but screw that.

Prior Service

Establishing accountability in government programs? I’ve actually got no problems with this on the surface. It’s in the expectation that it’ll be jacked up.


I always tell newer veterans as they begin the VA process. Especially National Guardsmen with civilian careers.

Be careful what you ask for…cause you may get it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Lehner said most of those under review have nothing to worry about…..”

For now….

That’s the next line after “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.



Didn’t have to convince Orwell.


I saw this story in my news feed last week and it got me wondering. If the VA can do this massive records cross check with the FAA so as to ferret out vets who are receiving benefits for a disability that should disqualify them from flying , but are either hiding that from the FAA, or they are lying to the VA about a condition that should prevent them from flying, why can’t the VA cross check any and all POW claims with the Pentagon ? Last I heard the VA was paying POW benefits to something like twice as many people from Desert Storm as there were actual POWs.


Seriously? Exposing VA fraud would embarrass elected officials, highlight the incompetence of Government employees and reduce the rolls of those receiving tax dollar benefits deserved or not.
Ain’t happening.


I had a friend who became an agent with the VA Inspector General. Their mission was supposedly to investigate fraud, waste, and abuse. He later told me the big agency suits did not like having the pubic learn of the fraud involved, so agents spent most of their time on stuff like employees padding travel vouchers.

Skivvy Stacker

Next up…the VA partners with ATF.

Oh, wait….they’ve done that already.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Whenever the government suggests you have nothing to worry about you should probably start worrying.

Skivvy Stacker

Whenever I hear; “don’t worry, we’ve got your back”, I always say; “yeah, I know; I’ve felt you there many times in the past…”


comment image


What takes longer or costs more? A study or a review? Wonder if the VA will ever get around to checking into All Points Logistics…or Wilted Willy’s brother?

Green Thumb


A slew of “Vets” are enrolled at Phildo’s school, I mean The All-Points Logistics Schhool lof Executive Management (or other carreer-specific courses).

Skivvy Stacker

Oh, that would be the DILDO school of self fucking fuck ups.


Whenever Uncle Sugar has to find a way to free funding to give to worthless citizens or even better, to countries that absolutely loathe the US and it’s way of life…undoubtedly they will look to fuck a veteran first.


Oh joy, even more flight delays.

Skivvy Stacker

Ain’t no thang, I flown Spirit Airlines befo….


Here’s a more thorough story.In short….
IF the veteran is getting VA disability due to psych
(plenty of those)
IF the veteran is on VA Rx for happy pills or goofy pills
(plenty of those, too)
AND LYING to the FAA about either of the above…..

we saw Phony Navy SEAL Bernath goofy in the cockpit with the tower,
before he crashed his small plane.

IF the FAA took him out of the cockpit, and grounded his ass,
due to either (or both) of the above,
he would have had to resort to swimming with the alligators,
or leaping off a bay bridge.

—–[FAA investigating nearly 5K pilots accused of hiding conditions that would make them unfit to fly: report
The pilots – who are military veterans – allegedly did not disclose they were receiving disability benefits for potentially disqualifying medical conditions]


Agreed, psychological conditions and/or using the VA as a pill dispensary like they (VA) seem to enjoy filling the role of should be an automatic disqualifier if they would keep anyone else from gaining a certification. Mild PTSD? Who hasn’t had traumatic experiences? Severe depression, self-eliminatory ideations, and anger issues? I don’t want to fly with that guy.

I’ll take it a step further: if you fail to disclose a medical condition in order to gain a certification which involves the safety of others, you should be charged with a misdemeanor at the least. A lot of us are greedy and think only of ourselves, but when you start talking about flying planes or other aircraft, especially passenger varieties, you’ve got to think about others.


Here, have a bunch of addictive meds while you wait six months to talk PTSD with a shrink… the VA way.

Skivvy Stacker

Where can I get summa them?


Just ask… as depicted here:


It’s my understanding that the combined rating doesn’t necessarily preclude working in any given job. My combined rating is 100%, with one 50%, one 30%, and a bunch of 10% and 20% individual Service-Connected ratings, based solely on my medical records from the service. That said, I knew when I filed my claim six months prior to retirement that I likely wouldn’t be able to go back to my pre-Army trade of automotive or material handling equipment mechanic. Things hurt that didn’t in my early 20s, and frankly, I’m not going to argue with coming home with hands that might, at most, have some fresh gun oil on them as opposed to grease and nastiness under my fingernails. I’ll acquire and dispose of firearms and shuffle paperwork all day.

You can’t always have the best of both worlds: if you’re medically qualified to fly but receiving disability compensation for medical issues that conflict with that qualification, you should lose one or the other. You’re either unqualified to hold a pilot’s license or you’re receiving disability you shouldn’t be. If you’re medically unfit to fly, you should take the higher road and give up your license. Got it, people have passions and people have careers. If your passion and/or career involves flying, you have to weigh safety concerns for you and any potential passengers against your need for the compensation. As stated, “It makes one think twice before filing for those benefits, doesn’t it?”

I don’t think one can simply give up disability compensation to make a service-connected disability get wiped off their records, so even just filing for benefits might take away some options when it comes to employment and hobbies. Ideally, you can have your cake and eat it too, but I want my pilots to be fully functional.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Meanwhile at the puzzle palace the brain trust is still trying to sort out why the public no longer views the military career option in a favorable light….


Did you actually bother to read the article you cite? According to that article, about 2,400 claims were reviewed, and 60 of them had their licenses revoked. Those 60 had claimed benefits for conditions that “posed a clear danger to aviation safety.” It was those 60 who were doing the fucking, not the US government.


Eh, it’s still the VA f*ckin’ with people. (Of course, it’s probably legitimate, but vets still get pissed-off about. It’s okay.)