Our 3rd Anniversary

| September 23, 2009


It was three years ago today that I got booted from the forums at Right Nation for being a jerk to a leftist. After being banned from the History Channel forums no less than 40 times, I decided to create a place from which I couldn’t be banned or put on stupid probation. Welcome to that place.

It took me five days to buy the website and figure out how to drive this thing.

Three years of endless blather, 980,000 visits and 24,000 comments later, the only thing I’ve learned is that you like racy pictures of Angie Harmon.

The title of the blog comes from my proximity to DC, but it was taken from the title of a book about the Desert Storm Gulf War. The actual phrase was what a young sergeant in the 1st Cav Division told a reporter as they looked across the Saudi border into Iraq a few nights before the ground portion of the war began.

It still amazes me that a few thousand people actually take time out of their day to read what we write. Some are so interested in what we have to say, they send us tips. Heh. Who would have thunk it.

Thanks for the ride…may it never end.

Category: Administrative

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Well, Mr. Niceguy (lol) I have had my share of issues over there, also, since Mark vacated and left it to the kinder, gentler mods. That’s when I found this place and I like how I can be a little more open in what I say (just ask TSO about that). I much prefer it over here with my own kind, also, since most are Vets and we can tell each other to kiss our backside and not have anyone with hurt feelings go running to momma to get us thrown off.

I’m glad you put this site up and the quality of posters here is quite good, also, whether it’s from the darkside, or conservative.

AW1 Tim

Congratulations, Jonn! You done good! 😉


Damn, I knew there was a Stalin-esque purge going on over there. I guess I was just at the start of Lisa’s power trip. No doubt Sane is still there in the name of “inclusion”. But all things happen for a reason, Jonn. Congratulations for your success–it’s amazing how in the last three years you’ve gained more national (and international) exposure with your laser-like focus on veterans issues.

Keep it up!


Well Jonn, what started as simply a place for a fine “Southern Democrat” to come and discuss the evils in people like you has evolved into a place I can get the information I need to now go off and debate and infuriate dirty libs with facts. I thank you for helping to make me sound just a wee bit smarter.

Oh, and happy birthday too…


Sparky: So is Quickbeam (or as I used to call him, slowbeam), however he’s there with a new name. I haven’t seen Saney there in a while, but I don’t pay that much attention, unless they really piss me off, then I get suspended, like the last time saney and I got into it, although I noticed I was the only one that took a hit.


If you weren’t here IVAW and their phony veterans would be getting over on a lot of people. Keep up the good work.


Happy 3rd birthday to one of my FAVORITE blogs.

And Happy 30th Birthday to one of my FAVORITE bloggers!

Anyway you slice it….you rock!


More pr0n, damnit!


Hugs all around. Big manly hugs.


Happy Birthday and Blogoversary! Jonn make sure you collect on your TSO hug!!


Or 3 from me!


I think the Belmont Club was how I found B5 and I found you because you outed those fuckers at Winter Soldier for the frauds they were. These are usually my first two stops in my rounds and I HAVE to check in all day long in case I miss something…

I started my blog for the same reason…being booted or banned simply because I had something to say…Maybe someday I will do what you do as opposed to a free blog, that is.
Congrats, and ditto- may it never end unless you want it to.


Happy Blogiversary!


Jonn I’ll give you three one for each year of your blogging, but I’m telling you TSO hugs are awesome, I”ve heard some people even call him a “hug muffin.”

Frankly Opinionated

Happy Blogaversary TAH. Followed COB 6 over here, and haven’t looked back. For my needs, this is the best damned blog that I read. Like defendUSA, I have to check in several times a day. And I do click the Gooogleads several times a week.
The best to the best.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


Hey, I bet I’m one of the few who have actually donated via paypal. I mean how many clicks would it take to equal my cash gifts??!

Old Tanker

Congrats! I found my over hear from Blackfive just a few months ago and have been reading ever since!

Ringo the Gringo

I stop by here nearly everyday.

I love the perspective and good humor.



Happy 3rd Blogaversary, Jonn. Well done, my friend 🙂


A must read daily for me. A voice of truth in the wilderness of lies. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.


Congrats Jonn! You’re awesome, keep up the great work!


Happy, Happy 3rd blogaversary to a great Milblog!!


Congratulations, Jonn!


First off, I missed this post. That booboo aside: What can I say – first place I look each day. I don’t always fully agree with the emphasis, but I never disagree with the intent. Thank you.

re: hugs. I did hug Chuck Z, and I know TSO wanted a hug, but he kept licking his lips! Maybe it was a case of chapped lips, but…


I have been pasting gun-bunny pictures all over Fort Sill.

Keep up the fire, brother.

Marooned in Marin

Happy birthday and blogoversary Jonn!


Late to the party as usual, but happy blogoversary Jonn. You’ve become a regular and necessary stop for me also.


Congrats, Mr.Niceguy!! Three years well done. Can’t wait to see the next three…


3 years already?! Boy, time is flying :o)
Happy Anniversary!!


How can you mention it and then not give us pics of Angie Harmon!

Such a smile.

Set sail.

Texas loves big hair.

Teh pretty face. Those shoes! And Women Vote PSA.