Tuesday FGS

| August 8, 2023

Magnum Research Big Frame Revolver

7-Eleven workers who stopped would be thief in Stockton, CA are under investigation for assault
The man is suspected of committing two other robberies at the same 7-Eleven location within 24 hours.

On Saturday, Stockton, California police revealed they are investigating two 7-Eleven store clerks for assault after a video of them beating a would-be robber went viral on the Internet.

In a post on Facebook, the Stockton Police Department said it “was able to combine the investigations of the suspected robberies and suspected assault” because of the “diligence of a witness recording” the event that took place on July 29.

The looter was threatening to shoot the workers and at multiple times appears to pull something out of his back pocket.

The Post Millennial

Exactly as predicted.

17-year-old shot by retired PGPD officer after stolen vehicle dispute: Officials

GLENN DALE, Md. (7News) — A 17-year-old from Mount Rainier is charged after a shooting involving a retired Prince George’s County police officer on Saturday, according to authorities.

According to authorities, the retired PGPD officer found a car in the 9900 block of Marguerita Avenue of Glenn Dale that had been stolen from his family member sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning. That theft was reported to police.

The stolen car had three people inside, including a 17-year-old, who got out of the vehicle. During a confrontation over the car, the retired officer shot the teen, who was armed with a loaded handgun, officials said.

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It’s the PDRofMD- the kid will walk if he survives the hospital and the retired LEO will face a Grand Jury. Links today courtesy of our own Gun Bunny.

Conservatism is a hard choice for a society that has become accustomed to big government and big entitlements promoted by liberals.
Jesse Helms

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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“Frame”. Right.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Imagine using one to shoot a burglar in a home defense situation……
(Cop) “Why’d you gut him? Totally uncalled for”
(Homeowner) “I didn’t gut him. I just shot him once with this” (holds up BFR in 45-70)


The Army designed .45-70 to be a manstopper. They were correct.


Good morning,,,gang


I always like to keep one hidden so they don’t know everything! But two sires of JMB sure do look purdy in the morning.


Protection of your person and/or property against Redistribution Specialists will no longer be allowed.

Liberalism is a terrible disease.

“Had it been available during the War of Northern Aggression, Josey Wales surely would have traded in his Walkers on a pair of BFRs.” I like the way this reviewer thinks. I also like that BFR. Y’all do notice that it is depicted as most popular in God’s Caliber.


13 June 2023.

You Be The Judge.

“State Bill Would Prohibit Retailers from Stopping Shoplifters”


“Last week the California State Senate passed SB 553, which is now headed to the Assembly. If passed and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the bill would make it illegal for employers to institute or maintain store policies requiring employees to “confront” a shoplifter or even a “suspected shoplifter.” The bill has garnered additional controversy because of provisions that some believe would effectively eliminate the ability for staff members of a business to confront or actively prohibit shoplifting.”

“Russell Stuart of Beverly Hills-based Force Protection Agency, a security professional with over 20 years in the field, said he agrees with the first part of the bill that states no employer should require an employee to defend the property as a job requirement.”

“No employer has ever said ‘You must by policy kick the heck out of that dude for stealing that bar of soap,’ Stuart said. “That never existed. So the second part of this bill is really what it’s about, which is to essentially demonizing someone for attempting to stop a shoplifter. It’s crazy to punish someone for attempting to stop a crime.”

“Stuart believes politicians are selling the bill under the guise of “safety for the employees” as a way to con the community into unknowingly accepting crime. Stuart said that local district attorneys are not prosecuting any crimes and are now wanting to mask another “fake law” as a pretend protection model only further emboldening criminals.”

“If the bill passes, it will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.”

RGR 4-78

Disgusting communist subversion.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I can see several blowbacks from that:
1-stores will close. Period. No. Mo’. Sto’.
One hears bitchin’ about a “food desert” in a neighborhood? This is why we can’t have nice things.
2-Stores will have a policy of “one customer at a time”.
Want to buy something? Wait in line outside until door opens for you. Walk in. Door will close and lock behind you. When finished shopping AND PAYING for your items, door will now unlock to let you out, and let the next person in.
3-Stores will become kiosks with clerk facing outside looking through the window (with several layers of bullet resistant (plexi)glass). Want something? Approach the window. Tell the clerk what you want. Pay for it. Clerk passes it out through a sliding tray.
(my personal favorite)
4-store has NO video recording security system. Thieves walk in, start to take stuff……they just….disappear….. Who’s to say what happened? Who’s to say that didn’t walk out alive? Call the store…..The Three Esses.

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

One person in the store will of course, not work.

The system that I have seen in foreign countries with rampant crime is that all the items on the shelves are empty boxes.
The customer puts the empty boxes in his cart and takes them to the store clerk.
You then pay for the items and the clerk hands your cart off to another worker.
That person enters the locked and secure warehouse and puts the items you chose into the cart.
You walk around to the armed guard outside the pick up door of the warehouse.
That is where they have a locked vestibule where your cart is waiting for you with all the items inside.
Present your receipt and you were allowed to take the cart out of the secure vestibule.
This system actually works very well.