Confidence in the US military lowest in 25 years

| August 1, 2023

Gallup conducted a poll in June measuring confidence in public institutions. They found that confidence in the military dropped to a level it was at a quarter of a century ago. The drop in confidence with the Republicans, as well as with the Democrats, was based on their respective political perceptions. Confidence in the military increased during the Ronald Reagan years, in the aftermath of the Gulf War, and in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 2001.

From Gallup:

At 60%, confidence in the military was last this low in 1997, and it hasn’t been lower since 1988, when 58% were confident. From the late 1970s to the early 1980s — during the Cold War and amid threats to U.S. power, including the Iran hostage crisis — between 50% and 58% of Americans were confident in the military. Confidence generally improved during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s. It then surged after the Gulf War victory (to a record-high 85% in 1991) and again after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Confidence generally held above 70% for the next two decades, until dipping to 69% in 2021 and declining further since then, following the poorly executed exit from Afghanistan.

Republican Confidence in Military Slumps
Throughout nearly all of the past 48 years, Republicans have been the most likely to express confidence in the military, and they remain so today — but the rate has declined by over 20 percentage points in three years, from 91% to 68%.

Independents’ confidence has dropped nearly as much — by 13 points, from 68% to 55% — and now independents have less confidence than Democrats do. While Democrats’ confidence rating did rise after President Joe Biden assumed office, those gains have disappeared in the past year.

Gallup and the Military Times provide the balance of the story.

Category: Military issues

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No confidence? Really? With The Biden Regime and its Legion of Diversity Hires running the country into the ground?
Shocked, I tell you. Absolutely shocked!
Well, no…
A fish stinks from the head down and the military is being run by the 3 Stooges: Pedo Joe, Miley, and Austin.
Man-o-man do we need Ronald Reagan again.


Testify!, HT3.

“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine

No one is coming to save us. It will be up to us, and those like us, to save us from “them”.



“Confidence generally improved during Ronald Reagan’s presidency”

It was a good time to have good paying jobs in the military
industrial complex. Say what you will about readiness but it
pays good up front with great benefits for later on and while
you’re at it nobody gonna fuck with ya.
Rest in peace Ronnie.


I wonder if it’s the abysmal failure of the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Or maybe it’s the reduction of the pension plan? Perhaps it’s because they feel like they’re wasting their time in the military because the military has nothing to offer other than gender reassignment surgery? Maybe it’s the demonization of nationalism and patriotism by the left?

The kids I talk to seem to be absolutely certain that we’re going to deploy to The Ukraine at some point. That is really sucky war. The Ukrainians have already taken more casualties then the United States did during the entire Vietnam conflict and every conflict ever since combined. Why would they want to go there? Hasn’t got s*** to do with them.

I imagine it’s all of these things


Just wait till we start doing ‘ Humanitarian ‘ missions to Africa to enforce LGBTNKVD rights. Building ‘ Gender Afirming Care ‘ clinics and providing security for Pride parades and shit.


I’ll attest to High-3 as being decent enough for many of us, me included. I retired at 21 years as an E7, so 52.5% of my average High-3 base pay goes into the bank monthly. Not getting rich, but it’s some $32k a year. Now, join, get some Thrift Savings Plan contributions going, and you can retire at 10 years if you want. Oh, Afghanistan? Ukraine? Well, we shed a bunch of blood in the former and will likely be more actively involved in the latter before long.

The US military exists to secure our borders and interests (not happening) and to project our influence across the world. We’ve been doing it for centuries. You know, “From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli” and all that? But no, suddenly, it’s all about the feels and if you want some transition assistance (no, not what we used to use that term for), here ya go. Major Jones, Emma with Two Moms, random TikTok “influencers”, take these pills, we’ll give you that surgery, and don’t worry about deploying. Someone else will be there for that. Be proud about who you are. The uniform is just a shell, you are you.

As for nationalism, hasn’t anyone heard of Nazis? They were Nationalist and Socialist (strike-through because we can’t consider Nazis to be Leftists), so the mere mention of any “N” word can’t be made. Patriotism? What’s that? Sounds like MAGA hate speech to me.

Okay, off the computer I go. I’m tired, hungry, and obviously feeling jovially hateful at the moment. 😀

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

I’d like to see what the confidence level is like within the military.

pookysgirl, WC wife

Nephew #2 is getting out, and he’s got a fairly nice gig as an AF SSgt. But he’s got a baby girl now and his talents are needed elsewhere. He’s still a patriot, but he’s not what they want in the upper ranks-a cis white-looking (1/8 Cherokee) hetero male.


A good indicator might be reenlistment rates.

Hack Stone

Well, Hack Stone retired 23 years ago this fall, so draw your own conclusions.


Mid 60s or mid 70s?


Age wise, not retired in.


Meanwhile, in the financial markets, Fitch cuts ratings on US sovereign debt. Strangely, Janet Yellen was unable to gaslight them. They offered a happy endings with Harris as a peacemaking measure, But it was a hard pass.

So it’s not just the military that people are losing confidence in. I wonder if this has anything to do with the lack of confidence that people might have in the President of the United States? Some people say that he might be slipping a gear. But electric cars don’t have gears so I don’t know what they’re talking about.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

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What happened to the plan of California leaving the union? I was on board with that. We just put a little wall around Southern California Western California give it back to Mexico call it good.


It ain’t just the President.


Progressive left/libtardery ruins everything.


Less confidence?

More DEI and Combatting Extremism training needed immediately! When are we getting more trans recruits in the ranks?! Let’s get a move on now!


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Our Glorious (S)elected Leaders…

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In the words of Biden’s [alleged] idol: “Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein!”


I’m biased with almost 36 years of total service.

With that being said, who the hell can blame them? However, I do believe the loss of confidence is with the senior leadership and not the lowly Soldiers- from the rank of E1 to O5, and a handful of O6s.

I’m not sure how everyone that has lost confidence in the military can justify it though, considering that our lethality has went up with each mandatory class of transgender training and DE and I initiatives! SARC/off

AW1 Rod

Gee… shit? I’m SHOCKED!