Tuesday two-step – Congress v. Court, Chinese Malware found

| August 1, 2023

First  up is a quickie – seems Congress and the Supreme Court are butting heads over who controls who. You may have seen snippets of this:

“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it,” (Justice Samuel – ed.) Alito said in an interview published in the Wall Street Journal’s opinion section. “No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period.”

Well, if you want someone who knows the words of the Constitution, he would be a logical choice. But:

“No Congressional authority over the Supreme Court—is among the most audacious, absurd, and arrogant of recent Alito misstatements. His head-smacking claim is stunning in saying the Court is answerable to no one,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

“Dear Justice Alito: You’re on the Supreme Court in part because Congress expanded the Court to 9 Justices. Congress can impeach Justices and can in many cases strip the Court of jurisdiction. Congress has always regulated you and will continue to do so. You are not above the law,” Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said on X.

USA Today

At issue is whether Congress can impose a (Democrat-written) code of ethics on the Court.  Most likely it won’t get past the Senate, but the head-butting should be interesting.  One betting point, note one ‘Constitutional scholar’ quoted is Dickless Blumenthal. We all know him.

Next up, Chinese malware, first spotted in Guam, has penetrated our military systems .

US officials told the Times that investigations into Chinese malware had been underway for several months prior and that the malicious code has infiltrated US military systems across the country and abroad. Previous cyberattacks typically aimed to surveil US operations, experts told the Times.

Last month, Rob Joyce, the director of cybersecurity at the National Security Agency, called the nature of this malware “really disturbing.” According to the Times, it could allow China to cut off power, water, and communications to military bases, and it could also potentially impact personal homes and businesses across the country.


Moving from surveillance to potential control is a big step.  I suspect there may be a few nervous folks at NSA, or should be. Cybersecurity obviously failed miserably – I know we have to be perfect all the time and they only have to get lucky occasionally, but occasionally is still too often.




Category: China, Supreme Court

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Phuque Da Nang Dick & Teddy Lieu…they are 2 of the dumbest/worst people in the DC Swamp. Whenever SCOTUS rules in the favor of the Constitution/against Democrats they scream they have to regulate (force them to change) the court.


Cause you know, butt hurt. Perhaps the notorious RBG did us all a favor by not bowing out during Obama term. Dems have been pissed off ever since.

Suck it beotches.

Old tanker

Why is anyone surprised that the chinese have malware and or back doors into our hardware? Where do we get the majority of computer chips that run everything? China. The folks that make them can set programming hidden in them to allow the chinese access to whatever it is installed in. Then there is president dementia allowing the chinese access to the freaking power grid a couple years ago. The chinese bought biden and I’m sure a large number of dems.


So today I get a letter from some company called Maximus
telling me I need a new SSAN because my Medicare account
was compromised blah blah blah and I need to sign up for
free credit monitoring.
Yeah, sure I will.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Got the same letter in the mail yesterday from Maximus/CMS explaing about the 3rd party breach of our Medicare info. Starts out saying that we have determined that your personal Medicare info was involved in this incident and they list the 11 medicare items items that the the hackers got. I was on the phone with Medicare fraud getting things straightened out about things that I never ordered that were on the Medicare this is not a bill paperwork and after things got straigtened out after a number of callings to the fraud dept over the months, the agent tells me about the Maximus CMS deal and I told him that I received the the letter in the mail that morning. and to use my Medicare card unless the card is compromised then a new one would be sent out. Am sure that other TAH site members our age have gotten the same letter.


Thanks Jeff. Over the years I have come to ignore the
Medicare “this is not a bill” paperwork. They must pull
those numbers out of thier ass. I especially like the
“this page intentionally left blank” section.
Same thing with the part D prescription drug plan.


“…impose a (Democrat-written) code of ethics.” Those power mad despots have no ethics. DaNang Dick (less) can go eat a bag of…well…you know.

When the grid goes dark and the water taps dry up, maybe then…just maybe, people will realize what I have preached for over 50 years. The Chinese Communists ARE NOT our friends and they ARE intent on world domination. Quit buying their crap and…Prepare.


“I did that.”


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pookysgirl, WC wife

There needs to be a “depressed agreement” button. A thumbs-up with a sigh.