Charles Johnson is Either a Mouth Breathing Idiot or…

| September 20, 2009

…his constant worshiping at the feet of “The One” has irrepairably damaged his brian.

In this bit of mindless drivel he declares that Rush Limbaugh is a racists for calling for segregated buses. He even has a clip from the world renowned arbiter of unbiased talkshow host analysis, Media Matters.

I searched, and found not a single right wing blog denouncing this vile rant. As far as I can tell, nobody on the right seems to think there’s anything with this.

Since I’m being excommunicated from the ranks of the faithful anyway, I’ll come out and say it: this is absolutely disgusting. Where was Michael Steele? What the hell is wrong with the right?

Wow, Charles sure seems pretty energized for a comment that you would think would be the talk of the weekend. This would be ten times bigger than Limbaugh’s comments on Donovan McNabb but not so much coverage, why?

Did Rush really say that? Yes, he said “We need segregated buses”. That’s a fairly outrageous position to take today so why no furor?

Because most people including the main stream media (who would like nothing better than to smack Limbaugh around) are apparently not COMPLETE FRIGGING IDIOTS!

Here’s the complete, unedited transcript of what Limbaugh really said.

RUSH: We don’t know what obvious taunts.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Worse than the obvious verbal taunts, we all know the racism that was in the kid’s mind. I mean Newsweek magazine says he was born a racist. So you know the white kid is sitting there thinking N-word and all kinds of things being surrounded by these black students. They knew that. They knew that and so they just descended on the kid and beat him up. We’ve seen the videotape. What did the police chief investigate?

CALLER: He did not comment on anything other than he said more investigations shows that it was not racially motivated.

RUSH: I think the guy is wrong. I think not only was it racism, it’s justifiable racism.


RUSH: I mean, that’s the lesson that we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: We need segregated buses. It was invading of space and so forth. This is Obama’s America.


It’s called SARCASM, Chuck. If you could get your head out of Obama’s ass for a few seconds you would recognize it.

I equate most hysteria to a juvenile lack of life experience in which to frame events around you. Go to war a few times and a rude driver is not such a big deal.

Manufactured hysteria is simply being a lying asshole.

Category: Politics

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You know, I keep on hearing about people on the right who think The Colbert Report is real. Then they joke about how the right does not have as highly nuanced sense of humor as they do.

Wyatt Earp

I used to go to LGF and post there all the time. Now, not so much. CJ has clearly gone off the deep end, and has decided to start “wars” with every notable conservative blog. The worst part is that if you disagree with Mad King Charles, your LGF account gets banned.

Big. Bag. O’. Douche.


I heard the clip in question. It was dripping in sarcasm. The only ones who would mistake it for anything else could only have been repeating the talking points from someone else’s hatchet job.
No one who heard the comment first hand could draw the conclusion of “racism”.


I used to be a frequent poster over there. I disagreed with something CJ posted… twice… politely… and was, without warning or explanation, banned, apparently permanently.

It was a good site to drive traffic to my blog… and I also used it to inform.

But before this guy attacks someone else, Johnson needs to take a good, long, look in a mirror. His Nazi approach to site administration makes him look even more like an idiot when he spews garbage like this.


Very sad to see lgf going the route it has taken. Have been a member since 2004 and have been called, by cj, a creationist for believing in god and cannot even remember the term he uses for those members whose posts he dislikes but who read and do not post many comments. Something happened over there after 2006. Could it be advertising dollars coming into his site?


Why either/or? How about both?


I stopped reading him months ago when he went through that whole thing about the DHS report that even DHS admitted was a bad idea and Charles was still defending it. That was when I had my LGF ID deleted.

Old Tanker

Charles is reverting back to his pre 9/11 mentality, nothing more. I stopped going when his creationist bashing started getting bad….


I may have posted this before on here, but it bears repeating:
I got banned from LGF for the sin of pointing out the site’s skewed direction. Oh well.

He’s reverted into the abyss of a 9/10 mindset, and it’s flooded every niche of his blog.
It’s a shame because LGF used to be a good site. I was booted for supporting the Tea Parties, and critiquing the downward spiral of his site.

His erratic behavior has alienated him from people like Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugged and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch. ( He’s also attacked other prominent sites and bloggers: Ace of Spades, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Protein Wisdom, Powerline, Mark Steyn, Geert Wilders, and Dennis Praeger.

He tolerates no dissent, real debate is forbidden, and his enemies list rivals Bill Clinton’s FBI files. He sees nazis behind every door, and probably hiding under his bed. And those are just the people who don’t agree with him 100%. He’s been known to ban people for disagreeing with him on other sites. The man’s paranoia level is skyhigh.

Johnson has become increasingly sycophantic towards Islamofascism, which is ironic given the fact that he received death threats from jihadis, right around the time when CAIR wanted to get LGF classified as a “hate site”.

He has whole-heartedly embraced Janet Napolitano’s idiotic “right-wing” threat assessment, assigned creationists to be bigger villains than terrorists, and disparages ordinary citizens who protest Obama’s socialist policies.

Just what the leftwing needs; an Andrew Sullivan clone.


I too got banned for a simple misunderstanding. Guess not using the /sarc tag is a big no-no. Thus, I rarely read LGF anymore. However, I have to say that I am not a big fan of the Geert Wilders/Pam Geller crowd either. The fact that a small number of Muslims are jihadists does not make being Muslim a crime.


LGF….way back when I was a lurker, the same thing. Banned. And if I didn’t know better, I would say he is a clone! it gets worse and worse…


LGF has gotten downright creepy. I was banned for participating in something I thought was a philosophical discussion and taking the wrong side. This made me a “troll”. If you don’t share the groupthink, you’re out. He’s going to end up with one reader left–himself, if he doesn’t ban himself.

Your example reminds me of a time he misquoted Ann Coulter. On the murder of George Tiller, Johnson reported Coulter as saying “I don’t think of it as murder.” The quote was put as the title of the blog entry. We were supposed to draw the conclusion that Coulter believed Tiller’s murder was not a crime.

What Coulter actually said was “I don’t really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester.” It was biting sarcasm, an attack on the practice of abortion, equating abortion with murder. If anything, it was a demonstration of her belief that killing is wrong, whether the victim is born or unborn. And whether we agree with her or not, to anyone with a high school education it was not an endorsement of murder.


I was a member of LGF since 2005 mostly as a lurker with the occasional post. I saw the direction that this blog was going earlier this year and rather than wait for CJ to ban me I just left and never went back. It isn’t even recognizable as the same blog from a year ago. I think it might have been the old bait and switch. He lured in traffic from the right and then when he had enough he showed his true colors. I give him kudos for the “throbbing memo” but that’s all. I’m a Christian very sympathetic towars Israel & that’s what had drawn me to LGF in the first place. Johnson has become unhinged and I cannot stand to even visit LGF anymore. CJ’s athiestic, anti-creationist, anti Pam Gellar rants turned me off and I’ll stay off. He is now firmly a leftist blogger ala Huffpo, Kos, etc…The scales have fallen from a lot of our eyes and he is now completely exposed as a looney lefty.