Bidens, Bidens, we got Bidens, even Bitin’ Bidens.

| July 27, 2023

There is an embarrassment of topics on Joe’s family today…let’s dive into the cesspool.

We already talked about how that ‘firewall’ between Hunter’s art sales and Joe’s political cronies turned out to be about as strong as a porn queen’s chastitiy belt.

Well, today (Wednesday), it got real excitin’ in Judge Maryellen Noreika’s court as Hunter’s plea deal fell apart.

From the start, Biden’s plea change hearing seemed doomed, when the initial deal in place since June collapsed over questions of whether it would make him immune from future prosecution related to his business dealings.

Seems Hunter’s lawers (sic) thought this deal granted him immunity for future potential charges. Uh, no. Besides the sweetheart tax deal (he didn’t pay on time on 2017-2018 $1,200,000 income but paid years later – of COURSE he was getting to walk on that, just like you or I would) there’s the gun charges we talked about, and being an unregistered agent of a foreign government. That last one is the rub – the feds say investigations are ongoing, not closed, and further charges are NOT off the table.

According to CNN, the revised plea agreement covers 2014 to 2019 and only covers conduct related to tax offenses, drug use, and gun possession.

After that back and forth, though, Noreika declined to accept the plea deal, and it remains on hold, CNN’s Zachary Cohen reported from court.

Business Insider

So Hunter’s sweetheart deal was at least on hold. The judge said later that she wasn’t throwing the old deal out, but she wasn’t accepting it either – she wants more info. She’s already got to be unhappy with Biden’s lawyers after threatening them with sanctions after:

Hunter Biden’s legal team denied Tuesday night that they lied to court officials to get filings from a senior Republican lawmaker removed from the public docket, blaming the dispute on an “unintentional miscommunication” on the eve of their client’s plea hearing.


Not nice to lie to the judge, fellas. Later reports say a revised, limited version of the original deal is in play – lots of conflicting info.

Now we get to the one that’s kinda sad to me. You probably remember two years ago when Major, Biden’s dog, had to be moved from the White House back to Delaware because he bit folks.  Well, his replacement, Commander is hitting headlines:

U.S. Secret Service emails obtained by Judicial Watch via a Freedom of Information Act request describe 10 incidents of the German Shepherd biting people in a four-month period…

The communications director for first lady Jill Biden, Elizabeth Alexander, said the first family is working on “ways to make this situation better for everyone.”

“The White House complex is a unique and often stressful environment for family pets, and the First Family is working through ways to make this situation better for everyone. They have been partnering with the Secret Service and Executive Residence staff on additional leashing protocols and training, as well as establishing designated areas for Commander to run and exercise,” Elizabeth Alexander said in a statement to ABC News.

ABC News

Ten. TEN? One dog biting folks is happenstance. Two dogs? Dog people will tell you that’s not a dog problem, that’s a people problem. Dog being chosen for aggression, being trained to be aggressive, abuse, lack of proper attention – no matter what, sounds like ‘Dick and Jane’ Biden shouldn’t have Commander ‘Spot’. Too bad the dog pays the price.

Category: Biden, Crime

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Sorry for the post on the same subject, David – i.e. Commander, the White House dog. Great minds think alike I guess. Kept looking for someone to post this and thought I may as well.

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve Balm

When it comes to Brandon Jr., he not only has white privilege, he has white powder privilege.


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Gotta wonder if the dogs weren’t told to “sic em”. Were the agents not staunch Biden supporters? Or not staunch enough?

I know, it’s a reach, but c`mon man.


Maybe both were exposed to Hunter’s stash.


I think the lie was intentional so the lawyers for Biden could get the judge removed for “judicial prejudice”.


Why would they enter a plea deal if there was still an ongoing investigation. They admitted that to the judge on a question or 2 they didn’t want to answer.

Except for a few (very few) individuals, our govt is being exposed as rotten to the core.

Wesley snipes was brought up on the news as having gone to prison for years on the same charges hunter was seeking a plea deal for. Guns, unreported income, under reported income, tax evasion.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I think that is called a double standard under the 1000 year new 4th Reich administration.


Wesley got the max- three sentences of a year each- consecutive, meaning three years total. Usually, plea deals with suspended sentences are for co-operating witnesses (like in drug or organized crime cases), not for people who refuse to testify and help the investigators. I’d sure like to see the pre-sentence report, which is done by the U.S. Probation Department, and probably includes his navy charges and his earlier drug charges which were expunged. Think he will be drug-tested, as is usually required?


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Old tanker

I had read an article yesterday that both sides agreed that the deal was off. The defense wasn’t happy that there were additional investigations and said that means they were withdrawing the plea so the prosecutor said fine the deal is gone. The judge supposedly agreed and stopped any more hearings regarding sentencing because of that.


By-tor and Snow Hog.


Was waiting to see if this would be referenced! Presently wearing a Fly By Night t-shirt.


Just got done giving garage speakers a work out listening to here again by rush.

I even let some of the neighbors enjoy as well.


It is too bad this beautiful dog wound in the hands of the bidens; with proper training & care, he would have been a great dog.

Herbert J Messkit

It’s really disgusting to have the WH claim he is a private citizen, and then see him get a SEcret Service convoy to and from the courthouse.
Other presidents had shady relatives, but I don’t remember BillyCarter or Roger Clinton in our face at state dinners, and on foreign trips


There’s an “art” to biting folks and getting away with it. Ask old sniffy, creepy, nibbley joe. There’s also an “art” to getting away with nefarious activities. Again…ask…well…you know…

I’d re-home that pupper, he’d be real happy here. I could also find new quarters for the pedo PINO…and his despicable spawn. Go green in a red wriggler bed!


Whoever among us who has not served as a foreign agent taking $60k a month in bribes from another country and then laundering the money through the family cast the first stone. Besides which; cocaine is not free despite what you may read on the internet.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(picks up, throws rock, hits a BiteMe, any BiteMe)


Back to the dog, I’m giving us some thought that this is pretty much a depraved disregard for the personal safety of the people on your team. So I say keep the dog at the White House and let everyone see how much Biden really cares about the people that work for him and visit him.


Abusing your own bodyguards.

Real Genius. Real Evil.

Kinda reminds me of someone else. Nacho someone…


I knew it reminded me of something.


Smithers, release the hounds!


It’s an original Hitler!




Major definitely has sniffed fewer kids

Skivvy Stacker

Probably getting rid of him because he KNOWS who brought the coke into the WH.