Boomer’s Sunday

| July 16, 2023

Anything happen last week?


Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude

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Laughing Wolf

Great job as always! Thanks for starting my Sunday’s with a smile, and a good source of memes to steal. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto! e\Every time I look at this thread, I ask myself “Which one will I steal first?”


So many great ones to choose from, I can’t pick just 1.

Thanks for the morning smiles before the talking heads come on the alphabet news comes on.

Too bad they don’t use memes as the background pic to the story they’re reporting on.


Laughs in combat arms.


‘Always has been’ meme here.

Old tanker

I have pirated so many memes I have the irresistible urge to say AAARRRR.


You’ll be okay, OT, as long as you don’t start feeling the need to have one leg amputated at the knee.

But that usually doesn’t happen until after you buy the parrot… 😝 


Pedantic correction about the last meme. The Bill of Rights did NOT give us any rights; it prohibited the government from infringing upon these God given rights.

Last edited 1 year ago by Butch

The Bunny of The Guns can neither confirm nor deny that he is doing any homeschooling. I admit nothing…before you call DFACs…call my lawer.

Long pork for dinner?

Factory installed option or aftermarket? May need to go truck shopping.

Define the meaning of “a box”.

I believe this fish is tracking the target…

comment image?resize=300%2C278&ssl=1


Timely clarification. Thanks.


I’ll drop this off


Can we drop memes from other websites, and if so, will somebody be there to say yay or nay? Asking for a friend.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great Sunday toons Ed.


I tried to use AI to create an image of a man wearing a colander on his head so that I could turn it into a meme. Until I get a good fit, I would have to make do with this:  😀 

Man with a colander on his head, protecting brain from attacks of reason.jpg
RGR 4-78

That looks like a “double dog dare ya” moment come to fruition.


Ann-Margaret on a Harley! Easy Rider!!!!!!

Easy on the eyes, too.


She does look like she’s ready to ride. I wonder who the lucky guys were in her life.

And yes, she is very easy on the eyes. And if I remember correctly, she was easy on the ears too.


comment image

OK, I’m jumping without a net….


Thanks for fixing the link. Or fixing my inability to link properly.


That is very well done parody… 👍 


“Weapons free…you are cleared HOT to engage the Red Dot!”

Top Cat…The Movie “Tied To The Scratching Post”

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Lies, coke, and “UFOs”. Oh my!

Can’t wait for these assholes’ final curtain call.


Jason 'Captain Heatjoke' vAxxLDEAN.jpg