Baucus: Our moment in history
The Senate has announced their Democrat-only health care bill. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, told the American people that “This is our moment in history”. Then he set about scaring people claiming 17,000 more people lost their health insurance this week. I wonder from which orifice he pulled that figure. Anyway, the Washington Times writes;
Republican negotiator, Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, accused Democratic Senate leaders and the White House of trying to rush the process.
“I’m disappointed because it looks like we’re being pushed aside by the Democratic leadership so the Senate can move forward on a bill that, up to this point, does not meet the shared goals of affordable, accessible health coverage that we set forth when this process began.”
Mr. Grassley said he still has concerns that the bill would open the door to federal funding of abortions and coverage for illegal immigrants. He also said he wants alternatives to the mandate for individuals to purchase health insurance and tougher medical malpractice reforms.
In fact, House Democrats specifically excluded measures related to immigration and abortion according to Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak, who says he’ll vote against health care if unless federal money won’t be used for abortion in this interview with Megyn Kelly;
Category: Breaking News, Health Care debate
Jonn, I think you meant that Stupak would vote against health care, if federal money was used for abortions, not “won’t be used for abortions”? Although Stupak’s been consistently wrong on so much in his D.C. career, he has been upfront about being pro-life since he’s been there, even being at odds with the Canadian running our state down the drain.