Soltz shows his ignorance again

| September 23, 2009

Many of you probably remember the post TSO wrote on Jon Soltz, the irrepressible Executive Director of VoteVets, one of those pretend veteran organizations (the only veterans they help are themselves) a few months ago for Soltz’ inability to distinguish between the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the Department of Defense in regards to their separate medical services.

Well, Soltz stayed under the radar for awhile after that. He popped up in my lane last week.

He wrote at VetsVoice about The Erratic Joe Wilson’s Shameful Record on Troops and Veterans Care.

Wilson hasn’t said whether he’s opted into TRICARE for Life. The completely government-run health insurance system for certain military retirees is available to Wilson, as he’s a 31-year Guard and Reserve veteran (though he joined after getting out of Vietnam). If he’s not, of course, then he’s taking insurance from the government-run pool offered to Congressmen.

Either way he answers this question, Wilson is screwed, as far as Soltz is concerned. If he’s enrolled in TriCARE, he’s clogging up the system. If he’s not, Soltz will ask “Why not? Isn’t it good enough for you?” Please, Motor Pool Dispatch Queen, ask some serious questions for a change.

In 2007, Wilson was against $1.9 billion for military medical care (including funds for Walter Reed) and in 2005 voted against expanding TRICARE eligibility for our Guard and Reserve components, despite the fact that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has them fighting alongside the active component more than ever before.

Wanna know why, Jon, m’boy? Because the Guard and Reserve have jobs where they can get healthcare. When they’re on active duty, they use military health care, and when they’re at home, they us their employer-funded health care. If they have a service connected disability, they use the VA. Got it? Again a private would know that.

Soltz continues showing us his tiny pink ass;

Joe Wilson voted repeatedly to cut veterans care, and save us from modern day Leninism. He voted for a $14 million cut in 2003, against $1.6 billion for the agency in 2005, $2.9 billion again in 2005, for a $13.5 billion cut in 2005, against $1.8 billion in 2003, and millions and millions more.

Let’s see some specifics here, Soltz. Which bills? What was specifically being voted upon? As we’ve seen when dealing with IAVA’s partisan score cards, Soltz is just pulling numbers out of complex legislation. It looks like Soltz is doing his best imitation of that insane Gordon Duff at Veterans Today.

In conclusion, Soltz writes;

But, if government-run care and insurance really is wicked, then he needs to stop lying about how he feels about TRICARE and Veterans Care. He should tell the truth about why he voted against funding for those programs – because he thinks troops and veterans should be left out in the cold and turned away in return for their service.

TriCare and Veterans Care, although technically run by the government, doesn’t mirror what the president envisions for the country. Even a private knows that. I think Soltz is just pissed off that he doesn’t qualify for Veteran Care, despite his extensive combat record – four months in Kuwait PMCS-ing and dispatching water buffalo trailers and then 13 months in Ft Dix, New Jersey teaching what he learned during those grueling four months.

I have TriCare, and the main reason is because of Strom Thurmond (Wilson’s mentor). Thurmond used Walter Reed facilities (he was a retired paratrooper) and they kept him alive until he was 100 years old. The minute he retired and returned to South Carolina away from the doctors at Walter Reed, he died.

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics, Veteran Health Care

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La-la-la LO-SER!!!

Army Sergeant

Tricare for Life has one enormous advantage: it’s cheap as shit if you live anywhere near a military hospital. And honestly, no, it’s not great quality healthcare…but it’s a lot better than what you could get for comparable prices on the outside.


…if you live anywhere near a military hospital…

Which a lot of us don’t.


Regarding Vote Vets: When it first started it was a self-proclaimed “non-partisan” organization dedicated to sending veterans to public office. Over time it has evolved into Jon Soltz using and manipulating his veteran membership (flavors of the month) into putting their face (and their combat experience) into the Democratic party’s agenda — climate change, health care, energy, etc. Who is this guy fooling? Friends of mine on the inside say the Democrats wrote Soltz off a long time ago. In a sense he served his purpose for them (veteran Bush bashing) and they’re done with him. But the real mystery to me is why Jon Soltz has never redeployed back to the OIF/OEF theater since September 2003. Mostly every active duty/reserve soldier and Marine (those who stayed in the military and didn’t ETS) has been called up for additional deployments to either Iraq, Afghanistan, or Kuwait. Soltz remains active in the Army reserve, drilling every month, and has never been called up for service for either OIF or OEF since his less than 4 month deployment that ended over six years ago in 9/2003. Just amazing. Is someone (higher up) blocking him from redeploying so he can go on tv and embarrass himself and the rest of us veterans?


“Please, Motor Pool Dispatch Queen”
