Thursday FGS

| July 6, 2023

Jimenez .380

North Las Vegas police investigating fatal home invasion shooting

By Mark Credico Las Vegas Review-Journal
North Las Vegas police were investigating a shooting that killed a suspected home intruder.

Police responded around 1 p.m. Tuesday to a call about a home intruder who was shot after breaking into a house on the 600 block of Sand Sage Avenue, near Carey Avenue and Revere Street.

When officers got to the scene, they found an adult man dead, according to a news release from the North Las Vegas Police Department. The residents at the house told the police that they did not know the man.

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Review Journal

Rolled the dice and crapped out. Thanks for the link, Gun Bunny.

Couple videos care of Old tanker. Caution, graphic violence.

If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate.
Marion Barry

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“….found an adult man dead.”
Make sure yours is the only story told.


“Your Honor, I can say, without fear of contradiction, …

Nice concept but any experienced Cop also knows the physical evidence must match the narrative, or the narrative will be discarded. Hence the fallacy of the old “wives tale” about dragging the body inside in the case of a shooting.

Last edited 1 year ago by Old tanker

Dragging a gunshot body is truly painting with a broad brush.


The nose candy meme collection (Whitehouse Edition).

AW1 Rod

Didn’t pull a gun, eh? Let’s go to the video replay, Bob!


If you slow it to half or quarter speed you can clearly see him raise the gun at the 2nd officer before the first officer opens fire.


Some very good examples of the old FA&FO Theory. Kinda makes ya proud, don’t it!

Breaking news…coke found in WH linked to MB’s visit a while back…Film @ 11. Nearly 80% of the crime in this country is done by a certain 3% of a demographic.

.380? PFFFT! “…kitchen knives, baseball bats, or an angry housecat should be considered above this in terms of defensive weapons.” I have all of those…handy in addition to “…Mossberg Maverick 88…” If you’re in a danger zone, THAT Maverick will cook a bad guy’s goose and put him on ice, man.

Escort Duty coming up FIRST (giggles) thing this morning. Play nice.


Quote of the week; “I’m feeling kind of leaky bro…”


Rule #1 of gunfighting: HAVE A GUN. If all you can afford is a HighPoint, Jimenez, Davis, or whatever – at least you have something. Dunno about you, but I am thinking 6 rounds of good ..380 is more portable than said Mossberg for street carry and ‘WAY more gooder than a knife or bat when you’re 10 feet away. But that’s just me.

