Lowest bid, and slimeballs

| November 21, 2024

NASA..they have accomplished so much, and so little. Their first decade went gangbusters, but by now, private companies are leaving them behind.

Still remember some of the lines about ’em from the 60s.

Dick Gregory “People ask me why none of the original group of astronauts was black. Well, you’re wrong – there’s 6 white astronauts and one brother- he’s just looked like that since they told him what he volunteered for.”

Johnny Carson: “Here you are, floating around in space, millions of miles from the nearest help – in the lowest bid.”

Nowadays, though, the astronauts have something legit to complain about: their space suits are shot.

In June, NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson was alarmed to discover water squirting from her spacesuit and covering her visor with ice, forcing the agency to call off the planned spacewalk. In the same month, NASA called off yet another spacewalk due to a “spacesuit discomfort” issue plaguing NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick.

The space agency’s extravehicular mobility unit (EMU), essentially a self-sufficient spacecraft in the shape of a bulky spacesuit, dates back to the early 1980s and hasn’t seen any major updates since the late 1990s. The latest design, which was first flown in 1998, was meant to last 15 years, meaning that the suits currently being used are far beyond their intended shelf life.

Nine years late, NASA thought maybe getting new suits would be a good thing:

The space agency chose two private space companies to develop new spacesuits in 2022, which would not only allow astronauts to perform spacewalks outside of the ISS but also walk on the Moon.

One of those companies, Collins Aerospace, backed out of the deal this past summer. But the other one, Axiom Space, appears to be making steady progress. Last month, the firm showed off a suit designed to protect astronauts during NASA’s Artemis 3 mission, the first planned lunar landing since Apollo 17 in 1972, which is tentatively scheduled for 2026.

But even Axiom Space is facing some serious financial trouble. As Forbes reported in September, the startup has been struggling to pay the bills and laid off at least a hundred employees.  Futurism

There are at least two basic needs you have to meet: you have to get your people INTO space, and you have to protect them while they are there. Letting that second one go, almost twice the projected lifetime of their suits, just makes no sense. Can’t make the astronauts feel terribly secure, either.

Negligence is one thing. Now we get to just plain ugliness. Let’s go to Columbus, Ohio.

The governor of Ohio and city officials in Columbus are speaking out after a group of masked individuals marched through the streets of the Ohio capital city Saturday dressed in black and holding flags with swastikas on them.

The unidentified people were spotted around 1 p.m. walking through the Short North neighborhood, according to Columbus ABC affiliate WSYX. Images and videos of the marchers went viral on social media sites.  ABC News

This follows another Nazi group protesting outside an “Anne Frank” production in Michigan last week. Seems like these (always masked) folks are spreading. To paraphrase many folks far brighter than I, while I can’t advocate violence against these clowns, I look forward with great anticipation to seeing the news of it. Come to think of it, I would love to see this new administration treat Nazis and Antifa sorts the same – stomp ’em into the ground like tent pegs.


Category: NASA, Protests/Rallies

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USMC Steve

NASA would be an excellent first place to start making the gov more efficient. By doing away with it.

Hack Stone

Then where would we get our Tang?


At the Bada Bing, where else?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande




They have plenty of space, just not enough room.


I retire in one year …. let’s wait.


“You promised me Mars colonies; instead, I got Facebook!” –Buzz Aldrin

Hack Stone

During the summer months, do the astronauts roll up their sleeves?


Sleeves up, windows down.

Hack Stone

Join the Space Force, you can always meet the weight standards in zero gravity.

Hack Stone

Where are Jake and Elwood when you need them?


I hate Ohio Nazi’s!


Probably back at the Old Joliet Prison on Collins Street.

Slow Joe

Those nazis look suspiciously like a false flag operation.


I’d say 85%+ chance of that.. pantifa already has the costumes, they just added swastikas (I’m sure Soros had plenty of them laying around)…

Then again, with Soros behind it, it wouldn’t really be a false flag, since that IS his ideology… But yeah, they’ll try and blame Trump supporters..


I’m more in the 50-50 camp. It has stirred people up, which was the intention, but I find it a little odd that they marched without a speech at the end to promote their ignorance.

Hack Stone

At the end of their march, their fearless leader grabs the megaphone and inspires among his foes and respect among his followers by saying “First off, I was raised by a single mother in a middle class neighborhood…”


Probably looking for a good stomping to make their point on the
evening news. I would love to oblige them but fortunately my
parents taught me better.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

How about a good water hose soaking?
I’d pay good money to see that.

Green Thumb

Haven’t even read the article yet, but when I read the title, I thought “All-Points Logistics”.

Will read further….

Old tanker

Didn’t obama cut NASA’s budget and redirect their goal to supporting muslims?


The entire budget for NASA is $25B or .3% of the US total budget. Estimates of the amount spent on legal and illegal aliens in 2024 is $150B -$400B. Note that the low estimate comes from an immigration friendly group. NYC alone has spent $15B in the last three years.


So… if we use illegal aliens for space and high altitude research… would we be getting more bang for our buck?


On the one hand we would be paying less for the labor so the mission would be cheaper, on the other hand the labor won’t be paying any taxes so Sam doesn’t get his cut. On the other hand it would be historical in nature to launch an illegal from anywhere that could fit the required profile for what hasn’t been done yet, like say a gender queer Sudanese Buddhist but on the other hand, shit I’m all out of hands.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You could pay less in wages, but you’d have to go back over the job at least three times to correct it and make sure it was done correctly and properly. Sooo……overall, you’d end up paying more.

IDK, I think a crew of Guatemalans could have laid the tile on the space shuttle better than locals, they are great with tile. . I know When I had some brick work done I had to hire a crew of Mexicans to fix the work that the all American crew did.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

It’s MUCH cheaper to deport them than it does to keep them maintained, we’ve seen that, and how many BILLIONS did FEMA blow on handouts to illegal aliens?


That is the thing.

If you give money away, people will take it.

If you don’t give money away, people will make it.

Don’t be like the first guy.


But but but…wasn’t there a motion picture a few years back showing that if it hadn’t of been for the blaque wimmyns doing the complicated maff, NASA would still be launching model rockets? Maybe NASA should contact Steve Harvey’s tailor? That dude always has some nice suits on.

Cat eating Haitians and knotzies taking over Ohio? What could go wrong?

Send in these cats…


Hack Stone

Algebra is racist against People of Color and needs to be removed from the curriculum to prevent further damage to the self esteem of those People of Color. To fill the time, all students are to report to the auditorium for a screening of Hidden Figures, a 2016 film about three female African-American mathematicians that played a pivotal role in astronaut John Glenn’s launch into orbit using their skills in algebra.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Wasn’t algebra invented by pre-‘Mo pre-muzzie Persians?


I thought it was developed by a cross dressing trans
named Al.


Carson was a funny man. However I find it interesting that humans have only traveled a quarter of a million miles from Earth, which really isn’t that far when you think about how large space is.

When I was a kid watching the moon missions I had visions of moon bases and a colony on Mars. In all that time we haven’t gone any farther than Apollo 13.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I remember being told when I was a yard ape in grade school that one day we would have permanent Lunar Colonies, but so far that hasn’t happened, ditto with monorail and flying cars!


Just in… Bill Gates loves Chicoms (or, at least, donates to ’em like they need the money) hoping they’ll love him back:


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