Interview with SC’s Joe Wilson

| September 11, 2009

John Hawkins of Right Wing News did an interview last night with Republican Congressman Joe Wilson who told President Obama “You lie” at the President’s address to Congress Wednesday night. Here are some highlights;

“Person after person came up and they were very encouraging. So many of them, not all, but so many of them said that what I said is what they were thinking. “

“We’ve received several thousand donations. Of course, we’ve also got a circumstance where my opponent with the benefit of MoveOn — they can raise much more money.”

“I was looking at all of the amendments and I knew that the Democrats had defeated the enforcement amendments about illegal aliens and these would be the amendments that would provide for verification of citizenship. That’s the wording and I’ve actually read the 1,000 page bill. The references to the illegal aliens in the bill didn’t have any enforcement. It was simply fluff. “

Gabriel Malor at Ace of Spades reminds us that Democrats booed President Bush at his 2005 State of the Union Address. Does that make Wilson right? Nope, but all of this false outrage is a little too dramatic – especially after the last eight years.

I listened to a black “journalist” on the local news last night ask the audience rhetorically whether Wilson’s outburst might be racism. Sometimes political opposition is just political opposition.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks

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The Lame Stream Democrat Media (with it’s history of racism) has lost it mojo and all they have left is to project they’re racism and hate of freedom onto republicans. Wilson said what over 150 million Americans wish they had the platform and ba**s to say. The debate has now been reframed to Patriotic freedom loving Americans vs the anti-american democrats, teamed with terrorists, who would destroy all freedoms and in the process destroy the country. I consider president O’Dumbo a radical Islamist and enemy of America. His actions are proving this and will soon wake up more of the ‘American’ people.