3d Anniversary Freep at Walter Reed

| March 28, 2008

A little over three years ago, the Code Pink freaks began a death vigil outside of Walter Reed Army Medical Center every Friday night to greet the weekly bus bringing in casualties from the war against terror. After their first Friday night a group of local people who frequent the Free Republic forums decided that Code Pink shouldn’t go unchallenged. They organized a weekly counter-demonstration.

Code Pink had their group on the southwest corner of the main entrance into WRAMC, the Freepers got permits for the other three corners and it became a weekly stand-off. Code Pink coerced the unions into swelling their ranks for awhile and Freepers enjoyed sporadic reinforcement when Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up folks came to town. Memorial Day weekend saw participation from Rolling Thunder folks. I don’t know how many times I’ve read other blog and read about bloggers who happened to be in town would just show up and join in. I remember last March, Michele Malkin wrote about the great time she had out there with the folks before the first Gathering of Eagles.

Well, tonight marked the 3rd anniversary of the Walter Reed Freep – every Friday night, in rain, snow, sleet, blistering heat for three years, Code Pink has had to face counter-protesters. I was told tonight that Code Pink lost their permit for the front gate recently when Concrete Bob, a frequent visitor here and blogger at DC Protest Warrior kept a close eye on Code Pink’s permit and the day that it expired, he went down and secured their corner. Now Code Pink is exiled down at the end of the block and the Freepers own all four corners.

Here’s a picture I took of the Code Pink protesters three years ago;


This is what Code Pink’s corner looks like tonight;

Concrete Bob and Tom the Redhunter (also a frequent visitor here) invited me down tonight, so I stopped for awhile and took these pictures.

The Freepers’ cars have signs that warn of the Code Pink folks ahead.

The Freepers love telling the story of the night after the bus of wounded troops passed through the gate, it stopped and the door opened and one lone soldier, barely able to walk, limped back to the counter protesters and thanked them all for welcoming him home.

The reaction from people passing the intersection surprised me, so I video’d it so you can experience, too (Editor’s note: OK, the videos are fixed now – thanks for being patient. There’s two of each video – I’m trying out Google video in case I run into problems with YouTube like I did last night);

Those stalwart folks from Free Republic and Protest Warrior deserve our thanks for braving the elements for us.

Welcome Free Republic readers – feel free to stay and look around. Especially the Protests/Counterprotests category – you’ll see some friends there.

UPDATED 4-2-08; Tom the Redhunter put up an excellent post about the history of the FReep at Free Republic and at his blog The Redhunter.

Category: Bloggers, Protests/Rallies, Society, Support the troops, Walter Reed

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Great great work here Jonn! Loved the photos and thanks for going down there to let our wounded know they are loved.


Code Stink lost their corner? LOL… I love it.

BTW the 2 videos didn’t work for me. Said no longer available.


I’ve been following this story for 3 years now. I love that the Pinkos lost their corner. Thank you for brightening my day!


Been there several times… when that bus comes back it’s a warm feeling regardless of the weather.


Congratulations to the Freepers and PW who have been a beacon of light outside Walter Reed for these past three years!


Thank You Jonn


I have to make one correction:
DCFreeRepublic obtained a permit for east side of Georgia Ave at Elder.
Code Pink claimed to have permits for the west side of Georgia Ave, directly in front of the Main Gate.
They had no permit.
They were bluffing the whole time.
I simply applied for the space under DCProtestWarrior, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Dinky Dau

You Freepers ROCK.. I have only had the pleasure of joining you all once, but it won’t be the last.. Great work pushing those Pink Pukes out. Congrats. on your 3 years, you are doing wonders for the moral of our wounded Heroes..


Great coverage for the FReepers. I enjoyed being back out there, I’d been absent with excuses for a while. I hope to be there more often again. W04Man



Missed Walter Reed during GOE2, everybody at hotel was talking about it and how much fun it was, but at that time I just didn’t understand.

During GOE3 had a lot of problems getting to Walter Reed. Followed Chris Hill & some Eagles that paid a house call to code pink, then they returned to hotel. Had to try and find the place on our own, stopping to ask directions 4-5 times.

Rain that night when we finally did arrive was hardly noticed, got to meet Jake Altman, one of our finest. When Jake gave Capt Larry Bailey a ride back out to the gate. Capt Bailey, says to everybody, “I want you to meet a Real Hero”. That was a moment I will never forget.

Going to Walter Reed must be experienced, otherwise you’ll never know how great it is.

Jake also showed me first hand what you can do with a Garmin GPS when he drove us back to hotel on Saturday — I won’t get lost again. Thanks Jake for a very exciting ride in a stick shift that I will never forget!


Great report! Great Effort by the DC FReepers EVERY Friday no matter what the weather. Thanks to our brave troops for what this is all about!

Harry Riley

Freepers and Protest Warrior clearly meet the “boots on the ground” challenge…their selfless, faithful support of our wounded warriors and families is indeed a high calling.

Everyone that has joined in with this uplifting vigil over the years reflects an attitude of “what’s good in America” in contrast to those that would attack our warriors and families…

God bless the faithful who lift up our warriors and families at Walter Reed Army Medical Center…may their example sow a seed througout America………


Thanks for the heads-up on this great article, concretebob!

Good work folks and it looks like you wore out the Code Pinkos… wait, they were already worn out! 🙂

Congratulations on the 3rd Anniversary of a noble mission of standing for our wounded warrior at Walter Reed Medical Center!



Walter Reed on Friday night has become an event that is a “must do” on any trip to DC. Where else can you stand down Code Pink, see old friends, make new friends, and most importantly uplift and show support for our wounded and their families in a close up and personal way. Congratulations and kudos to Kristinn Taylor and Free Republic, and Bob Miller and DC Protest Warrior for their dedication and determination in continuing this very worthwhile endeavor.


Hat’s off to the Freepers and concretebob for finally
getting the code stinkos off that corner,GOOD SHOW,
and keep up the good work.

Karen I.

My enduring thanks to all the Freepers. ConceteBob is a misnomer. He is not concrete, he is supersmart for keeping tabs on that date and taking the appropriate action.