Daniel Penny, Marine veteran that pinned Jordan Neely, faces a second degree manslaughter charge

| May 12, 2023

People hold up signs arguing that being homeless is not a crime. (Brooke Lansdale/AP)

Daniel Penny was the Marine veteran that pinned Jordan Neely on board a subway train in New York. According to the article, he is expected to be arrested in order to face a charge of second degree manslaughter. One witness to the event claims that Neely was screaming and begging for money; however, Neely did not physically attack anybody. Penny’s attorneys previously stated that Penny and a couple of others restrained Neely in self-defense.

From the Military Times:

NEW YORK — Manhattan prosecutors said Thursday they will bring criminal charges against the Marine Corps veteran who used a fatal chokehold on an unruly passenger aboard a New York City subway train.

Daniel Penny, 24, who served as a Marine infantryman from 2017–2021, will be arrested and face a charge of second degree manslaughter, which could carry a jail term of up to 15 years.

“We cannot provide any additional information until he has been arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court, which we expect to take place tomorrow,” the Manhattan district attorney’s office said in a statement.

The charges come nearly two weeks after Penny pinned fellow subway rider Jordan Neely, 30, to the floor of a subway car and put him in a chokehold that lasted for several minutes.

According to a freelance journalist who witnessed the struggle, Neely, who is Black, had been screaming and begging for money aboard the train prior to the takedown, but had not physically attacked anyone.

Attorneys for Penny, who is white, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. They previously said their client, along with two other riders who helped restrain Neely, had acted in self-defense.

The Military Times has additional information.

Category: Politics, Society, Veterans in the news

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This is Soros and Alvin Bragg and politico based bullshit.




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I personally think that Mr. Penny should be given the Clean Community Award for taking out the trash, but that’s just me. A penny for your thoughts?


I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again…
Why the FUCK would anyone live/work in NYC or any other Blue City or Blue State?
Me & Mrs. HT3 beat feat 25-plus years ago
They’re coming after Perry as a lesson:
Do not defend yourself, others or in any impede any criminal in the commission of a crime.
Criminals, especially POC criminals, can do whatever they want to whomever they want. 
They have rights and you have none
The elites behind iron gates with armed security have spoken. Their will be done 
The Democrats will see to that


Until the will of the patriots is tested one too many times and they decide enough is enough and take up arms against those in power.

A lot of idiots out there forget why we have a 2nd Amendment… it’s not for firearms buffs. It’s to protect ourselves against those who would do us harm — right up to the government itself. We did it before and we can do it again… shame too, cause all of this was super easily avoidable.

Still makes me smile when Biden said you needed an F15 to take on the government. Like hey… old man <> “the men and women flying them will not be on YOUR side…”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Maybe it is because you guys are all full of shit and liberal cities have lower crime rates than your fear mongering indicates.

Ever bother to your fucking facts?

Most high population cities are blue…and red fear mongering loves to point out crime totals to indicate there are crime ridden.

But crime rates are measured PER capita. And per capita crime rate lists have a lot of red town and cities. And the cities you all love to complain about..LA, SF, NYC are not high on the lists.


“decriminalizing” any and all drug use, and many other crimes reduces the rates as well… just ask Denver.


Nothing says “success” like manipulating statistics and changing definitions.


Do you ever tire of being wrong?

Ask UCB for a fucking refund you Charlie Brown looking fuck. Your education is lacking.


I’m very sure that Commissar learned exactly what was taught. He’s a product of his environment, a willing subject of the liberal-progressive-socialist curriculum. Plant potatoes, get potatoes. He’s educated, but lacks knowledge.


He is not educated. He was indoctrinated.


Opened up his hollow little skull and pumped it full of liberal bullshit.


And that liberal bullshit always seems to take a faster and firmer hold in those skulls whose contents are already unstable.

Like you know who… 🙄 


Counselor, ol’ Poe is of the opinion that it’s more likely he was inseminated: someone has really fucked with his brain… 😜 

Hack Stone

You are correct. You can’t go a day without reading about a mentally disturbed homeless person with a long and distinguished criminal career pushing some old Asian lady n front of a train in Mayberry North Carolina.


If you don’t arrest people that commit crimes they do not reflect in the statistics, douche bag. I have to go into NYC and I dread going every time. I’ve watched it degenerate and fear that it’s never coming back. No sane person wants to get on the subway especially at night, UBER is the only way to get around. Public transportation is only for people that can’t afford or are to cheap. Again if you ignore the crimes they don’t count that’s democrat thinking.

OBAMA’S Boyfriend



Crime rates in liberal enclaves are literally the highest in the world.


Tell that liberal claptrap to all the families moving to red states from your blue urban utopias, you sick dipshit… 🙄 

Last edited 1 year ago by Poetrooper
USMC Steve

Your statement is incorrect. Actual real facts clearly indicate that most of the blue run cities out there, particularly the large ones, are much more crime ridden, and according to the FBI Unified Crime Reports, have more violent crime than in Free America. That the blue cities refuse to prosecute criminals for committing crimes is probably partially to blame for that as well. The only reason LA, SF, AND NYC are not on those listsi is because they don’t prosecute criminals any more. No criminals equals no crime.


In the near future they very well may be on his side, that’s what all the indoctrination is about. They are changing the definition of patriotism and trying to change the military culture to reflect a new way of thinking.

USMC Steve

No, the socialist democrats know exactly why we have a 2nd amendment, that is why they are trying so hard to erode it until it is gone.


Commies gonna commie, only the lies to get people to drink the Kool Aid change.
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jeff LPH 3 63-66

I lived in Laurelton Queens, NYC from 1945 untill around 1973 or so. Real estate people started the block busting bringing in a certain ethnic group and the crime that seems to follow them I go on the Laurelton website which brings back great memories from the people on the site.


You are helpless and cannot do anything to protect yourself, citizen– bend over and take it!

That’s what they’re saying.


You all are in a ridiculous fucking bubble that makes you think liberal cities are on under siege from lawlessness, there is rioting and looting, and nobody is safe.

It is ridiculous. It is bullshit political propaganda to make you vote red and be afraid of electing Dems.

It works on republicans voters because they are easily manipulated by this kind of rhetoric.

We are not seeing New York, SF, even Oakland high on violent crime lists.

Lots of cities with red mayors on this list though.



Saw plenty of riots during the lockdowns in remembrance of St Floyd of Fentanyl up close and personal.. and they were damn sure in demonrat run cities.. you’re as fraudulent as your heroes.


No no no, those were not riots, they were merely exuberant memorial gatherings, a series of sympathetic funeral pyres. If you were woke, you’d understand.


Which explains why I don’t.. lol


You didn’t mention Chicago, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Washington D.C., Seattle, Portland, etc. etc. etc.

Jus sayin!


Don’t forget Baltimore and Memphis. When NOLA beat out STL last year, a wise STL resident commented, ” we have a strong farm team and we’ll be back”.


Dude! A quick Google search results in the first FIVE on the list being Democrat mayors. I got bored after that.

Do better!!!


You live in the ghetto. You are a living failure.

Stop. Fucking. Posting.

tom reynolds

Take your commie,ball licking,troll ass elsewhere.


I bet you wouldn’t ride an NYC subway at night,or stray walking to far from Arthur ave, little Italy in the Bronx. White liberals live in the nice neighborhoods and generally don’t go wandering much. All claim to be city people but only interact with a small part. NYC is a zoo I personally know victims of violent crime that didn’t even involve robbery just random attacks apparently for recreational purposes. Don’t preach your shit .


Actually, he probably would. He’s a true believer, not a poser, and as such is too delusional to recognize the danger, so he most likely would do incredibly dangerous and dumb shit, just like a toddler would.. and for the same reason.. he doesn’t know any better…


Nobody is safe; that is whole idea, comrade!
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Jackson, MS, the most liberal of the liberal, where the left has finally won the fight, has a higher murder rate than El Salvador. It’s common to find body parts like severed heads in the streets. In fact, even though it only has 3% of the population in the state it accounts for 33% of the total murders in the state. Jefferson County, AL, near the same.

The red states all have small democratic enclaves where practically all the crime in the state takes place.


That’s certainly true here in Arkansas: if Little Rock, Pine Bluff, West Memphis and a couple of other small cities with overrepresentations of a certain demographic (like Jackson, MS) weren’t included in the crime stats, Arkansas would have a crime rate comparable to Vatican City… 🤔 

USMC Steve

Dude, your made up shit will not fly. It never has. Your fake source also has no credibility if you bothered to actually look at it for what it is. But you would not, because it states what you want to believe, not what is real.

Forest Bondurant

Those cities you mentioned that aren’t on the list is because they’re not reporting crimes and the FBI isn’t recording it. (Even if the FBI was maintaining those statistics, they would be inaccurate because the FBI has already been caught influencing statistics for political reasons.) The typical cities that are on the list are run by Democrats, and the proof that crime is out of control is that large businesses are leaving (Walmart, CVS pharmacy,etc.,) because of the rampant property crime, theft, and the fact those cities are no longer safe. Red cities that experience higher crime rates is attributed to failed policies and refusal to prosecute crimes in neighboring cities run my Democrats. The link you provided is utter dog shit.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The homeless A-Holes family wants justice and most likely some moola shmoola for his death SO WTF is the guy doing on the street instead of living in his home with his A-Hole parents.


ghetto lottery


Reverse the skin colors…doesn’t even make the news.


This is false.

tom reynolds

Do you get paid by the post?


For a very rare once, you’re partially correct, Lars. It would be reported by conservative news sources.

But your acquiescent, Pravda-esque, journalistic heroes would be totally blind, deaf and silent. Just the way you and the Democrats want them to be.

And save your breath protesting that you’re not a Democrat, you putz… 🙄 

Last edited 1 year ago by Poetrooper

Actually, I just realized why you think this.

If a black man had choked the life out of a white homeless man in front of several witnesses on a subway…it would have been on the news…

However, right wing media would not be trying to turn the black man into a hero and martyr.

So YOUR news channels would not be covering it.

That is why you don’t think it would be on the news.


Hahahahahah——“right wing media”-


Hack Stone

You sure love your “ifs”. If New York officials had this beloved Michael Jackson impersonator behind bars for violating probation for his multiple assaults against New York commuters, he would still be alive.

tom reynolds

You tell em Hack!


“However, right wing media would not be trying to turn the black man into a hero and martyr.”

You do realize that the implication of beginning that sentence with However is that the liberal media is doing precisely that: Trying to turn the black man into a hero and martyr?

Your always lacking composition skills seem to be deteriorating even further.

USMC Steve

That entire statement made absolutely no sense.


so the Evil Man is now involved with the “justice” system that the leftbots blindly hate, ‘because of reasons’… everything will be just fine and the property damage, violence, blocking of roads will subside now?

Yeah, it ain’t but you assholes do leave some good footage with your murderously malicious intent for our-not-your country.

Get bent, fuck off, and die angry, please do so on camera because it’s the only thing that gets me off anymore.


Please DO NOT let this distract us from the wisdom of Saint George Floyd of Fentanyl.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

There is a reason we let people tap in combatives during training. And there is a reason people tap fairly quickly when in a choke hold.

Neely did not attack or threaten anyone. He was saying he was hungry, and thirsty, having a meltdown over now desperate he was for food and water.

I understand why Perry restrained him. People who have not lived around homeless can be alarmed at their outbursts.

But choking him out was not justified in this situation and choking the life out of him was very likely criminally negligent. He continued to maintain the hold long after Neely was unconscious and after he was no longer breathing.

Perry made a mistake. A negligent mistake.

I have had to intervene and subdue a homeless man attacking someone in Oakland, I understand the impulse and the uncertainty in how far you need to take things. However, unless they are a threat to life or limb you can’t choke the life out of them.


I’d suggest we wait for the autopsy to hear how “chemically enhanced” Neely was at the time before making such broad statements, but I know that’s not your style..


Facts are irrelevant. The narrative must be maintained.


Commies know better than to deviate from “the Party line.”


The Party Line says a Black man was murdered by a white man because Neely is Black.


That’s exactly what it says. And no fact will ever change that.



Last edited 1 year ago by Deckie

I keep forgetting that to Antifa; “I’d kill a motherfucker, I’ll take a bullet, I don’t care about going to jail” is simply another way of saying hello.


Well, you wouldn’t know this, but in combatatives in Ranger School, there is no tapping out. But then we weren’t taught choke holds either.

USMC Steve

No tapping out, but there is a lot of beating up.