DUmmies: Clinton kept us safe for 8 years
Still working hard on rebuilding the Clinton Legacy and rewriting history, the folks at DU are convinced that fire doesn’t melt steel or something;
Ignoring the fact that the US was attacked in the first year of the Clinton Administration, not to mention in Oklahoma, the African Embassies, the USS Cole, the DUers are convinced that this empty-headed political strategy is the one Democrats should use next year. Well, unless we get attacked between now and then, huh?
bushisanidiot 6. You’re exactly right. Everyone knew Clinton was going after Bin Laden but Bush came in and called the dogs off of Bin Laden, thus, enabling him to attack us with no one caring enough to pay attention to his activities.
Yup, Clinton was “going after bin Laden”, if by “going after” you mean hoping he’d go away.
Mika 7. What about the first WTC attack? Isn’t that one of the rebuttals to your statement? The big difference was that the Clinton admin caught, prosecuted, and convicted the terra-ists and didn’t launch an illegal war (over it).
Well, unless you include the war against Serbia where we had no national interest and killed hundreds of innocent civilians for no good reason. Just because the nations that had a stake in the outcome wouldn’t defend their own national interests. How did the Chinese Embassy come through that war?
Hepburn 15. Hi, Jen…….I just love Darth Cheney talking about how they kept us safe. What? He slept through 911?
jenmito 16. Hey, Hep…I know. Me, too. I love watching him brag about how they kept us safe after the biggest attack on our soil.
Um, what should they have done? Pre-emptively strike the Taliban and al Qaeda? That would have had the full support of the DU crowd, huh? Every time the Bush Administration rolled up a terrorist cell inside the country, they cried “Scare tactics!”
It amazes me that they don’t mind looking like hypocrites.
Thanks to Claymore for the links.
Category: Liberals suck
When you start a sentence with “everybody knows…” you pretty much know what follows is shit.
Semper Fi David Hall 8/31/09
“Going after” Bin Laden by refusing to take him from Sudan? No wonder some in this country want to make 9-11 a “National Day of Service”. That’ll help make sure the real reason for 9-11 is forgotten. They have no minds, so they can’t remember anything.
Oh, it gets ‘progressively’ better, no pun intended…actaully, yeah, I did intend to pun that…enjoy the stupid:
DU is a cesspool of moral idiots.
Did you expect Slick to take time out from his daily BJ to accept Osama from Sudan? No way, and you wouldn’t either if you were married to the hillabeast.
I’m going to have to think about this one for a minute.
-Completely ignoring Afghanistan
-Taking an utterly half assed approach towards Russia
-Keeping us in bed with the Saudis
-Getting us involved in police actions that had nothing to do with our national security
Yeah Clinton kept us real safe, that’s for sure.
Can someone help me? I’m trying to remember who was president when these things happened:
– Bombing of USS Cole
– First WTC bombing
– Bombing of US embassies in Tanzania, Nairobi and Kenya
– Bombing of Khobar Towers
Help a brotha out…
Those were crimes, not acts of war. Jeez, didn’t you get the memo? They were investigated by the FBI, as much as the FBI was allowed to do,anyway. And the evil doers were prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Well, the ones we caught.
Seems I remember the Saudis extending total cooperation with the Khobar Towers bombing investigation? Nah, thought not. And doesn’t Yemen have home visit weekends for the Cole bombers? The ones that they don’t really have to come back from?