SPLC finally finds some racist brown people

| September 2, 2009

VT Woody sends along this link to a Southern Poverty Law Center report in which they finally find some racist brown people. No, it’s not in Southeast DC, or Dearborn, Michigan or Brooklyn, NY. It’s not in East LA or in a Texas border town. It’s those Hawaiians.

“It is a hateful place to live if you are white,” wrote a woman on one Hawaii website’s comments section. A Hawaii native who is white wrote, “Racism exists in Hawaii. My whole life I’ve never really felt welcome here.” A sailor stationed at Pearl Harbor added that “this island is the most racist place I have ever been in my life.”

True to form, though, SPLC provides excuses for the racism – excuses that they would never provide, and rightfully so, in a report about hate groups on the right;

A Hawaiian Studies professor at the University of Hawaii, Haunani-Kay Trask, is one of the most caustic critics of whites in the islands. In her 1999 book, From A Native Daughter, Trask wrote: “Just as … all exploited peoples are justified in feeling hostile and resentful toward those who exploit them, so we Hawaiians are justified in such feelings toward the haole. This is the legacy of racism, of colonialism.”

Of course, this is just a fund raising tool for SPLC so they can hold up this report and tell contributors that they are color blind, that they’re concerned about white people, too – and the chance that they’ll offend any Hawaiians probably won’t impact their donorship much.

Category: SPLC

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But some of my best friends are black, I mean African-American. F-ing liberal hypocrites.


“My whole life I’ve never really felt welcome here.”
Trust your instincts. You are in a place where you could suffer a race based home invasion/slaughter. Move.

A sailor stationed at Pearl Harbor added that “this island is the most racist place I have ever been in my life.”

Another reason to eject the pricks from the Union if the majority of them want succession. They don’t like the military being there, fine. No more federal $$$ for them. We as Americans should become stone deaf once they piss and moan for us to return should they collapse into squalor.


Realistically, I doubt that Hawaii would collapse into squalor since Americans would continue to fly their happy asses out there and support the only industry HI has going for it.
The issue isn’t that some of the people in HI are racist, its that SPLC and any other race-based watch group, don’t see anger against white races as racism.
It’s that POLICY is being created based on the findings of these one sided groups.
If some Hawaiians feel white people came along and messed up their little island, that’s cool. It might even being racist. But following the lead of the liberal, thought-police types and even arguing that they are wrong to THINK something only belittles the belief that people can scrape to the top in the US, no matter how many people hate you.
The organizations that spend their days crying to teacher that someone out there is hated only inhibit the ability of individuals to overcome it.

🙂 imho. ACC


My daughter-in-law said the same thing, Hawaii is the most racist place she’s ever seen. The examples are too numerous to mention here, and her and our son have only been there since the first of the year. He’s stationed at Kaneohe Bay.
I think the native Hawaiians are fine with the military being there, as long as uncle Obie would confine them to their bases, permanently. Let the money roll in, just don’t let the people get out to mingle with the natives.

Old Tanker

all exploited peoples are justified in feeling hostile and resentful toward those who exploit them, so we Hawaiians are justified in such feelings toward the haole. This is the legacy of racism, of colonialism.”

What about Polynesian expansionism that led to Hawaii being settled in the first place? Ever hear of what they did to Easter Island? They took a tropical paradise and completely destroyed it. A textbook example of raping land of it’s natural resources.

Old Tanker

huh, the first paragraph was suposed to be blockquoted…..


What about Polynesian expansionism that led to Hawaii being settled in the first place? Ever hear of what they did to Easter Island? They took a tropical paradise and completely destroyed it. A textbook example of raping land of it’s natural resources.

Would you have a link to more details on this? I did a few searches but not much is coming up about this.


Lived in Hawaii for about 15 years, loved every minute of it. Sure whites are minority, but the whole state is made up of minorities – seriously. The wife and I both lived and worked there and neither of us felt particularly ‘picked on’ because we were white.

Genuine Hawaiians make up less than 10 percent of the population, BTW.

And it’s worth considering that those in the military do get treated differently in Hawaii and elsewhere. Wasn’t that long ago that there were signs in Virginia Beach saying ‘Sailors and Dogs – Keep off the Grass’.

Aside: I’m trying to ignore the SPLC, and I’ve met Haunani Trask. Both have invested in an agenda to the point where they HAVE to view the world with an appalling myopia.

Old Tanker


Some, of course, are trying to blame the first Europeans for this, others say that Jared Diamond left out other considerations like the “Little Ice Age” but here is the article, Easter’s End

Old Tanker


If you Google “easter’s end” there is more.