Jack Teixeira, classified documents leaker, wanted to kill people
Prosecutors in the case involving Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old Air National Guardsman accused of leaking highly classified military documents, argued that Teixeira “wanted to kill a ton of people.” These prosecutors argued that Teixeira maintained an arsenal of guns and made a social media post stating that he would like to kill a ton of people.
From the Military Times:
Court papers urging a federal judge to keep Teixeira in custody detailed a troubling history going back to high school, where he was suspended when a classmate overheard him discussing Molotov cocktails and other weapons as well as racial threats. More recently, prosecutors said, he used his government computer to research past mass shootings and standoffs with federal agents.
He remains a grave threat to national security and a flight risk, prosecutors wrote, and investigators are still trying to determine whether he kept any physical or digital copies of classified information, including files that haven’t already surfaced publicly.
“There simply is no condition or combination of conditions that can ensure the Defendant will not further disclose additional information still in his knowledge or possession,” prosecutors wrote. “The damage the Defendant has already caused to the U.S. national security is immense. The damage the Defendant is still capable of causing is extraordinary.”
Teixeira has been in jail since his arrest earlier this month on charges stemming from the greatest known intelligence leak in years.
Teixeira has been charged under the Espionage Act with unauthorized retention and transmission of classified national defense information. He has not yet entered a plea.
His lawyers are urging the judge to release him from jail, arguing in court papers filed Thursday that appropriate conditions can be set even if the court finds him to be a flight risk — such as confinement at his father’s home and location monitoring.
The military Times has additional information here. A court filing on Jack Teixeira provides more specific details.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Air National Guard, Crime, Veterans in the news
Has anyone else noticed that if this story is ever mentioned at all, it all seems to be about the leaker and none of the damning evidence and information that was leaked?
There is an obvious coordinated push from the state and media alike to outright ignore and hide some of this information, including how well we think the Ukraine and Russia conflict is going…….
Distract!!! Look over here!!!
Never mind what was leaked was the COMPLETE opposite of everything The Deep State Media told us about WW3 errr I mean the Russian Invasion of peace loving and not corrupt Ukraine.
China will swoop in and broker a peace deal that will make Abe Blinken an even worse Sec of State than Cankles McPantsuit.
Bingo. Ass covering is all this is, squawking loud for the normies to obfuscate Truth.
Unfortunately for this shell game to which We are being subjected to: reality always gets the last word.
Ant’s wife had a lot to say to Hunter….
Can’t wait for the rest of it to be brought to Light.
Deleted because double posted.
What are you talking about?
How “well” the Ukraine and Russia conflict is going?
For who?
Ukraine is winning, but entire cities are being devastated.
Russia is losing and it will likely lead to the collapse of the Putin Regime.
Anyone that thinks Russia is winning by is an an idiot who willfully chooses to consume Russian propaganda.
I have no idea why you insist on regurgitating blatantly false Russian propaganda.
Weren’t you here defending Putin and Xi a few weeks ago?
The primary winners of this conflict are the US, NATO, and to a lesser extent China.
“His lawyers are urging the judge to release him from jail,”
Do it. Live on TV. No ankle bracelet either. Give him a running start.
“These prosecutors argued that Teixeira maintained an arsenal of guns.”
Airsoft guns. There’s plenty to hang this fuckstick for without making shit up. And as a followup, prosecute the producers of every lie this kid exposed. He’s no hero, far from it, but he did shine a bright light on a lot of cockroaches.
For fuck’s sake, really?
Never mind the fact that *stops, checks a book* in America we have a Constitutional right to “maintain an arsenal of guns”.
Fucking idiot prosecutors like that should be thrown out of the courtroom.
SFC D is correct.
Airsoft Guns.
Picture taken of the Airman’s Room.
See the orange tip?
The Airman’s “Cache Of Weapons”.
That’s one squared away room, especially for a 21 yo, and doubly so for a gamer.
More and more this ain’t adding up…
No dirty magazines.
What’s a magazine? Everything’s online now and, according to firearms experts like Joe “I don’t work for you” Biden, scary black rifles take clips.
I’m sure the MSM will soon be reporting Jack is an Incel.
The fact that Tucker is off the air will do you some good.
Don’t normally have time for him, but the clips I have seen were hilarious and informational.
One thing I have no doubt’bout, the fact his corporate media chains are gone presents a bigger problem for the anti-human establishment.
On that note, I hope you have a passport and visa just in case this goes sideways for you and your people.
No one believes the BS anymore.
Sleep tight, clownface.
He’s still living in your head rent-free, so we have that going for us. Which is nice. So enlighten us all, Commissar, how’re things going in your wonderful city in your amazing state? Is that sidesaddle governor of yours still living beyond your means? He’s a fraud, elected by frauds.
Subsidized rent. Much better.
Each of the “assault weapons”in that pic is a toy.
The Red Ryder BB Carbine with the compass in the stock is more of a weapon.
Arsenal they said, The Department of Justice has never been known to spread lies today. The Ministry of Truth will be recording your thought hate crimes.
The orange tips enhance the power.
He also was likely developing chemical weapons, hence the bio hazard signs. He will be held without bond safely in a cell with Nicholas Tartaglione.
Dude did not strike me as a threat, but who knows.
But it seems they are laying it on him to make folks think only a white gun supremist with an agenda for blood would fuck with them as opposed to a common man’s E-4 who plays video games instead of drinking it up and chasing quiff.
He will probably turn out to be another member of the Biden fan club, and a raving leftard. Like the no longer reported on ‘tard that shot up the school down south. Turns out the manifesto was a detailed screed of leftardism and when that became known, as with every other mass shooting, reporting dropped off totally shortly thereafter.
” without making shit up.”
That’s what prosecutors do. Particularly if they are trying to distract from other things.
Are private bathroom servers still ok?
Asking for a friend…
Only if you’re a former Secretary of State running for president.
Considering the source of this “report”, my skeptic meter is pegged into the red.
I trust the Gooberment as much as I can throw them over my left shoulder with my right arm. And I’m left-handed. And a senior citizen.
“The truth is what we tell you it is, Citizen! Nothing to see here…MOVE ALONG!”
“a classmate overheard him discussing Molotov cocktails and other weapons”
Oh, dear. I do hope that prosecutor does not stumble upon this site.
It was also reported that he had an interest in military stuff. This unusual behavior by a lower enlisted Air National Guard Airman is normally caught in basic training and dealt with.
…”Teixeira maintained an arsenal of guns…”
I saw the picture of the guns. You could put your eye out with those AirSoft guns.
But do they have a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time? Because THAT’s what makes them extra, super dangerous.
What was this turd’s MOS, how did he have access to such highly classified material, now did he steal it without getting caught, and who in the Security and command structure is going to jail with him for violating the rules and regs regarding accounting for and protecting classified material?