Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok
Trans EMT doesn’t think a man can be pregnant. What a bigot.
A trans EMT tried to use his medical training to prove that sex is not binary. He ran into trouble when I asked him how he’d respond to a patient with a penis who claims he’s having a miscarriage.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 5, 2023
Canada has fallen
This is absolutely insane https://t.co/KcaNFuQ3mk
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) April 5, 2023
Child abuse
Absolutely no words to describe how despicable this is.
pic.twitter.com/A0C0J9LK26— Right Side of History™? (@xxclusionary) April 10, 2023
Maybe you should know your audience
???? pic.twitter.com/5ROCiL30Ru
— Clown World ™ ? (@ClownWorld_) April 10, 2023
Good thing we don’t talk any of that nonsense around here
— Clown World ™ ? (@ClownWorld_) April 10, 2023
He She It is truly stunning and brave
I’ll have to feature them this week on Valor Friday.
— Clown World ™ ? (@ClownWorld_) April 10, 2023
Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok
That last one….
Sweetheart, you ain’t got nothing on my boys.
On an aside, I saw a falcon (probably a merlin, QUICK little bastard) try to take a bat mid air, twice! Most metal thing I think I’ve ever seen.
Spent too much time being snarky and not enough time on hitting “Post Comment” button.
Metal like Sabaton metal, or metal like Lorna Shore metal?
Regardless, I wish I could have seen that.
The bird photos on Boomer’s Sunday are usually more impressive than the memes.
I belong to a bat conservation group and they have a place near San Antonio called Bracken Cave. Largest bat colony in the world. At its peak, there are about 30 MILLION bats in the cave! When they leave the cave at night, it takes about 3 hours for all of them to exit.
When I was there this past July, there were a few Swainson’s Hawks waiting for them to exit. They picked off about four bats while I was there. Overall, with all the bats and the hawks, it was an incredible experience.
‘I saw a falcon (probably a merlin, QUICK little bastard) try to take a bat mid air, twice!‘ Wow.. Know what you mean – the way they whip and wheel around after something.. Yup. Watched one the other day – it was after a few Starlings. Just whoa.. Like, how do dey do dat so zap-quick..? Falcon/Merlin I saw got what she/he was after. Pretty cool.
And yeah, that last one..FMTT’s. Definitely a case of Piano desperately needing a high velocity meet’n with Wile E Coyote..
FIRST Monday comment on the Tuesday Libs of TikTok. If I didn’t know for a fact that Mason had a trophy wife and working on a 1/2 dozen young’uns, I’d almost say that he is confused as the Libs are.
I’ll see myself out and go do FIRST Echelon maintenance on the Wood Chippers.
Hey, I’m lucky if I remember what day it is lately. 🤣
The commonality of all of these – each and every one of these half-wit Lib-tards of TwitTok are perfect specimens…of what should be fed – feet-first in to a MorBark. As for the POS saying she/he/it is braver than any Military veteran – I double, no I triple-dog-dare you to walk into any American Legion/VFW and shout that. HELL! I’d peel off a couple of Franklin’s to just watch that happen!!
Call me crazy, but that last one is correct. I’ve got the intestinal fortitude to go to Iraq three times but I ain’t got the balls to portray myself like whatever it claims itself to be.
You ain’t crazy. That… person… is. And we’re all brave enough to go to dangerous places that assclown couldn’t find on a map repeatedly. Bravest thing that fella’s ever done was wear his white heels after Labor Day. How gauche!
As far as that Bud Lite marketing exec is concerned, I’ve read many times in the past when folks have said, “Wait until these snowflakes in the colleges are in the real world! They’ll find out how it’s like!”
Well, they’re here and they’re not leaving. They may back off of the silliness of this Bud Lite ad campaign, but they won’t stop unless we really stop them!
Why did my company fail? It wasn’t “woke” enough! (That’s all that’ll go through their heads.)
Oh and Mason? It is insane and it’s getting worse, ridiculously worse.. But Oil London wasn’t citing facts. And for the record – the
He/She/Itdirtbag citing ‘braver than any military veteran’, has a face ya just want to smack, needs my MIDDLE FINGER and a good six month-long kick in the gender-region. Doom on them, one and all. *spit*Bud Light has taken a HUGE hit already over this. Oh well…
Insanity Lite.
Buttwiper Light, the beer of confused losers who can’t figure out what sex the are.
RE: the Canadia law.
Sounds like you’d get a lighter sentence if you just killed the trannies.
The Bud Light brand was dying…
Her job was TO KILL IT…
First rate job…Mission accomplished
Also, that “mom” that transistioned her daughter is PURE FUCKING EVIL. L.O.T.T. needs to preserve that so that girl can sue her that person
I’d like to see this faggot survive two or three weeks if Ranger School, let alone eight.
City week would turn him to mush.
Can you imagine him in the bear-pit doing hand to hand, or the beating he/it would get with a pugil stick?
Oh for f%ck’s sake…