Tip for Room Service – Get the Right Room

| April 8, 2023

The INQUIRER.NET writes that the US Special Forces, conducting a training exercise, burst into the wrong hotel room and detained a guest for over an hour. The guest was subject to an inquisition in his hotel shower. The article didn’t say whether that involved water… or soap.

Room service? US special forces nab wrong guest in mock hotel raid

Agence France-Presse / 02:53 PM April 08, 2023

WASHINGTON–US special forces burst into the wrong hotel room in the middle of the night and detained a sleeping guest during a training exercise, drawing a shamefaced apology Thursday from the military.

The unfortunate guest — a Delta Air Lines pilot in his 30s — was handcuffed and questioned in the shower of his Boston hotel room for nearly an hour, according to US media reports citing unnamed sources.

The training exercise “was meant to enhance soldiers’ skills to operate in realistic and unfamiliar environments,” US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) said.

The team “entered the wrong room and detained an individual unaffiliated with the exercise,” USASOC said, expressing “our deepest apologies to the individual who was affected.”

I’d love to read that After Action Report as well as the Lessons Learned.

The USASOC said in its statement, “we are reviewing this serious incident with our partners and no further details will be released at this time.”

Tip for guest – if you see these you are probably safe.  However, don’t assume the knives are rubber.

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Heard about it on the local news after it happened. Haven’t seen a blank simulater I think I have the word right since my time in the ARNG 75-77






Sure, “Blank Firing Adapter” if you’re the kinda guy who cares about specifics like who’s walking on your grass (joking, mostly… I, myself, made the E-9 list before retirement became the only feasible option).

Still, before “BFA” became the common term we just called them “blank adapters.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks Hate_me, just couldn’t think of the name and been a long time since 75-77


It’s cool. I forget names, too. Usually women’s, and usually to the entertainment of everyone within earshot.


jeff, here’s your choices:

1005-00-118-6192 BFA M15A2 (Red)
1005-01-361-8208 BFA M23 (Yellow)

Both cost somewhere between six and thirteen bucks.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claw

Is this a duplicate?

Dave Hardin

Ya, it is. SumOfEwePeaPul don’t read shit before ewe post shit.

SackBalm B 1ofem.


Last edited 1 year ago by Dave Hardin

Let’s file it under “great minds etc.” and leave it at that.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

looks like the word people, I just figured it out with my super duper de coding ring from 1957.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Meant “you people”






Delta’s gonna be looking for a new pilot after the settlement.


Sounds like a Delta airline pilot somewhere is getting ready to get a nice payday bonus from the DOD.




One Delta is ready when you are…The other Delta is ready when you’re not!


10,000 attaboys negated by one aw shit.


Curious if the hotel staff was aware before hand
Is this the first time they have used said hotel?

Green Thumb

It was probably some kind of flop house.

Kidding, of course.

But who in the fuck authorized the DoD / FBI to play games in a nice hotel? That’s how rich folks get hurt and file lawsuits.


I wonder how much being handcuffed to a shower fixture for 45 minutes is worth. I hope they didn’t waterboard him.


Maybe they gave him truth serum?



Perhaps he was greatly startled.

AW1 Rod

Great fucking job, guys!  But, did you use the subject’s correct pronouns during the interrogation?  That’s IMPORTANT SHIT these days!


Lucky for all involved this was not a Constitutional carry state where the room inhabitant might have had the recourse to defend themselves.

I wonder who/where the safety observer/umpire was that let this get out of hand.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Am wondering if the new Florida no permit move affects people that already have a concealed carry permit and when it expires do they have to go through a waiting period to buy a firearm. I show the clerk my carry permit and he/she calls up atf and I walk out with the gun the same day after the paperwork/purchase


IF the Florida Constitutional Carry is similar to the Texas version:
Those with permits can carry in more places than those without.
One can still go though the process to get a concealed carry permit / license to carry, and show one is vetted to any LEO who might inquire.
Texas also has the option in place for a place of business to post a notice – with wording and size of the notice specified in the law – that prohibits a Constitutional Carry on their property / in that business. We know it as the 30.05 law.
30.06 prohibits concealed carry, 30.07 prohibits open carry by license holders.

YMMV, and notice the “IF” at the beginning of this post, please.


FL Permit has to be renewed to get the permit purchase priviledge. But you don’t need one to walk around with it.


Back in the early 90s in WA state having a conceled carry permit meant you didn’t have to go through the ‘instant’ background check, while my state at the time it only qualified as a second form of ID and I still had to wait on the results of the check. On a long day it took me abit less than two hours, on a good day I’d be out in about 45 minutes.


Was the pilot’s Delta name “Pinto”?


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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous



It’s OK. The guest was offered a complimentary in room movie on this next stay. All is well im sure

Army-Air Force Guy

I remember Eric Haney recalling a similar incident in his book “Inside Delta Force.” One of his selectees followed some guy not connected to their exercise all over El Paso, and caused him to totally freak out when they actually confronted him.