Let’s talk Trump

| April 5, 2023

Y’all have asked for it, so here it is. Let’s talk about Trump.

Manhattan DA Bragg has charged him with 34 felony charges of falsifying business records. The charges are normally misdemeanors, but they’re being charged as felonies because the DA is making the claim that the falsifications were done in furtherance of a crime. What crime is that? Who the fuck knows. As best anyone can tell, it’s the crime of a federal campaign violation. Which both the DOJ and SEC have looked at and not pursued, even civilly.

All because Trump paid a porn star to keep her mouth shut. The most vain man in the world didn’t want people to know that he may have or may have not had sexual relations with the porn actress in the mid aughts. Shocker. Naturally it was a campaign expense to shut her trap, right? Yeah, nobody thinks that either, which is why the SEC didn’t even pursue it.

So who is Alvin Bragg? He’s only been in office a short time, but in that time he’s led a DA’s office that has become known for dropping cases. He famously pursued charges against a bodega owner who defended himself from a violent attack.

Fox News says;

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said after former President Trump was arraigned Tuesday that his office won’t normalize “serious criminal conduct.”

“Earlier this afternoon, Donald Trump was arraigned on a New York Supreme Court indictment returned by a Manhattan grand jury on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree,” Bragg said.

“Under New York state law is a felony to falsify business records with intent to defraud and intent to conceal another crime. That is exactly what this case is about. 34 false statements made to cover up other crimes,” Bragg said. “These are felony crimes in New York State. No matter who you are, we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct.”

In July 2022, Bragg initially sought a second-degree murder charge against bodega worker Jose Alba, who was seen on surveillance camera stabbing Austin Simon in what appears to be self-defense. Simon is seen in the video coming behind the cashiers’ desk on July 1, 2022 and attacked Alba.

After significant backlash, Bragg’s office dropped the charge.

In another instance, the Manhattan district attorney reduced charges against William Rolon, who allegedly stole over $2,000 worth of merchandise and medicine from a store in January 2022. While Rolon was armed with a knife, his charges were reduced to petit larceny, a misdemeanor, according to FOX 5.

Prosecutors also reduced charges against the same suspect in a separate robbery at TJ Maxx on Jan. 7, 2022.

In 2022, Bragg’s first year as Manhattan district attorney, the prosecutor reduced more than half of felony cases to misdemeanors.

Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree on Tuesday. Typically, falsifying business records is considered a misdemeanor charge but rises to a felony when a defendant’s “intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

During a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Bragg was asked why the second alleged concealed crime wasn’t specified in the indictment.

“Let me say as an initial matter that the indictment doesn’t specify it because the law does not so require. In my remarks, I mentioned a couple of laws which I will highlight again now,” Bragg said. “The first is New York state election law, which makes it a crime to conspire to promote a candidacy by unlawful means. I further indicated a number of unlawful means, including additional false statements, including statements that were planned to be made to tax authorities. I also noted the federal election law cap on contribution limits.”

Bragg accused Trump as well as his associates of using a “catch and kill” scheme to possibly bury potentially damaging information that came ahead of the election in 2016.

“Trump then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws,” Bragg alleged. “In total, 34 false entries were made in New York business records to conceal the initial covert $130,000 payment.”

I’m sure Democrats haven’t fully thought through the precedent set here. As they didn’t remember the “Biden Rule” for election year appointments and almost instantly regretted Harry Reid’s implementation of the so-called Nuclear Option, I’m sure they won’t ever see any negatives to this until a Republican plays their game by their rules.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2024 Election, Crime, Trump!, Who knows

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I can’t believe that this is the best hope of the (R) party, put all your energy and blind faith into a guy who already lost once, and at best, gets re-elected for a lame duck single term that will only tear the country even further apart and get either nothing done, or once again, every action repealed by “executive order” 10 minutes into the next (D) term.

Not one other person on the planet eligible to be elected is worth looking at?

Great work guys,
May as well insert the Spongebob “We did it! We saved the town!” meme here.


He certainly did a whole lot better at the job than the current guy. He’s got that going for him.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I wonder if their are commenters on the site that are low information voters…

Prior Service

Now you know!


Every person I know that voted for Gropey Joe is what I call a “Low-Fo,” low information voter. One who is a good friend still believed the lie that Officer Sicknick was beaten to death on Jan. 6 along with five other officers who
“died that day,” until I disabused him last week of that false agitprop from the MSM.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I got that low info voter from listening to WFTL 850AM down here in Florida. the lo-fos are the CNN/MSNBC viewers that listen to what the station says but are not given the real skinny on what is really going on. Did your friend come down to earth after you gave him the real skinny of what happened. My neighbor who is a liberal dem,Lo-Fo and he tells me during the Pres Trump ruskie investigation that
hes no good and an anti Semite which he gets from watching cnn and msnbc, so I tell him that half of his family is Jewish and he was the one that got some of the middle east countries together along with the other things he has done. All the MSM knows what Pres Trump did but it doesn’t meet their narrative to tell their lo-fo viewers what the man did for the country My liberal is a gun collector and has more guns in his safe that you and I have. Can’t understand that..


My friend is a slow awakener, who cares little about current events and politics. I have awakened his wife though, who is becoming more conservative every month.

USMC Steve

I have to wonder if that might be involved here. To ensure Trump is the nominee. Again though, it matters not, since they will steal the election as before.


That’s my thought as well unfortunately. Until the Republicans learn to play the left-wingers game using the same rules they play by, all this is for naught because they will just steel the election again and again and again. The idiot perv in the White House is dangerous, but I think that moron is just a puppet. The next clown might be worse.


GOP thinks fair play and being reasonable like it was 1932 still works with Democrats when Democrats will *ss-rape and laugh at them for being naive. Even RINOs who kiss up to them hoping to get ahead get skunked because Democrats only let folk get ahead they like or have some leverage over (or vice versa) who’re useful.


I have my issues with these charges, too – I don’t like fraud, but I also don’t know enough about the law to say whether these should be felonies or anything about the statute of limitations.

That said, when you and others keep saying this will only boost him – why? It clearly will rally those who already support him, but Trump is such a known quantity that I can’t see it changing anyone’s perspective on him. The latest polls tend to show more Americans support the charges than not, albeit by a fairly small margin.

You can argue it may make the Trump supporters who don’t vote more likely to do so, but I guess I tend to think those people vote anyway. And it hurts him with people who are not sold on him already:


Again, these charges seem pretty weak, and frankly, seem to do a disservice to the more serious charges that could be coming in Georgia. But at the end of the day, I still don’t think it helps him.


LC, there are folks who seldom or ever vote, that think this is such a shitshow of wrongness they have to vote Trump.

Trump’s campaign is now ten million USD ahead, mostly in small donations. It’s one thing to say “I’ll vote” it’s another to send money.

Trump won on folks who normally didn’t vote, voting Trump. “Do it again” remains to be seen. But if the Democrats didn’t want a rematch, they should have ignored him and told their minions never to say the name of Trump.

He absolutely is the king of “good publicity, bad publicity, just spell Trump with a big T”.


Any competent criminal and con law lawyer knows this thing is total bullshit. Attorney Robert Barnes lays it all out in his April 4, 2023 podcast.


So, you like the higher gas prices, the higher energy prices, the higher food prices, the higher necessary good prices, the higher medication prices, the higher rates of violent crimes, the higher rates of peaceful protests that leave people injured and property destroyed, all the while the President spouts inane and racist rhetoric that the White House has to say “what he meant was…” again and again while trying to blame a stutter that he hasn’t had since he was a teenager?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

My Friend who voted for Herr biden told me that if she knew how the country would go down the tubes, she never would have voted for him. A number of her liberal friends told her the same thing BUT they wouldn’t admit that to people outside of their circle.


The keeping voting Democrat and wonder why sh*t gets worse.


Well, voting versus ballot printing. Chicago hasn’t had honest elections in at least 150 years.


How can the D-rats win if they don’t print ballots for all those voters who reside in the cemetery or those in the Alheimers wards at the elder care facilities.


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That nut won? Goodbye ChiTown.


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I almost posted this up, but behold my fields.


Olaf is one of those Low-Fo’s who won’t get it until life in our former glorious republic looks like that depicted in the movie, “The Road.” But maybe the lights in his brain will come on when he realizes the source of mystery meat, and that he is on the menu.

The President of El Salvador had it right. Our country has become not a banana republic, but instead, Ham Sandwich America.


Thanks, Democrats!!

USMC Steve

Except that what you say happened, didn’t. Most of his executive orders still stand, most notably the one where he forbid the IRS to go after Obamacare fines. And any republican or anyone else not sufficiently leftarded will make the heads of the socialist democrats and lefties explode, so no difference there from before. All that is moot, given that the socialist democrats will continue to steal elections until we start making them bleed for it.



When did that happen?

Skivvy Stacker

Listen; I don’t care one way or the other if he runs for another term or not, wins another term or not, or decides to retire from public life.
What I care about is the sheer violation of the law that is being exhibited here by the DA of NYC, the Democratic Party, and the entire left wing of this country.
Until he ran for president, Donald Trump WAS A DEMOCRAT. He contributed money to the Clintons. He was awarded several times for the work he did for minorities, even being photographed with such left-wing darlings as Rosa Parks, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson. In 2014 you would have been hard pressed to find ANYONE who would have said “white supremacist” in the same sentence as his name. But come 2015 when he announced he was running for POTUS…OY!
Where in the name of all things great and small did that shit come from? You tell ME.


Because the Donks agree with Stalin:

Gratitude is a disease of dogs.


Democrats (or commies, whichever now):

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Yeah, or just stand by and let the Demoncrats just keep on keeping on as they destroy our country……


Dems never think beyond right this second…
Trump says there is Deep State, and the Dems oblige him with these bullshit Deep State charges…
NYC is a cesspool of crime, the country is falling apart, and the Petro-dollar is a thing of the past…
but Orange Man Bad
They want this to drag on into the primary season, but it will probably be dismissed before Thanksgiving…
Trump is a result of The Establishment Uni-party DC Swamp, and they just gifted him a greater platform than anyone could hope to buy…
Que the most brilliant legal scholar since Socrates, Commie-sar Esq. to lecture us while claiming The Biden/Clinton Crime Families are as clean as a preacher’s sheets.


Quite so. Democrats will destroy everying getting their way and then wonder why we’re up sh*t creek without a paddle, too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

“Saboteurs and Wreckers”


Dems now (today) blame Trump for the Afghan pull-out performance:


This is the 1 that I am waiting to see unfold.

IMHO, it was a really really bad idea
for Trump to give his handling of classified information,
and the current investigation of same,
a new nickname… “the boxes hoax”.
Not good.


This article is climbing quick, up to 80 comments.
That’s the speed of comments normally for busted phonies.


It is about a busted phony. DA Bragg is about as phony as it gets!

A Proud Infidel®️™️

This, the latest manufactured distraction du jour and we still hear nothing from the media about the Border, Hunter Biden’s laptop or the Epstein Flight Logs just to name a few things. I see this as proof of what a whorehouse parts of our Justice System have become!


The DA has done nothing but speak gibberish, He has invented the charges, This is just another attempt at hammering Trump into dust. Hopefully, his attorneys file for summary judgment and force this POS DA to show his true worth.


It’s funny that his office supposedly found in 6 months something that the DOJ and SEC couldn’t find in 6 years.


Thinks highly of what he can do.
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Or Mueller for that matter. If this was such a smoking gun, they would have impeached him on the first attempt.


Mule-ear’s gang of corrupt lawers were focused on the RUSSIA, RUSSIA !!! hoax, they did have time for this trivial shit involving a lying porn-whore who was paid to keep her mouth shut for a change.


Didn’t, not “did.” I’m going to have to fire my comment editor.


Is he playin’ stupid or not playing? Heck, the Democrat crony judge with the conflict of interest would just rule Guilty, regardless of law, if Trump’s team tried that.


Not to be technical, but a motion for summary judgment only applies to civil litigation, not criminal. But the chances this judge would grant a dismissal motion is zero to zero.


Law is no obstacle for Democrats making people they dislike felons and inmates, comrade!


“Show me the man, I will find his crime!”–Lavrentiy Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police.


I like your photo- reminds me of Ft Gordon, 1967.

Honor and Courage

I also did Gordon in 67! D-7-3


Think Lars will make an “REEEEEEEEEEEEEE” for us today?


Sure, what else is a jobless, know-nothing know it call coffee gopher in a laughing stock school, City and state gonna do all day?


This sets a dangerous precedent. Now, President Obama can be charged with murder for the extrajudicial drone execution of an American citizen. Let’s not forget Secretary Clinton’s “accidental” mishandling of classified information that the FBI even said happened, but she didn’t know she did it so it didn’t count.

Forest Bondurant

Don’t forget the use of “legal fees” to generate the Steele Dossier, and abandoning a U.S. ambassador and his security team in Benghazi.


meme for that

your point?.jpg

Well, since they opened pandoras box, I’m sure democrats wouldn’t mind if we snooped around some to see what else is in there.

When this all gets dismissed, it will be trumps turn to go scorched earth on all involved. Ruin them financially and all ways possible.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I believe the demoRats told bragg not to use the handcuffs and mug shot because that would make Pres. Trump stronger. My low information voter Mass. Liberal called Pres. Trump a Nazi. I started to tell him about what half his families religion was but couldn’t mention about how he got mideast countries together because the pharmacy interfered and said that my yanked tooth medication was ready. The lib has to be a cnn/lsmft viewer because those stations never mention the things that Pres. Trump did for the country.


Susan Collins has already said she won’t support Trump
as the Republican nominee.
The epitome of a deep state Rhino. She’s pretty close to done.
The scowl on her face gets better by the hour.

Army-Air Force Guy

I see her pulling a Sinema and leaving the GOP in another couple of years or so.


I used to call her and Snowe, “Obama’s comfort girls.”


Upfront I will tell you I don’t support a 2nd Trump Term. I think he is too old and he creates a lot of tension needlessly inside the country.

That out of the way… I downloaded and read the indictment yesterday and it is a mostly a load of horseshit.

About 1/3 of the charges are felony theft for accusations of evading Federal taxes in regards to a compensation scheme for former CFO Allen Weisselberg. Most of the charges revolve around Weaselberg and the Trump Corporation (Donald Trump as President) providing Weaselberg and other unindicted co-conspirators with compensation in the form of housing, lodging and vehicles without reporting it as income and therefore evading income tax.

Honestly, never heard of and have doubts of the existence of a city ever previously pursuing charges for theft through Federal Tax fraud. If anyone has ever heard of such a case let me know, I’m too busy for research right now.

The huge problem is that if Trump did cheat on his taxes then the IRS should go after him, not some power hungry DA. The first thing the IRS does is send you a bill for what they think you owe. If you don’t pay or respond then you have issues. But this is between you and the IRS or you and the Tax Department in NY State. About 1/3 of the charges have to do with evading NYS taxes.

The rest of the charges have to do with the falsification of paperwork related to the tax scheme. But honestly if I am the president I am going to throw it right back on Weaselberg. He was the CFO, if he was doing something sketchy, it would take some doing to prove intent of Trump, which is an element of the crime.

This is why such things are seldom pursued. Figuring out who did what is near impossible unless Weaselberg threw him under the bus to keep from going to prison, which would also be very sketch.

Slow Joe

I don’t care what they got on Trump.
I am voting for Trump because the democrats are a bunch of clowns that don’t know how to run the country and have no idea of how an economy functions.

“It is the economy, stupid!”

Indeed it is.


They are not normally charged as misdemeanors….they were intentionally written to be charged as felonies if the falsified business records was in furtherance or to cover up another crime.

And the law was written that way because most of the time falsified business records ARE to cover up another crime. Usually tax fraud and money laundering.

So acting like charging them as felonies is is some unusual stretch of the law is bullshit…it is the way the law was written because people often falsify business records in furtherance of another crime.

Trump has been committing blatant crimes for decades. The Trump organization was convicted on more that a dozen fe,lines last year and his CFO was sent to jail. The only reason Trump didn’t face charges is because his CFO refused to testify against him.

Proof of him committing crimes has been leaked a half dozen crimes but each time the crimes the evidence proved was beyond the statute of limitations. This was usually tax crimes.

His organizations was convicted of fraud multiple times, however, he was just given fines and the organizations were dissolved. He committed charity fraud multiple times and he is no longer allowed to run a charity.

He committed fraud with Trump university.

And he violated business contracts so frequently that if anyone else had such a pattern of entering into contracts with no intention of following through they would have been charged with fraud for this pattern of theft of services.

The guy is a con artist and serial grifter.

Everyone that is defending him is pathetic. Period.


And Hunter is just a “misunderstood” artist who never did anything bad.


Perhaps you should go to a website comment section where there are less pathetic people around.

Just an observation.


I think you mean more pathetic people–ones of similar ilk to that of our commie cuttlefish, who will agree with him.


Have you taken a good look in the mirror lately? You’re pathetic.

We were doing great for the first time in half a century and you want it destroyed because…? Oh right. Your life sucks, so should everyone else’s.


Have to destroy it all for Utopia to grow, donchaknow…..


It’s not terribly surprising that you fail to grasp the concept that people that oppose this NY circus are not defending Trump, they’re throwing bullshit flags on the entire process this DA has cooked up. Prominent legal scholars that despise Trump are against this sham trial. But you, the all-knowing Commissar, seem to believe it’s just fine because of whatever other crimes Trump may or may not have committed. You ain’t F. Lee Bailey and that ain’t how the legal system works. You are a myopic fraud that exists in a little bubble of “orange man bad and must be destroyed.” You want pathetic? It’s as close as your mirror.


The Commie-Tsar-ZEK – proves yet again, once and for all – that he’s a politically blind moron and America’s poster-child for being the most perfect.pathetic.fraud..

A Proud Infidel®™

Here you go again proving that you are completely incapable of having any independent thought of your own, you simply parrot whatever propaganda you see fit. Tell us, what jobs have you done in the private sector in the past to make yourself useful, anything other than a flunkie at a McGunk franchise? I’m a college dropout with Blue Collar skills and I bet I make far more money than you ever will, that’s because I chose to find something in demand, what does all of your UC Berzerkely brainwashing qualify you for in the real world?


Just in…


Good to see Trumps fingerprints released. My fingerprints look just like his.

Amateur Historian



Trump’s just first and in the way:


Spot on Anon…what we’ve been saying for years. I personally think that we have seen the last semi true election in this country. 2016 taught them that the domestic despots of the Deep State need to be prepared to gin up as many votes anyway they can. That will not change until We, The People decide to change the things that we can no longer accept.

And yes, the republicunts are as despicable as the demonrats.


‘We, The People decide to change the things that we can no longer accept.’ And have the wisdom to know the difference. Everyone that is, except Commie-Tsar-ZEK. He’ll ALWAYS spell it Wiz-dumb

Last edited 1 year ago by Hatchet

I’ll stick this one here…

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And another one…

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Just my Humble Opinion…

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I’m not a Trump guy. I voted for him in 2020 because I thought he did a fairly decent job, and would do better than Biden. However, I’d vote for Haley, or Desantis before Trump. Trump’s ego is his primary decision maker. That doesnt appeal to me.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

I’ll take DeSantis first, then Trump if DeSantis doesn’t run. DeSantis has an excellent track record and a much smaller ego, though I’m curious as to what his foreign policy plans will look like.

I voted Libertarian in ’16 and ’20, but this season, I can’t stand to my ideals. I’d rather vote Republicunt than let our Resident-in-Chief have another four years to be used to sign someone else’s terrible policy off. Biden is the greatest travesty to ever claim to be President, ever.


Carter, Buchanan and Pierce all let out great sighs of relief when this bozo kicked off his term, you can still hear them.


I suspect, were one to dig through all the cut-outs and laundering, one would find the main funder of the Libertarian Party was the Democrat Party, and of the Green Party is the Republican. Just too easy.

Except the Rinoparty are usually not that smart, but it’s possible. Donks one can expect dirty.

The LP, sadly, long ago became a grift machine that cannot survive actually winning anything. Once upon a time, I started attending Oarty meetings. It was obvious that most members intend to lose with principle, and most “leaders” sabotage anyone advocating political victory. But keep donating folks! Next year for sure.

Thus pointless.

The worst was the “free state” project. Pick one state. Put all focus there for state and local elections. Show the advantage of capital L Libertarianism by the resultant peace and prosperity.

Nah. Fight endlessly over where. Schism between the factions. Squander the now divided efforts, plus the added animosity. Fail. Demonstrate the unlikelyhood of an LP government working because an LP -party- can’t work together.

They had help failing, of course. But not recognizing the fanatic anarchist saboteurs is part of the disfunction.

Ah well, from their wreckage, others can pick up the useful bits and see the lessons of failing to plan for humans as participants.


She didn’t hush. Does she have to pay it back?


She did get hammered for six figures of legal fees, for trying to claim “defamation”.



When this sleezy POS does the perp walk along with his murderous skrunt from Hell Bitch, then and only then will I believe that America is back on track…

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And a little something as a reminder…and to poke at our Buddy LC…

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With interest on the judgements, she owes about $700K to Trump.



What was that boastful joke ….

“Hookers pay me!”


He should repossess her ehem…. assets.


Good read, SFC D. Thanks for the link.