Vitamin D responsible for Self-Murder
According to a recent Peer Reviewed Veterans Administration Study, EwePeaPul should be taking a Vitamin D supplement.
I became a fan of Vitamin D during the COVID outbreak. I went to the VA twice to get stabbed. I “got” the China Virus about a year later, albeit a rather mild event. Since I do not have and have not had cable TV for about 20 years now, I get my information from this InterWebNet Thingy.
Most of the creditable information I could find suggested that a supplementation of Vitamin D was likely to do no harm and may very well be of benefit. I casually mentioned this at a family get-together and became convinced that I was on the correct path when my brother began screaming, “Vitamin D does not cure COVID”.
In his defense, my poor brother seems to have been afflicted with too much Left Sided DNA and is living with someone who resembles Amber Heard in all the wrong ways. He lives in a social bubble where EwePeaPul are all supposed to “Listen to the Experts” and do what you are told.
Of course, I never suggested that Vitamin D did cure COVID. All I was pointing out is that it could help diminish some symptoms and seems to be linked to many other health benefits. I didn’t ask for the flailing arms and squealing like a loon, but I appreciated the theatrics nonetheless.
In any event, I am not suggesting that Vitamin D will cure self-murder. It does appear that it could be responsible for a reduction in self-harm by up to 45% in veterans and as high as 64% in black veterans specifically. If EwePeaPul decide against taking Vitamin D supplements and then step into traffic on purpose or Self Murder, blame my idiot brother and leave me out of your note/manifesto.
Here is one of my sources that has got to be a Right Wing Loon because he dared to ask questions that other “Experts” say we need not be asking. I don’t agree with everything this man says but if it comes down to advice from a Nurse with a PhD in Medical Education or a flailing girls volleyball coach… well, you get the picture. How does that saying go? “Expertise is in the eye of the beholder?”.
Genetics… they are mysterious indeed.
I don’t try to give health advice to just anyone. Would have I suggested Densmore, Bernath, Soup Sandwich, or any of their ilk take a Vitamin D Supplement? Nah, probably not. But that’s just me.
Category: Health Care debate, Veteran Health Care
My wife ain’t a veteran but I try to give her as much vitamin D as I can.
You Win, Sarge!
Hopefully filling you both with massive amounts of oxytocin and dopamine. This should also stave off the blues.
Alcohol and WOMEN. That does it for me.
When you are not allowed to “question” the science…it ain’t science.
Maybe I should try the soup sandwich for lunch after yesterdays tooth extraction and an implant put in the same day.
Wow! Isn’t there a medal for that, Jeff?
I have been taking Vit D 3 times a week for the last couple years. It had nothing to do with covid or anything else other than in blood tests my level was down a bit. Hasn’t hurt me and I do feel a bit better and my exercise has improved a bit as well.
If it’s the one I’m thinking of (I’m at work, the bottle isn’t in front of me), it’s a small yellow gel capsule. And I take it daily, along with all my other daily supplements.
I’ve been taking Vitamin D and Vitamin C for years, well before the pandemic. When the pandemic got underway, I added elderberry supplements, which included Zinc. Internet users could do a search, such as, “Efficacy of [supplement] against COVID,” or something similar, and they’ll run into literature, peer reviewed and non peer reviewed, indicating that Vitamins D, C, and Zinc help people against COVID.
I was among the first group of the general population to get the jabs, then I got COVID months later without realizing that I had it (dismissed as mild allergy). The unusual “allergy” symptoms became explainable when the Millennial woman I’m intimate with admitted to having her first major COVID symptom before we had done our recent “dances”. She was also fully vaccinated and did not know she had it. She texted me about her runny nose, I suggested that she get tested. Came back positive. I had no disruption with my daily activities, I continued doing my predawn distance runs 5 to 6 times a week, she didn’t require much recovery, and she was still able to carry out her daily activities.
I never saw the shots as a way to never get it, just a mitigator like the flu shot. They should have emphasized Vitamins D, C, and other supplements and medication that have proven effective against COVID rather than putting all their eggs in the vaccination and masking basket.
We had pretty much the same experience. Exactly how I think of the whole thing.
It’s funny how common sense, like stating it’s important to get an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, became some kind of conspiracy theory.
If anything, you overestimate in comparing the COVID vax to a flu shot (which actually works if they pick the right strain that season).
I’m not overestimating anything, but making a statement of fact based on personal experience, raw data medical office reports (government nonscientific), as well as peer reviewed studies (scientific). Just as the flu shot mitigates the flu (proper strain match), the COVID-19 shot mitigates COVID. I know this for a fact having experienced both.
The young woman I talked about above fared better than many that she knew who were not vaccinated. She was a part of a group that experienced a COVID outbreak, some got it before her, others got it right after her. Not a single vaccinated individual in her group needed hospitalization. However, every single person in her group that needed hospitalization, and intubation, was not vaccinated.
She recovered faster than those who were not vaccinated. When I saw her again, she told me that the non-vaccinated folks that got sick at the same time she did were “still in the hurt locker,” with some suffering pneumonia…
This exact event did not happen with a day program group where one of the clients came down with COVID. My late wife’s daughter goes to this program. They shut the program down for 2 weeks, the daughter tested negative. What should have been a COVID breakout did not turn into one, as we had established immunity from mass COVID 19 vaccinations of those involved with the day program and sponsored residentials.
The peer reviewed (scientific) papers that I’ve gone through, covering the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, reported the same thing occurring when it comes to how the vaccinated versus the non-vaccinated were impacted when they came down with COVID.
So no, based on both personal experience as well as official reports, and scientific ones, comparing the COVID vaccine to the flu vaccine is not an overestimation.
The overestimation is in equating the efficacy of the COVID vaccine with a flu vaccine.
As to whether any of the COVID vaccines limit the severity of COVID is another matter (and opens a potentially fascinating avenue for further research), and remains circumstantial… but vaccines are, by definition, prophylactic rather than mitigating.
I don’t doubt your personal experience, and the COVID vaccines might very well provide a reduced risk of severity – but it’s far from definitive.
The various influenza vaccines, on the other hand, prevent roughly 40-60% of actual infection by similar strains.
To be fair, there is such a thing as a therapeutic (as opposed to prophylactic) vaccine – administered after infection, but that doesn’t really apply here.
If the data actually show that the mRNA COVID vaccines (which statistically fail prophylactically but are administered prior to infection) minimize symptoms, then a whole number of avenues of arguments are opened for their efficacy.
Again, there is no room for “prophylactic” when it comes to the study and application of vaccines, it is actually contradictory to the nature of the vaccines as defined by what a vaccine is and as understood by those involved with developing and improving vaccines.
Again, I have seen scientific literature proving that the mRNA COVID vaccines mitigate symptoms. I obtained some of the studies by downloading them from links provided by those who opposed the vaccines. They would post an article, which provides a link to the study, I would go straight to the study and see how the study itself contradicted either the article or the argument I was arguing against.
Study after study, peer-reviewed and government report, have pointed to the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines with minimizing symptoms. Those avenues of arguments have already been opened, researched, and repeatedly proved that the vaccines were effective at minimizing symptoms to the point that many end up asymptomatic after being infected. My argument on this thread is partly based on my viewing of those studies.
“Overestimation” has no relevance to the statements that I made above regarding both vaccines serving as mitigating factors against the sickness they are intended against. I stated that both were mitigating factors, which is a factual statement.
Now, had I stated that the COVID vaccine had the same effectiveness as the flu vaccine, then yes, “overestimation,” would apply. However, I didn’t argue such.
Regarding your statement about the COVID vaccines limiting the severity of COVID, and your recommendation that this is something that would be of further research avenue.
I’ve already seen numerous studies, peer-reviewed, answering your question and stating that COVID vaccines mitigate the severity of COVID symptoms. These are not circumstantial, but scientifically proven fact; hence definitive. Personal experience, government reports, as well as scientific studies prove that what I stated above is definitive. To borrow from both Navy and Army navigation, this represents a triangulation of data.
Prophylactic is not the proper definition for the vaccine. The purpose of a vaccine like COVID
and the flu, is to cause the immune system to develop the immunity needed against an impending viral sickness… Not to prevent it altogether. Included in the study of vaccines is the concept of “breakthrough infection.” Historically, there have been breakthrough cases regarding viral ailments among a vaccinated group… Hence “prophylactic” would be contradictory to what vaccinologists and vaccine experts understand.
Indeed, back in 2021 the Texas Tribune reported data inline with your comments. The Texas Tribune was reporting a Texas State study from the health department.
Of the total cases that resulted in death from January of 2021 to October 2021 (If I recall correctly) there were 29,000 deaths in Texas and 85% of them were people who were unvaccinated. Of the remaining 15% about half were only partially vaccinated, and of those who were fully vaccinated half were over 75 years of age and most of the rest of the deaths were people over 50-74…
I used that article back then to explain why people should discuss the vaccine with their health care provider and take that provider’s advice.
If you don’t trust your personal provider’s advice it’s time to get a new provider or ask yourself why you have a provider whose advice you aren’t willing to follow and what metric you’re basing that reluctance to trust upon with your provider.
I’ve never argued that people should not make informed decisions about getting vaccinated against COVID. Weighing the known benefits against the known and unknown potential negatives is just smart decision-making.
The mRNA technology, on its own, is brilliant and deserving of recognition… divisive politics have, unfortunately, seriously retarded future research.
The degree of efficacy of the COVID mRNA vaccines, however (I stopped with the data science over a year ago, has an attenuated vaccine been approved yet?), is far from established.
With percentages of infected among the vaxed v. unvaxed, there are a lot of other variables of significance that likely skew the results – such as the percentage of the total population from each category (if 50/50 vax/unvax, then 15/85 is truly noteworthy), the relative ages and activity levels of each population, total infection rates and the other preventive measures each population took (it can be assumed that early vaxers were also more likely to limit unnecessary contact with other people and, thus, less likely to be exposed in the first place), and myriad other factors. That doesn’t mean the interpretation of the study is flawed, but nuance often gets ignored to push one point or another.
I haven’t seen the Texas report you mention and don’t know how many such variables they took into anccount. I would love, to if you still have the link.
I was mostly just pointing out that what thebesig was stating with respect to less hospitalization and death was something I’d seen as early as 2021 in the data from Texas.
I was not suggesting you were against making informed decisions…
I’ll look for the link and post it when I find it….
Prophylactic is exactly the main purpose of vaccines. They are primarily administered in the interest of preventing disease. No vaccine has ever been 100% effective, true – but prophylactic means “intended [not guaranteed] to prevent disease.”
Prophylactic is used in a more general sense when it comes to health care medicine. This definition is not restricted to preventing something altogether, as the trend of your argument shows.
It also includes increasing resistance to a specific illness. This does not imply that the person that is vaccinated would not get sick.
Increasing the resistance to a specific illness falls under the mitigation argument, as one is attempting to mitigate the effects of a future infection. The second definition of prophylactic that I mentioned is precisely what the studies have argued regarding the effectiveness of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
So, based on your definition of it, prophylactic would not be applicable. However, based on its actual definition, then the studies have shown that the mRNA vaccines have been proven to be prophylactic.
Keep studying. That masters degree is right around the corner.
A quick internet search of “prophylactic” contradicted the argument that you used it in. When reading what that term actually meant, one would find that “mitigating against the virus the vaccine was intended for” is a part of the equation… Reducing the risk. Reduction in risk is not an elimination of the risk or even preventing illness.
I got my masters degree back in 2004, I’m in the research phase of my doctoral program through.
Listen to your brother; Vitamin D does not cure Covid. 🙂
That said, the benefits are not as well known as I thought. I would say any man over the age of 50 who doesn’t drink milk daily could benefit from a supplement, this is especially true if you spend most of your time indoors or during winter.
Well, it seems that it helps you stay up to hoot with the owls and yet, rise with the eagles. 😉
I’d be happy if I could rise with a woody wood pecker.
I believe milk is the number one reason I have been healthy in my lifetime. My wife and I drink gallons of it a week. Our grandkids love the stuff as well. I remember the short time I spent aboard ship drinking all the canned milk I could get my hands on. I became a farm pickup driver for 4 years 77-81 and used to scoop it directly out of the bulk tank. Not every one but the ones I knew to be very clean. I highly recommend it to everyone!
Gotta be a navy joke in there… supplements of vitamin D, drinking milk…
If you want plenty of Vitamin D, step into the sunlight; your body produces it naturally, and sunlight is a major contributor to it’s production.
You don’t need supplements. Even if you sit near a window, you get a nice dose of Vitamin D.
Some folks don’t seem to know that I’m a pretty smart fella sometimes
Does driving with the top down count as supplemental Vit. D?
Great minds think alike and all that… 😏
Young Poe bought his first convertible in 1965, a ’63 Chevy Impala–replaced many times over with a variety of brands and models in the ensuing 60 years, so that the Poe’s always had a ready source of Vitamin D.
BTW, a corollary to the above in reference to both convertibles and viral infections is one that many drivers of those vehicles are familiar with: Lysine amino acid to treat fever blisters.
Excessive sunlight exposure is a known trigger of herpes simplex virus, the little devil which usually lies dormant within our bodies until various forms of trauma to the lip cause it to come to life and begin replicating into those painful, disfiguring lesions most of us are unfortunately familiar with.
It has been known for decades that lysine supplements interfere with this cell replication process to reduce the severity of the blister, even stopping it entirely in some cases depending on dosage and if taken during the prodrome period. The Poe’s have been taking lysine daily for decades and fever blisters long ago became a thing of the past.
There’s limited info out there on the Internet indicating that lysine may inhibit Covid virus replication as well.
Your top, or HER top?
Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C. Been taking them since 2021. Had the sniffles once or twice. Was it COVID? Who gives a fuck?
Reasonably healthy people do not usually die of Covid. Quite rare, actually.
But since late 2020, oddly, a whole bunch of healthy folks are dying of “suddenly”. Weird.
Zinc does wonders for allergies and upper respiratory infections.
Sunbathe nekkid…while sipping on Mimosas and Screwdrivers. Just make sure you keep turning over so you don’t roast your weenie.
Or scorch your buns… 😜
My neurologist suggested Vitamin D to help with migraines. I started it last fall. This winter I’ve noticed a much better mood. I’m a proponent of it now. I don’t know if it’s helped the migraines, but when they do happen, I’m not as pissed off about it. 😂
People with Seasonal Affective Disorder all have very low levels of Vitamin D. The NIH has some studies on depression and a corresponding lowered level of Vitamin D.
Most Americans are Vitamin D deficient to some degree, those who are more deficient tend to also have that Seasonal Affective Disorder or some other form of depression.
All of which contributes to self-murder….consequently your advice is both timely and helpful….people need to get outside more, people need to supplement their diet’s deficiencies with appropriate compounds and keep those vitamins and minerals in balance…it does make for a far more pleasant life.