The face of cowardice

| March 26, 2008

Cao’s Blog posts the picture of the coward who slapped my buddy Skye from Midnight Blue this last weekend;


This what he looks like with perp-wear


Of course, the Left defends him as a kindly old man who has nothing to apologize about. But in my world men, regardless of their age, regardless of their politics, regardless of the veteran status don’t hit women. My hope is that he rots in a Pennsylvania jail – but we all know how this stuff turns out. In my opinion, the goofball leaning over the cops in the photo above needs a nightstick to the forehead, too.

There’s a picture of Skye and me in the “About” section taken after a night of suds-slurping at Kelly’s Irish Times in DC last month when she was in town for the CPAC. We shared a moment just two weekends ago when she was in town for the Eagles rally. Oh, and she’s Democrat.


Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers

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Here’s the lack of integrity in the left wing “peace movement”. Karen Porter, Founder & Executive Director of the Chester County Peace Movement, in an email to her followers, directs them not to accept an apology by this guy for his actions. She goes on to claim that everyone has a breaking point, so it’s acceptable. Skye was tormenting him for so long, she had it coming I guess.

That’s a very strange view coming out of a woman who volunteers, so she claims don’t you know, at a women’s shelter. I’m sure the director there wwill be very happy to be enlightened that there are times when violence against women is acceptable, no apology required.

Jonn wrote: I wonder what she’d do if Juanita Broaderick showed up at her women’s shelter.