About that Nazi symbolism
You’ve probably been reading this story all day;
Well, what you haven’t read anywhere is in this post at Ace of Spades;
Despite the fact the woman toting the sign specificially says “LaRouche has defeated” the death-panel/end-of-life-counseling-intereventions — obviously a LaRouche follower if she is giving this goofball non-factor all the credit for the opposition’s success — the media will of course continue claiming this is a Republican phenomenon.
Lyndon LaRouche is the perennial Democrat candidate for president and consummate crackpot. So we’ve got the Far-Left carrying around the Nazi posters, the Far-Left making the Joker-Obama posters…and it’s the Right that gets the blame.
And the media is AWOL.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos
As the Right begins to push back and claim it’s a Democrat agent provocateur providing the Obama is Hitler and Nazi imagery, it’s time to revisit the past. It might be believable if Republican County Clerks in Indiana had not begun Obama is Black Hitler prior to his election, if R. Limbaugh wasn’t pounding away daily the Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party are like the Nazis and if this had been stated by a Democratic US Congressman – “That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it’s exactly what the Soviet Union did,” Broun said. “When he’s proposing to have a national security force that’s answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he’s showing me signs of being Marxist.” – Republican Congressman Paul Broun. Broun stands behind his comments
I’ve been to a couple of tea parties and could not find a single Hitler or Nazi reference on any of the signs (and believe me, I was looking). I did, however, see quite a few Hammer & Sickle references, as well as signs comparing President Obama’s policies to Communism.
Funny that the Left is not getting irate over those comparisons.
I thought it was the right (well, maybe just Sean Hannity) that liked to use the Jews and Israel for there political gain. Can someone please tell me how many Republican members of the Senate and the House are jewish? Here I’ll answer that for you…ONE! Eric Cantor. Dems have like 35 or so. And two independents.
I love this video from youtube. I guess that lady is a plant or actually a Democrat right???
I thought it was the right (well, maybe just Sean Hannity) that liked to use the Jews and Israel for there political gain. Can someone please tell me how many Republican members of the Senate and the House are jewish? Here I’ll answer that for you…ONE! Eric Cantor. Dems have like 35 or so. And two independents.
I love this video from youtube. I guess that lady is a plant or actually a Democrat right???
Gosh! I totally forgot does anyone remember which Socialist Democratic Liberal Radio Host did a whole segment in October of 2008 declaring Obama wants to Gas the Jews! Was it Stephanie Miller? No it was that Ardent Liberal Bill Cunningham!!!
Clearly, the Liberal Media is responsible…
The Boston Globe noted the LaRouche issue: http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2009/08/20/womans_nazi_gibe_at_frank_draws_jab/
You know that the Globe is the more conservative of the two major papers in Boston, right? The Herald is too giddy about Obama going to Martha’s Vineyard to notice much of anything these days.
Well Grung, if you would look at exactly what Nazi was short for, you would know why any reference to them being on the “right” are inaccurate at best. National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi for short. Of course you knew that already, but you just can’t get past someone using it to describe the overreach into our every facet of day to day lives by the government as socialist. If you want to play politics in the form of dem vs. repub, fine, I’ll play along.
Now, which party has a full 1/3, if not more, of its sitting congresscritters belonging to an organization called DSA (that’s Democrat Socialists of America)? I’ll give you a hint: They’re in the name of the organization. Sooooooo, what part of “Socialist” in that orgs name confuses you? I bet if you look into it hard enough, well not really that hard, you will see the name Nancy Pelosi as a member of that org. Yeah, I know, the Speaker of the House is a member of a socialist org, go figure.
Now, you claim all these things by republicans, yet you leave out ACORN and SEIU and I’m wondering why? Did you know that a State chairman for ACORN just pled guilty for all sorts of nefarious activities associated with voter FRAUD in Nevada? There are investigations ongoing in 11 states against ACORN for the same thing? Now, I’m sure you will run right in here with proof that ACORN is a republican sponsored group; right?
Stick to what you know, which is nothing.
So, Grung, you’re appalled that someone would call out the dems? Like no one ever called GW a nazi, or had pictures of him as Hitler, or with a gun to his head, or hung him in effigy? Hell, the left calls every conservative a Nazi, almost daily. See Ed Schultz, Keith Olberdork, Rachel Maddow, or just about anyone on MSNBC. Not to mention the NY Slimes, I mean Times, or the WaPo, or PuffHo.
Read the linked article and get back to us,
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2009/08/08/nancys_nazi_shock_did_she_forget_the_bush_years_97812.html .
Thank you the insults. As to you contention, let’s compare there is an Organization called the Chicago Bears, which, because of their name, all the members of that organization must be, in fact, Bears. Q.E.D.
Well since it was incorrect to state Bush=Hitler or conservatives Nazis it is correct to call Obama and dems Hitler and Nazis?
The point is, the Right is embracing the Nazi rhetoric because the slanders that Obama is the Most Liberal or a Socialist weren’t working.
Jonn, I don’t know where you dug this Grung_e guy up from, but I’m getting my morning chuckle from him!
You must have fun being so arrogant and ignorant. Thanks for the morning laugher.
So, why not just cut to the chase, note all our names, and report them to your superiors at the DNC, Mkay? I mean, that what good little fascists do, right? (or should that be left?)
Yeah that’s right… fascists are leftists by definition, You should read up on them sometime, if your trolling allows time for such things, that is.
Me? I’ve found that most trolls like you are simply unable to let facts get in the way of whatever your daily meme is.
The point is, the Right is embracing the Nazi rhetoric because the slanders that Obama is the Most Liberal or a Socialist weren’t working.
Pew and Rassmussen seem to disagree with you, sparky…or rather, the folks they’re polling do. I have a Zogby polling interview tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to take note of the questions for you. $10 says I get asked about big government policies being foisted by PrezBo and his band of window-licking short bus denizens.
“PrezBo and his band of window-licking short bus denizens.”
Claymore’s on fire today!!!! Rock on brother!!!
So, grung, or do you prefer grunge, it’s OK with you that 0 wants his own private brown shirts, funded on a par with the military? And, what Claymore said!!! Seems that bunches of people are “embracing the slanders that Obama is the Most Liberal or a Socialist weren’t working”. And, just for your edification, they aren’t all conservatives, or Republicans either. And, if it’s the truth, it isn’t slander.
I love the whole idea of “they did it, so we should too”.
Taliban tortures so we should too. Libs called Bush a Nazi so we should call Obama a Nazi.
Sad…does anyone have values anymore?
Blackwater, DynCorp, Triple Canopy… Never heard of them… Sad, sad misplaced anger and hatred.
Can’t argue the point, so you change the subject…sad, sad little tard.
Yeah, grung, I love your analogy on equating a political ideology organization with a football team.
So, in the essence of staying with your lack of thought pattern; A fan of hockey suddenly becomes a fan of the Chicago Bears football team and joins a fan booster club, even though they are a hockey fan, not necessarily into football?
What you lack in critical thinking skills is this: Why would someone join a political ideology group that they have no interest in? The answer is simple; SanFranNan and her socialist/communist cohorts believe in that ideology and support it, otherwise; why join it? Because she wants to get tickets to their big game on Sunday? I doubt it.
School is almost back in session, so you can ask you 11th grade civics teacher how that works.
I think I’ll join the Freemasons today, even though I haveno idea what they do, or what they stand for, but they sound like a cool group and maybe I can become a Shriner and ride a cool motorcycle in parades?
Clearly, The Right began the push to equate Obama with Nazism as pointed out in the evidence provided. Yet the arguments deftly meandered away from the original supposition of the Post and into insults and semantic syllogisms: Nazis have Socialism in their name, We think Obama is a Socialist, Therefore Obama is a Nazi.
Pointing out the ridiculousness of such a line of thinking by pointing out an organization with the name Bears in their title does not mean the group is actually made up of Bears provided more opportunities for deft avoidance of the original issue. Namely, that the Right and Republicans from elected officials in the US Congress, High Profile Radio Personalities and low level members of the GOP started and feed the Obama is Hitler and the Democrats are Nazis rhetoric.
Just a WTF moment. What do Blackwater, DynCorp and Triple Canopy have to do with Republicans allegedly calling Obama a Nazi? I mean, seriously, what connection is there? Is he called a Nazi, or Hitler, on their letterheads?
And, it was one country clerk, not “clerks”, as you claim.
Grungey, if you want to cite someone on Rush, you really could do better than Media Matters, the “non-profit, progressive research and information center”. So, what “evidence” have you provided, other than mis-stating a point in a Fox News article, and citing a “”progressive” research outfit?
Who are you trying to convince, Gene? Yourself? I dare you to find one reference to Obama being a Nazi on this blog. You’d be hard pressed to find a Limbaugh quote in the entire archives of this blog. I think you have the readers and bloggers on this blog confused with someone else.
Your reference to Blackwater and the others have me confused, too. Apparently you have the intellectual depth of a mud puddle and you won’t let the actual discussion get in the way of your regurgitation of irrelevant talking points.
Maybe you’re a bit wee-weed up.
Clearly, some comments get more readership than others. UpNorth, in comment 16, quotes one of the stated rationale used to advance the claim Obama is a Nazi. “it’s OK with you that 0 wants his own private brown shirts, funded on a par with the military?” This comment by Obama was hyped as a clear indication of Obama’s Gestapo tactics. And this is where my reference of three of the big contractors comes into play. One need not delve into the deep recesses of American History and harken back to the Pinkertons for a powerful paramilitary force funded and on par with the US military. Anyone who spent time in Iraq or Trash-can-i-stan could point to the ubiquitous armored Chevy Suburbans used by Blackwater, Triple Canopy and DynCorp operatives. And, although, each of these organizations is made up of incredibly tough and extremely skilled SpecFor Operators they are not in fact the US Military. Despite performing various roles, which could have been done by Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Sailors. So, during the War on Terror under a non Democratic President what we had in Blackwater was a paramilitary force, actually funded and performing military roles while not being the US military. However, getting to the actual criticism of my evidence provided it is extremely telling the direct quote by an elected Republican Congressmen comparing Obama’s actions to Hitler’s went uncommented upon and ignored. Obviously, because it proves my point that the Right is responsible for the Nazi imagery and comparisons. Additionally, UpNorth points put that MediaMatters is “progressive” in an attempt to dismiss the direct quotes they culled from Limbaugh’s show comparing the Democrats to Nazis. Most likely, in an attempt to lessen the evidence by attacking the source. This could possibly be shown to be a good tactic, if, MediaMatters distorted and edited Limbaugh’s comments but they do not and instead quote them verbatim. As for more evidence Peggy Noonan who wrote for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush compared Obama’s Denver speech in August 2008 to Hitler’s Nuremberg Rally. In April 2008, Ann Coulter, darling of the Left… Read more »
I have Peggy Noonan, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter on my staff here at This Ain’t Hell? Sweet!
The stated position of your post was this:
So we’ve got the Far-Left carrying around the Nazi posters, the Far-Left making the Joker-Obama posters… and it’s the Right that gets the blame.
And the media is AWOL.
I disagreed and provided multiple links to varied members of the Right who were responsible for the Hitler and Nazi references. I did not state This Ain’t Hell is responsible but that your premise is incorrect which it demonstrably is.
OK, let me make this simple so that even you can understand (without the use of crayons – your preferred media, obviously)
So we’ve got the Far-Left carrying around the Nazi posters, the Far-Left making the Joker-Obama posters… and it’s the Right that gets the blame.
And the media is AWOL.
Who created the Obama poster? A Dennis Kucinich supporter.
Who had the mustachioed Obama sign at the Barney Franks townhall? A Lyndon LaRouche supporter.
Was Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter or Peggy Noonan involved? No. So why did your intellectually-stunted ass mention them?
I was talking about two specific incidences and somehow you felt the need to include Blackwater as one of the perpetrators.
Have you seen the media make a big deal about the LaRouche and Kucinich supporter? They’re AWOL. Like I said.
Is there something else you’d like to talk about that pertains to nothing in this discussion, or are you done beclowning yourself?
Grunge mentioned Blackwater, Dyn Corp, and Triple Canopy as if they are Bush inventions. Despite performing various roles, which could have been done by Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Sailors. Blackwater and other Security companies got their invitation when Bill “the Zipper” Clinton determined that America’s military didn’t need to do the lowly job of guarding the embassies, cooking chow in the mess halls, or loading bombs on UAV’s. He offered those chores to the civilian world and enterprising individuals collected on it. Still today, Blackwater is one of the best out there, and working strong. Blackwater has never had a client injured while under their protection; something no foreign security company can claim about Iraq or Afghanistan.
Obama continues to employ private contractors, just as he continues the Patriot Act.
Get a bit of knowledge before you use mommy’s keyboard.
nuf sed