The Mouse That Roared
Woke Mickey
The Disney Empire is crumbling from self-inflicted wounds. Briefly, Disney has been censoring their own past content under the guise of diversity, partnering with BLM and other radical activists, and canceling conservative employees for expressing “problematic” opinions since at least 2017. For opposing Governor DeSantis’ proposal to ban gender and sexual orientation topics in kindergarten through third grade, Disney was taken to the woodshed and the corporate kingdom was stripped of its special governing and taxing status. Disney abandoned its core family audience for catering to the woke mob and is reaping the benefits, including the loss of 2.4 million subscribers to its streaming service, the rehire of the previous CEO, and 7000 fewer employees.
Bob Iger, Disney’s new-again CEO, has affirmed his commitment to inclusion, acceptance, and tolerance. This is evident in upcoming programming.
Woke Disney’s year of enduring box office bombs, subscriber losses and layoffs
It’s been a rough year for the Mouse
By Scott Whitlock | Fox News
February has been a cruel month for Disney as the giant corporation slashed 7,000 employees in mass layoffs and announced a 2.4-million subscriber loss to streaming service Disney+. All of this came as the network endured yet another woke controversy as a kids cartoon show on the streaming service lectured children about “white fragility” and denounced Abraham Lincoln.
But these latest problems for Disney are not new and are only the latest in what is closing in on a year of woke disasters, instability at the top of the company and financial problems. Here are some of the many problems Disney has endured in 2022 and 2023.
Iger seems set on backing the woke horse despite the company’s recent dismal performance at the box office. Earlier this year the Toy Story release, Lightyear with its new approved lead actor and lesbian relationship bombed at the box office losing an estimated $100+ million. The company’s latest animated film, Strange World, gleaned only $18.6 million at the domestic box office, with a reported production budget up to $180M.
Here’s Iger’s vision for the future of the mouse.
Good luck with that, Bob.
Category: Get woke, Points-and-Laughs, Schadenfreude
What the hell was that video???
If you don’t get it, you ain’t woke, and therefore part of the problem. No “sarc” tag, that’s the belief of the “woke” people who intend to save us from ourselves. Personally, I believe they can fuck right off.
That oughta pack them in. However Billy Joel may have a case for Copyright infringement.
I am having trouble thinking of anything meaningful or very valuable that was built prior to 1865 by slaves and keep drawing a blank. Most of the South was burnt to the ground back when the Northern [Slave?] Army invaded. Someone throw me a line here.
Apparently agricultural plantations raising tobacco and cotton were always and still are central to American power in the world or something, not discovering oil in the Permian Basin, inventing The Bomb or something like that.
IIRC most of the labor for building the White House was slave labor.
Of course, the White House has gone through several remodels since then and there was little to no slave labor used on those remodels.
Yeah, so I was like talking about important or meaningful buildings like say Sears Tower, the VAB at KSFC, The Boeing Everett Factory, the Chapel of the Holy Cross.
Where the Idiot in Chief lives is more meh..
Sir, you did not specify, so I filled in the blank.
Union labor only. Technically, not slave labor, closer to indentured servitude.
Bambi’s mom getting shot was less obnoxious than that sh*t.
That was just a Kamal toe under the tent for the results we see today…
A long march through all areas of society with mostly little resistance.
Anthropomorphism of the meat was certainly an odd way to go considering how much meat they sell at their parks. At least I think they still do, haven’t been since I was a kid and the parents made us go.
Mostly I remember standing in line and kids throwing things at the animotronics on “It’s a small World” ride. Made me want to never go back.
2013 WDW trip was our last.
Stopped with the MCU movies after Endgame.
Star Wars was completely destroyed with that garbage new trilogy as of late.
Had a free year long trial of Disney + with our phone service and that’s ended without renewal.
Go woke, go broke.
Be fair, Star Wars was completely destroyed with the prequels. Disney piled on, but they didn’t start that particular dumpster fire.
I would rather watch a 24 hour highlights of Jar Jar Binks only special, then ever watch The Last Jedi ever again.
Meesah too sah.
Bold choice.
The Return of the Jedi, as far as I’m concerned, was the last one.
Even with the ewoks.
Stars Wars started gettin’ f*cked-up when George Lucas got “woke” and wanted change Han pre-emptively shooting Greedo before Greedo could shoot him… “Sorry about the mess.”:
Yeah, that was a pretty bad move – at least the fan base, and Han Solo, rejected the entire premise. Same when they tried to update it with all those CGI creatures.
It was the prequels that brought in a whole new generation and ruined the whole thing. Darth Maul was cool (I always root for the Sith), Yoda jumping around like a frog was ridiculous (I’d have much preferred if he just used the Force to shut off the other guy’s light saber or… I dunno, pants him or poke him in the eye or something).
Don’t get me started on the final three. Rey is textbook Mary Sue.
At least Rogue One was pretty good.
Star Wars Holiday Special has entered the chat….
I think the only newer Star Wars movie that I liked was Rogue One. I kind of liked the first one of the new trilogy because of the Storm Trooper abandoning his Storm Trooper ways, but then they pretty much abandoned that story arc in favor of a Mary Sue protaganist.
That was the only good thing that film did – it actually made Storm Troopers look competent. I was so sad when that badass troop with the electric tonfa died.
Walt’s Once Great Empire bought a not-literal-but-figurative-but-literal money printing machine in the form of Star Wars and proceeded to drunkenly sabotage it into an unrecognizable form, devoid of substance, reeking of vile angst over perceived grievances.
In short: hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahaahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha!
My retort to those clowns (and their shareholders):
…watching the empire crumble.
We told you so.
No FU, Mandalorin and Boba Fett are good shit. The rest of it not so much. Then they had to go and fire Gina Carano, who is every white man’s post-apocalyptic dream bride. That took a little wind out of the sails.
“Mandalorin and Boba Fett are good shit.”
I’ll have to defer to your judgement and may give it a chance on a recommendation.
And Gina Carano? A thousand times yes!
(image from Deadpool)
“… less-angry Rosie O’Donnell.”
Here’s what she thought about that gag (go see it):
That made my belly rumble. Less Angry Rosie has abs though, not the uni-ab of Rosie.
Both “Book of Boba Fett” and “the Mandalorian” are a great watch. There is almost zero wokeism in them.
‘SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY”?! Hey Iger, in case you historically blinked and missed it – Lakȟóta Makȟóčhe existed hundreds of years before your much revered ‘ancestors’ began IMPORTING and USING slaves to build your so-called Nation. Only thing the Lakȟóta Makȟóčhe ever did wrong is have shitty immigration laws. As such and on behalf of the Lakȟóta Makȟóčhe, I’d like to extend a very heartfelt and very large MIDDLE FINGER to Robert Iger. Fuck you Bobby, fuck you very much.
Don’t hold back, Hatchet. Tell us how you really feel. You’re among friends here. Gnrl Spanky approves this message.
Just say’n Iger really ought to get his history straight. Not his own Dizzy Diznee version of it. Dat’s it, dat’s all. Back to the Pine-line for me.
Cheers to all here.
Oh and a big MIDDLE FINGER to revisionists – any and all..
Yes indeed, A HUGE MIDDLE FINGER to each and every History Revisionist!
Everybody has their own take on history.
I still love that movie!
That’s one mean looking gunstock club!
Yeah, I’ve seen that video before. Once. There is SO much ignorance, and lies that it would take a two hour video to rebut and fisk that “woke” 2 minute trash.
Unfortunately, it’s digital, so it will be around for a loooong, loooong time.
Because “woke”/pedo sh*t really appeals to evil, Fascist “normie” parents who don’t want their kids molested by drag queens… /sarc
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I am having trouble working up a white guilt trip. I guess because my family came here after 1865 and never owned slaves. Also I don’t give a shit.
My ancestor got off the boat from County Westmeath in 1849 and immediately headed west. Kept going till winter forced him to stop in what became Ogden UT. No guilt in my family either.
The part of my family here at the time resided in the Ohio River Valley and wore Union blue. I’m just as impressed.
Guilty! Don’t even try to think that you’re going to get a free pass for helping liberate the slaves because you didn’t do that, the slave liberated themselves I saw the video.
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Collateral side of the family were major slave owners from colonial South Carolina: “Mulberry Plantation” (he was lt. gov and acting gov). His father-in-law was also a major slave holder “Silk Hope” plantation. That’s just the way things were.
Another branch massacred by recalcitrant Creek Indians in 1835, Pea River Alabama. No slaves.
Other side of the family settled in Georgia when it was Indian Country (land grants for service during the Rev War). They possibly were slave owners, but I have not seen any slave schedules for them. At least 6 were CSA.
Immigrant direct ancestor from County Roscommon to Savannah in 1840; joined the Georgia Hussars in 1861. No slaves.
I have not owned any slaves therefore do not owe any repatriations. By the way, what is the statute of limitations on reparations, anyway?
Here’s a painting of Mulberry Plantation ca 1800:
If the City of San Francisco is any guide the SOL is 500 years. Note those initials stand for several things.
Pretty sure that LBJ’s “War On Poverty” pretty much covered the tab for 40 acres and a mule several times over.
Hey, Hack Stone’s post actually was published. Of course, he is posting using his iPhone somewhere in Prince George’s County, not from the world corporate headquarters of a proud but humble woman owned business that sells to the federal government formerly located In Bethesda Maryland.
NORAD reset their detection algorithms and look what happened.
My paternal ancestors emigrated from Ireland in the 1730’s. They were farmers, ranchers, and retail merchants for the most part. They never owned any slaves, to my knowledge. Slaves were very expensive and only the wealthy, landed class could afford their purchase and upkeep.
Only 1.4% of free Americans owned slaves in 1860. This accounted for about 20% of households in slave states, although this varied a lot between the states and regions within states. For example Western Virginia had practically no slaves (.4% of total in US) which is why it became West Virginia.
Of that 20%, 75% owned fewer than five slaves. Households is an interesting measure because very few women and practically no children owned slaves. For all practical purposes the rich were the slavers, although not always large land owners.
EVERY ONE of my Ancestors who fought in the Civil War did so for the Union, thus I have NO guilt about slavery in the US.
That was on one side of my Ancestry, on my Maternal side there were Farmers who immigrated from Germany and Poland who were doing all they could to farm and earn a living while getting hit by both Bushwhackers who sympathized with the South as well as the Jayhawkers who were pro-Union and screwed them as well.
They suspended the twice a year dividend at the beginning of the pandemic three years ago. But they waste shareholder (including mine) money on their wokeness.
“Slaves built this country!” Yeah, riiiight, cuz Black people picking cotton, tamed and settled the wilderness, fought the wars, built the cities, harbors, roads, railroads, and every instance of our civilization. And they won the Revolutionary War, defeating the most powerful empire in world at the time and creating a nation. You betcha.
Good Lord, I could only stomach about 30 seconds of that liberal propaganda video, and I think watching it made my IQ drop at least 10 points!
Yeah Disney, keep parroting that shit that only a tiny fraction of the Country wants and continue to nosedive, keep sucking up to the perversity as well as promoting PC Victimhood.
That video needs a “seen” version of this:
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And here lies the problem, most Americans are dumber than dirt. They don’t know history they can’t understand what is going on around them and jump on what ever bandwagon is presently popular. The country many of us old fucks grew up in is gone, and yes it sucks.
Mouse farts.
That’s not how that worked. That’s not how any of that worked…
Indians kept people enslaved way before Europeans got there– don’t hear the “woke”-sters talkin’ about that.
As did Africans
It’s not like slavers were actually cruising around the coast of Africa looking for Kunta Kinte to snatch; they just picked up a load of slaves in exchange for $$$.
Chattel Slavery IS STILL practiced to this day in places like Libya and Sudan which are part of Africa, but dissemination of that fact is *GASP!*, waaayyyycist because it doesn’t fit in with the white guilt propaganda the mess media wants to spread!
That video is sickening. The only problem I’ve got with Disney tanking is that it’s costing me a ton of money because I made the mistake of buying a bunch of their stock as a sure thing. Who would ever have thought it? But screw ‘em: I’ll take the hit if it sends a lesson to other companies.
Got somethin’ for ’em:
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Yeah, ol’ Walt hizself wasn’t much of what we’d consider a conservative, but he was a creative and marketing genius.
Never wanted to go to any of the theme parks. Enjoyed the Walt-touched creations. The rest can (and will) go into the septic tank of history.
If I owned any Disney stock (we don’t – prefer the eeviil petrochemical and firearm types) I’d be hopping mad at how they devalued it.
I have two daughters under the age of 11
disney has lost me and almost everyone I know
left or right with kids
this ship is sinking
Mauswitz nicht gut
Woke Macht Broke
(Sign over gate to Mauswitz, FL)
Just one more reason I would love to go to an ala carte cable system…no more Disney, ABC, ESPN, Nat Geo, FX, all owned by Disney.
No lie, I bet my cable bill would drop by 90% if I could do that, which is exactly why it’ll never happen.
Ef you cee kay eee why em o you ess ee, mickey mouse, mickey mouse. (sing to the above words)
You know, someone ought to give each of those kids a mule. Yeah, a real mule. A mule that they would have to feed, shoe, water; then figure out to turn that mule into dollars and cents before going into bankruptcy.
Most can’t SPELL mule, have no clue what an acre is, and can’t count to forty 6 out of 10 tries without their phone.
Most of these woke wymyn can’t count their balls twice and get the same number.
Fuck WDW and WDL.
I want to go to the All-Points Logistics Kingdom in Merritt Island, FL., where I can get high and pretend to be a Navy SEAL, a Native American or a Law Enforcement Officer for a day while learning to cash in on my claims.
Phil Monkress approves of this message.
Make you wonder who’s keeping this sinking ship afloat
no business I know of can bleed this kind of cash and stay in business