Sunday FGS

| February 26, 2023

Colt Single Action Army

Homeowner, 70, shoots burglar during break-in attempt in North Charleston

by Joseph Erickson
A burglary suspect is recovering after he was shot by a homeowner while breaking into a house in North Charleston, according to an incident report obtained by ABC News 4.

John Jones, 42, was booked into the Al Cannon Detention Center Tuesday evening on one count of 1st degree burglary after spending a few days at the hospital.

Early on the morning of Friday, Feb. 17, officers responded to Cambridge Avenue in reference to a break-in, according to a report. The owner of the home told police that he and a female acquaintance were at a gas station when Jones approached the woman and started an argument.

According to the witness, Jones put the woman in a chokehold, but she was able to get away. The two returned to the home on Cambridge Avenue.

Police say Jones then showed up at the home and proceeded to kick in the screen door and front door.

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ABC News 4

Mr. Jones found out after, you know. It’s no fun when the intended victim is armed. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.
– Socrates

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Hint to criminals, tyrants, and other low-lifes:

Just because a person is in their 70’s does not mean they are an easy target. We don’t get that old by being weak.


“Hey! My gun is down here!”


There’s a gun? Oh…okay…I see it now. Looks as if it may be an example of HMS JMB’s (HBHN) works. Hard to tell with the other distractions.

Sounds as if old boy might have taken dumbasses girl friend away from him. Jones must not of had a “gun” that she liked.

The loser tool lost the debate and then used his slander to get (s)elected.

Gotta shake my head when I watch Wagon Train (circa late 1860s) and see all of the 1873 Colt SAAs being used…along with the 1873 Winchesters. Nobody wielded the Peacemaker on TeeVee/movies gooderer than Matt Dillon and Paladin. (Dillon’s were original 1890’s manufacture, (Gunsmoke was 1880s going by the dates on the Boot Hill tombstones) Paladin’s were custom made for the show).

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Being shot by a 70y.o. is going to give Mr Jones a whole lot of street creds when he’s in prison. NOT!


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove

Old tanker

I admire the caliber of MS Pew Pew there…


Even has good trigger discipline 🙂


She has a weapon?

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I’m thinking .38s

( * )( * )


Uh-oh, is it the Alec Baldwin model that shoots itself? /sarc

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

More proggy insanity:

From book burning to book blah-ing is not an improvement.


All the Brit publishers decided to jump on the trendy “woke” bandwagon.


You know they should do? They should remove all trace and history of racism from the entire United Kingdom. This way history won’t repeat itself and… No reparations.

Ian Fleming is likely spinning in his grave.


Apparently, SMERSH won.