Obama’s passport (Updated 2x; Clinton, McCain, too)

| March 21, 2008

By now, most of my readers already have heard this morning that three different State Department contract workers, within the space of a month, checked out Barak Obama’s personal information contained in the State Department’s data base of passport records (Washington Times link);

The officials, all contract workers, used their authorized computer network access to look up files within the department’s consular affairs section, which processes and stores passport information, and read Mr. Obama’s passport application and other records, in violation of department privacy rules, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.

So they weren’t really State Department employees, were they? But, of course the Obama campaign blames Bush (who are they going to blame next February, for pete’s sake);

The Obama campaign denounced the accessing as “an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years.”

If I were on the Obama campaign, and I’d witnessed the things that have been happening over the last few weeks while he trounced his primary opponent (who by the way, is famous for using government records against her political opponents), I think I’d take a more realistic approach to the breach and blame the people who’ve been leaking stuff about him lately.

If the Bush Administration was really behind it (and I can’t imagine many Bush supporters at the State Department) why wouldn’t they have done it long before now?

Update: Clinton now claims that Secretary Rice told Clinton her passport record was breached, too (Breitbart link).

Update: McCain, too.

Maybe it’d just be easier to list those of us haven’t had their passport records breached. All ya’all are welcome to mine – steal my identity, too. Maybe you’ll have better luck with it than I have.

Welcome Pajamas Media readers.

Category: Politics

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Of course it was Bush because he’s running for re-election this year…

Democrat narratives make you dumber just for having read them.

My question, what’s so damning about his passport records?


Remember that Bush II made a major mistake by not firing all the Clinton people in 2001, and some of them are still dug into the bureaucracy. So why has nobody speculated that these might have been left over Hillary people still doing the sort of things they were so known for. Cui bono? Any chance that one of those individuals might have been named Livingstone?


[…] This Ain’t Hell… says: If the Bush Administration was really behind it (and I can’t imagine many Bush supporters at the […]