“A fish don’t know he’s wet…”

| March 18, 2008

There’s a an old song by George Clinton and the Funkadelics, the title of which escapes me at the moment, but one of the lines is “…a fish don’t know he’s wet…” and that’s the feeling I’ve been getting from Michele and Barack Obama for weeks now. They talk a good game when they stay on script (and Barack never leaves the script), but the people around him like his wife and this Reverend Wright fellow just can’t help betraying Obama to us.

The speech apparently blames us – consumers of the media – for making such a big deal out of the whole thing – but that’s why we accuse him of being the reincarnation of Jimmy Carter. Michele Malkin quotes Obama;

“These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.”

It was delivered rather perfunctorily.

The crowd claps for the first time for this:

“And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come together and solve challenges like health care, or education, or the need to find good jobs for every American.”

Who is retreating? Since the Rodney King trials, every thing that has happened to any Black person has been blamed on white people. It’s not particularly healthy to blame all white people for AIDS and crack. Nor is it constructive to blame people living today for slavery or segregation. Reverend Wright seized on the simple, intellectually vacant platitudes of the Left and used them to build himself a congregation of weak-willed imbeciles looking for excuses for their own poor choices without blaming themselves.

That’s retreating from reality, that’s retreating from real solutions to problems – if a person is raised in a culture that merely blames everyone around them for their problems, how is that person going to accept his own shortcomings and work to rectify his failings?

Obama didn’t see anything wrong with what the Reverend Wright said in church because he’d been raised in that poisonous atmosphere, he was accustomed to it, he didn’t know he wet. Because he’s always been told that hating white people isn’t racist for a black man. Playing the victim has always insulated him from criticism.

From American Pundit;

“to simply wish it away, to condemn it without understanding its roots, only serves to widen the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races.”

“Without understanding it’s roots”? How is regurgitating empty conspiracies helpful? How does it narrow the chasm of misunderstanding? These are all just more empty words. Obama still doesn’t see anything wrong with what Wright preached – it’s our fault for not seeing things his way.

The Backyard Conservative writes;

He says that these “snippets of sermons” are “caricatures” of the Rev. Wright and not the man he knows.

He says to us that it’s wrong to condemn this anger.

It’s wrong to condemn this anti-white, anti-American anger?

That makes me mad.

There’s nothing to understand about an intellectually vacant man who preys on weak-willed people and turns them hate-filled robots – like Obama – who don’t even recognize that they’re hate-filled robots.

From Plumb Bob Blog a simple statement of fact;

He characterizes the entire American experience as “Democracy, sure, but stained by racism.” To me, this explains better than anything else that he could say that he thinks PRECISELY like the Reverend Wright. There’s not the slightest recognition of just how violently different the American experiment in government was from what went before it, the vast ocean of human potential unleashed by the recognition of a divine ordination of self-government. To state the American experiment purely in racial terms is to echo the Reverend Wright. Once he started that way, not a single thing he could say would convince me that he didn’t sit there in Wright’s church the whole 20 years saying “Amen” in his soul, if not with his mouth. Barack Obama is a racist.

Curt at Flopping Aces wrote;

Well, there ya go. It was a remarkable speech……remarkably middle of the road that is. Obama tries to be all things to all people here, on all sides. It contains a bit of distancing from Wrights remarks, a bit of condemnation. He also embraces some of Wrights comments and explains some of them.

The Gateway Pundit;

The fact that Obama twisted his pastor’s offensive and outrageous remarks and made it into a race issue was clever. It doesn’t excuse his pastor or excuse the fact that he sat with the America-hating racist for 20 years, though.
And, the fact that he plays it off like “all of us are at fault” is insulting.

Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs;

Obama believes he can get away with vaguely calling Wright’s statements “fierce criticism of US policy,” and I don’t think that’s going to fly with the majority of Americans.

Atlas Shrugs;

It is painfully clear to me that Obama believes that half of America agrees with G-d damn America Jeremiah Wright and he intends to exploit that hate and play on these terrible, imagine fears. I do not believe he is right. But he is going down the hate mongering ship. Separatism, not inclusion. What unites us is we are Americans, and frankly he just doesn’t get it.

And that’s what escapes everyone these days – even as recently as the 1980s we all pretty much got along as an American culture – there were minuscule divisions, certainly, but nothing on the order that race-baiters and class warfare pimps have created these days. There’s no more shame about personal conduct (watch an hour of “Cops” on Saturday night), there’s no pride in being an honest person (you’re a sucker).

From my favorite blog for a ration of common sense, Bloodthirsty Liberal;

My quarrel is not with the Reverend, who merely says what many seem to think and more than a few want to hear (certainly his parishioners did). My quarrel is with the Senator, who seems to think his pastor’s hateful words were no different from a rabbi’s praising apricot hamentashen over poppy.

Barack Obama may be able to separate his meshugenah minister’s world view from his own, but I can’t. I heard too much, too often, expressed too loudly and too angrily for me to believe the Senator’s claim he never heard it himself. Either he did, or he didn’t. Either he found the comments unobjectionable, or he “strongly disagreed”. Either that’s the end of the story, or there’s context.

But in the world of victimization, it pays to have a racist lunatic on your team. From Moonbattery;

How’s this for horrifying:

Since it became public knowledge that Obama’s close advisor Jeremiah Wright is a race-baiting maniac who noisily denounces America in the most inflammatory terms conceivable, black support for Obama has actually risen in the key Keystone State:

Black voters back Sen. Obama 76 – 18 percent, compared to 69 – 23 percent Feb. 27.

Obama just played to the popular culture hoping that the good old days of last week come back. Back in the days when everyone was scared to criticize him – when he was insulated from criticism by the levels of melanin in his skin.

Category: Society

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Christian Prophet

Barack Obama wants to both eat his cake and have it. He wants voters to rise above race and religion, while appearing religious himself. He is in deep trouble if a spotlight is placed on his own THEOLOGY. See:


And let’s not forget that Obama LIED about hearing the hate speech while attending services. He admitted to hearing it today despite what he said all weekend. I am still trying to figure out where he got the southern accent from.

Buzz Kimball

you sound like a bunch of lilly liver white wossies…

anyway, i voted for Ron Paul.



You’re one of those ‘troofers’ aren’t you?
Still living in your mama’s basement?


If obama doesn’t scare the hell out you…..you need to check your pulse…..
Jeremiah Wright is the worse type of Racist Bigot….He, for some insane reason, thinks that he can spew hatred & racism ….and then blame all the white americans for the bad choices made by the black culture, all because he is black and for some insane reason feels he is entitled to spread this hatred and racism without being responsible for his actions…..And obmama says he never knew….As the saying goes ” Hell, it’s your lie, tell it anyway you want to “


So, any of you people willing to stain your skin dark and wander this wonderful country experiencing it like a black person?

Didn’t think so.

Jonn wrote: And your point? It seems that there’s enough wrong with Obama to vote against him for things other than the levels of melanin in his skin. I’m certainly not voting for him because of the color of skin – that’s just childish.