Scratching his wife’s fleas

| January 12, 2023

This year should be a banner year for the Manchins. Joe is comfortably in office, and his wife gets to oversee $1,200,000,000 her hubby helped bring to the table.

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III backed the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill in December which included a $200 million increase in funding for a commission overseen by his wife.

In March 2021, Gayle Manchin, an educator and former West Virginia official, was initially tapped by President Biden to serve as federal co-chair of the ARC and was unanimously confirmed by the Senate.

The West Virginia senator previously helped craft earlier legislation, following his wife’s 2021 appointment, that allocated $1 billion in funding over five years for the ARC. The funding, part of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, roughly doubled  the ARC’s funding levels.

The ARC is an economic development partnership between the government and 13 Appalachian states that helps distribute federal infrastructure grants.

Fox News via Yahoo

Her committee position pays about $160K annually, which isn’t bad in an area where the median income is less than a third of that. And it seems to be a worthy cause – Biden’s policies cost a LOT of coal miners their jobs, and those mythical computer programming jobs they were told to get do require a bit of training. But there is a heck of a preceptual problem, Joe, when you are the swing voter on legislation which makes your WIFE the biggest rainmaker on the committee.

Like someone said: instead of examining the millionaires who go to Washngton, we should be more interested in looking at the Washington imports who become millionaires whilst on the government payroll. I’ve seen their salaries – that ain’t it.


Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Politics

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They had their opportunity to remove him from office but instead they re-elected him.


It’s the democrat way. Republicans have had their share of shitbags too, we’re just usually far more effective at getting rid of them. Usually.


The Elephant In The Room.

Matt Schlapp.

There are only two people on Earth who know the real, honest truth.

It’s getting dirtier out there…



My shelf of shocked faces is as bare as my field. Wonder how she’s gonna make sure that the Big Guy gets his 10%. Their “shovel ready” jobs are the ones required to shovel all of the taxpayer’s money into their private bank accounts.

Y’all fed up yet?

Green Thumb

Curious as if the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics have got a whiff of this cash….?